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  1. Slayerduck

    Community Discussion - What do you want?

    Do you release how bad it sounds when you say you need all that staff in the org because of: "to understand the rules and not get into any trouble" lol. Also you don't deserve a clean slate, your previous warnings and bans should still count towards your record. Like everyone else actively...
  2. Slayerduck

    Community Discussion - What do you want?

    @Jamal If you think the current state of olsen, together with the majority of staff members being in it even after it was said it wouldn't be remade is a healthy thing for perp you're in serious denial. All this talk about splitting orgs and stuff is completely meaningless if staff itself is...
  3. Slayerduck

    Community Discussion - What do you want?

    @Jamal Its called conflict of interest, together with the severe inconsistency's that were done. I don't hold a grudge, but proving yourself to the community is kinda failing isn't it?
  4. Slayerduck

    Community Discussion - What do you want?

    @Ayjay No, its not a huge want of yours. There is no nerfing big orgs, forcing game mecanics will never work because people will still work together even in other orgs. I can't talk for other staff members but the fact you even think its remotely okay for you to be in Olsen right now is just...
  5. Slayerduck

    Community Discussion - What do you want?

    I don't have a problem with them, the issue is with staff member(s) being inconsistent and instead of making a rival gang to keep things fun actually join olsen. That's the problem here.
  6. Slayerduck

    Community Discussion - What do you want?

    Its not the presence of them that worries me, its the fact you unbanned them and one of the conditions was that olsen would not be remade and that you're in said remade olsen together with a lot of other staff. You're contributing to them killing the server instead of fixing it is the real...
  7. Slayerduck

    Community Discussion - What do you want?

    Be more consistent, one of the key factors for unbanning the folks recently was that the would NOT remake olsen. One day after that, Olsen is back and you're part of it. Olsen was cancer for the community, and its already making a repeat. At later hours not a single cop goes on duty anymore and...
  8. Slayerduck

    Returning to raids as a civilian (5.3)

    Its not a argument, its fact. My AR i made a couple weeks ago is a great example of a whole group. This happens all the time
  9. Slayerduck

    Returning to raids as a civilian (5.3)

    No, because crims simply don't leave. They stick just lingering around to kills more leo's for lulz. Its different if its your own property and you want to defend it but there is no point in returning to a shootout you caused. I do agree with you that perp is seriously unbalanced atm, with cops...
  10. Slayerduck

    Husky's re-introduction

    I remember you, you were nice. Then you joined Olsen, then you became a ultra salty toxic player who spammed IA complaints on me. Welcome back
  11. Slayerduck

    what the point of the ticket

    The reason why tickets exist is so you can cry about it on the forums, it induces salt and salt is funny. Therefor this post is funny
  12. Slayerduck

    What CPU cooler should I get?

    85C max temp peaks with intel's tuning benchmark, all cores at 5Ghz with max boost and BeQuiet Dark Rock Pro 4 Try to keep voltage as low as it goes without crashing, that's the key to low temps
  13. Slayerduck

    te perdono

    te perdono
  14. Slayerduck

    A 2019 bazaar shootout example

    @A1L Firetruck ran over it and launched it out of my view range
  15. Slayerduck

    A 2019 bazaar shootout example

    Can't get them all ;/
  16. Slayerduck

    A 2019 bazaar shootout example

    Did you enjoy your 5 min today? spawned right in a shootout and went straight for the minge :laughcry:
  17. Slayerduck

    A 2019 bazaar shootout example

    Says the guy who minges around bazaar for 10 min just to shoot a cop in the back for no apparent reason :laughcry:
  18. Slayerduck

    A 2019 bazaar shootout example

    You're buying shit, while standing about with a crowbar in your hand with the shooting ACTIVELY GOING ON AND SHOTS BEING FIRED surrounded by piles of moaning corpses at no point try to leave even with shots being fired. You then proceed to crowbar one of the suspects out because you're STILL in...
  19. Slayerduck

    2.4 addition.

    No staff would ever punish you for this, because its like looking for a ban loophole at that point
  20. Slayerduck

    2.4 addition.

    Wylde, nobody cares. You can trade w/e you want for VIP
  21. Slayerduck

    A 2019 bazaar shootout example

    Lemme get this straight, since i'm 0 IQ and all. You minge around in a shootout for a solid 10 min, in that duration you minged bob's gun and actually get hit by a M24 in the meantime (3:12 timestamp) then drop said weapon. Continue minging just to pick it up half a min later and later store it...
  22. Slayerduck

    A 2019 bazaar shootout example

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Slayerduck Oh Yeah Yeah STEAM_0:0:60403285 > Most Noticeable, tries to minge everything he finds and walks around like a chicken during the entire 9 min until he gets wiped. smo STEAM_0:1:2385029 > Walks around visibly unarmed 99% of the shootout. Gets hit by my m24...
  23. Slayerduck

    Rating System

  24. Slayerduck

    Rating System

    imo the simple like system we have now is better lol, if you don't like the post then don't click it
  25. Slayerduck

    5.5 - Robbing the bank

    Bank robbery's are almost always won by crims with 75%+ winrate, if you fail at doing them you are in the minority and instead of forcing game mechanics in your favor you should adjust your tactics.
  26. Slayerduck

    #SaveYourInternet #DeleteArt13

    Silly rogue, this doesn't effect users but instead effects the platform where content is being uploaded. Aka you upload a image on perpheads forum and said copyright owner could sue perp or force them to pay damaging fee's for licenses
  27. Slayerduck

    5.5 - Robbing the bank

    Or you should maybe, you know... defend the actual drill? Why would you leave it unattended? How would police know robbers are still alive in the 'vicinity'? Stop sending 75% out to flank instead of doing the actual robbery?
  28. Slayerduck


    Your Steam/In-game Name: slayerduck His/Her Steam/In-game Name: @Nafe Nafe His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:80532056 Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4 acted like a human shield for his ch buddy for the sole reason to grab some guns (drugs were never involved, fuck if i know who he's even...
  29. Slayerduck

    AR on Bob Bobov + 2 other officers (Refused to provide name)

    My order was redundant to, even if i wasn't on duty the hostage negotiations would have stopped as soon as you shot the officer. The 'butthurt' people in the comment section are most likely not very butthurt but just see your AR from a non-salty perspective. Maybe if someone made a similar AR...
  30. Slayerduck

    AR on Bob Bobov + 2 other officers (Refused to provide name)

    I don't have much to add what the two above me said but yeah, hostage situation at projects and as i was going to the scene bob died. Over radio i said hostage situation is over, shoot to kill or something among those lines. As you have demonstrated you had no intention to negotiate when you...