AR on Bob Bobov + 2 other officers (Refused to provide name)

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This is a bit longer than usual, which I apologize for! I just got very salty and wish to give a detailed description

Your Steam/In-game Name
: Vladmir Gregor / Akusueru Yukimura
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Google Chrome / Bob Bobov
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:191086074
Why Should This Player Be Punished
: (Listing all potential reasons)
-3.4: In my opinion, I believe Bob put his own life at risk during this video below through constantly peeking me with his shotgun out, being a constant threat to a hostage taker. During this, he also calls for backup numerous times, refusing to follow my orders (To drop his gun.)
He at one point exceeded the limits by pushing out too far on the staircase, potentially trying to angle himself for a shot. With this, he attempted to shoot me with a shotgun medium range with a hostage being inches away from the hostage taker.

-3.6: As mentioned above, he put his own life by being a constant threat (By peeking me with his shotgun and refusing my orders during hostage situation). He was in constant range, and yet tested his limits, until he angled himself to shoot me (potentially), so I had to kill him.

Evidence (Demo Required):
Tick: 48.000 - 52.800

Additional Notes:

I lost my AK-101 because I had to shoot Bob (As mentioned above) and wonder if it could be potential refund?

Also, the two officers are still unknown, but I assume they got orders to rush in (No idea...) but if I could get the demo from one of the officers from this time telling them to push in as a solo unit? Judging by the sound of cars, only 1 car pulled in (Cruiser) and only two officers were visible. (I wish to make an IA if they were ordered)
Your pausing and talking was a bit tedious.

Anyways, your hostage situtation didn't go as planned because you decided to take out the officer.

We were ordered by the lieutenant (@Slayerduck) to take you out because we seen our officer was killed, and therefore all demands for the hostage were thrown out the window. Yes i know "the officer tried to get an angle on me" made you worry about your life, but im sure @Google Chrome or Bob Bobov knew better not to shoot you and fullfil the demands as a corporal. He also did have the right to have his gun up and aiming at you in case you did something not according to plan.

Here's a tip for the future if you want to do hostage sits.
  • DON'T SHOOT at police
  • demand money and money only max is probably 10k
  • if you want to leave the place without blood on either side let the police know of your demand via 911.
  • you're in command when having a hostage

Because you decided to shoot your ak-101 and killed an officer the cops were ordered to terminate the hostage taker.

Next time don't shoot your gun at all (or else the cops will think u killed the hostage) and roleplay the sit. If they break rp then file an IA complaint.

Please submit an IA via: this will probably be denied
dumbest AR I have ever seen Idk what to say you gp the medic and take him hostage do you think I will just give myself to you as well to be taken hostage so I die as well with him that just seems so dumb
I don't have much to add what the two above me said but yeah, hostage situation at projects and as i was going to the scene bob died. Over radio i said hostage situation is over, shoot to kill or something among those lines. As you have demonstrated you had no intention to negotiate when you killed the officer. You can make an IA on me. Although i can tell you it would be a waste of time for both you and me as it will get exonerated without a doubt.

Bob acted within policies, he was alone on scene and if he didn't have his gun out you would have taken him hostage to.
i rushed in because i knew i could tap you (like i did) with my godly aim

pew pew
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a Lieutenant told us over the radio, "hostage situation is over, shoot to kill." So me and 2 other officers rushed in and shoot you.
Well if the Lieutenant gave the order, then the two officers did nothing wrong.

I was suggested in private to make an IA on Bob with the same footage, so I will head over to the IA section and provide it there (With the reasons stated in the private messages)

And also, I do not understand why majority of the people in this AR are so butthurt in the comment sections... If you felt like you did nothing wrong, there's no need what so ever to start "flaming" and be a douchbag about it. Out of my perspective, Bob Bobov got the medic killed alongside 1-2 other officers (2-3 if we include himself).
My order was redundant to, even if i wasn't on duty the hostage negotiations would have stopped as soon as you shot the officer. The 'butthurt' people in the comment section are most likely not very butthurt but just see your AR from a non-salty perspective. Maybe if someone made a similar AR you'd laugh at it it to, considering they all validly justified their actions and both the AR and IA will get denied.

Why you even went in after the police finished the raid and killed all your friends is beyond me, what are the chances of your drugs still being there when officers are already clearing up? And there must have been zero contact from your friends inside to, so you're going in blind alone with no intel. Who's really breaking 3.4/3.6 in this situation?

As I can see hostage sit didn’t go to plan also looking though the logs the police was there for sometime cleaning up the apartment so the chances of your mates or any equipment you would of had in there would of be confiscated your intentions wasn’t clear at all.
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