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  1. Puffy Sandvich

    Free VIP for ban disputes

    I think making staff pay for it is excessive. However I believe it's not too far fetched to compensate for error. Yes you are human, I get that. But it's completely irrelevant. The server made a mistake, the server can compensate you for it.
  2. Puffy Sandvich

    Free VIP for ban disputes

  3. Puffy Sandvich

    Free VIP for ban disputes

    You are given one thing which is more or less necessary to play the game (physgun). All the other stuff is bonus, but the physics gun is nearly necessary to have any kind of store due to the inability to freeze props without it. I'd argue donation is not really a donation anymore, as you are...
  4. Puffy Sandvich

    Free VIP for ban disputes

    I'm not really either, but I feel that for a lot of people this would help ease their minds about it, and possibly even encourage people to get VIP if they knew that as long as they didn't break the rules they'd be fine.
  5. Puffy Sandvich

    Free VIP for ban disputes

    I think if you've been falsely accused, and charged with something you didn't do. This is the least the staff can do for you.
  6. Puffy Sandvich

    Free VIP for ban disputes

    Yeah I don't mean if it's withholding evidence, because at that point, it is their fault that they got banned. :p
  7. Puffy Sandvich

    Car Boots

    Main idea: Allow boots to be removed with a crowbar Description: Allow players to remove car boots from any vehicle with a crowbar, allowing them access to their vehicle again. (Also add a law that clearly states that it is illegal to remove a car boot from a car, or amend vandalism, as you...
  8. Puffy Sandvich

    Free VIP for ban disputes Main idea: If a player makes a ban appeal and is found to have been banned from the server invalidly, give them one week of premium for free, plus refund the premium they lost. Description: This could be seen as the way...
  9. Puffy Sandvich

    Stats survey.

    IF you want to help me out, fill this out. It'd be appreciated Google forms
  10. Puffy Sandvich

    Hello there

    Hey dude, good to see you again. This time please don't shoot me and take my drugs when i'm basing with you :D
  11. Puffy Sandvich

    Vault of Memes Applications for Silver Vault Membership

    This is not even remotely what this forum is for
  12. Puffy Sandvich

    Billy Ray.

    I'm not sure if serious is the word I'd use but he's certainly an interesting factor to add to the server. I think that he's been doing a pretty good job at making the server a funnier place
  13. Puffy Sandvich

    Me revving my car for funsies

    I want an Audi very badly, however I can't really afford one.
  14. Puffy Sandvich

    Me revving my car for funsies

    I've been thinking about it. I like Automatic cars for convenience but a standard might be nice to have for the extra MPG
  15. Puffy Sandvich

    Me revving my car for funsies

    The car is a hand-me down until I can get my own full time. I'm thinking of going honda, they last like hell.
  16. Puffy Sandvich

    Me revving my car for funsies

    Lol it really is. The thing needs to go in for work every month or two, and I can't fix the damn stuff myself because I don't have heavy equipment. Volkswagen sure knows how to make you keep coming back to them.
  17. Puffy Sandvich

    Me revving my car for funsies

    thermometer has three settings "Cold as fuck/engine broke" "nothing" and "car's about to stall out brb"
  18. Puffy Sandvich

    Me revving my car for funsies

    I thought I'd have fun and rev my car in the driveway, and now I'm pretty curious. If anyone thinks they've got themselves a good sounding car, give it a rev and post it here!
  19. Puffy Sandvich

    Occasionally, not very often though.

    Occasionally, not very often though.
  20. Puffy Sandvich

    I've seen it with my own two eyes. A woman, endlessly spinning in a parking lot. But you cant...

    I've seen it with my own two eyes. A woman, endlessly spinning in a parking lot. But you cant watch for too long... If you do.. You hear her cry.. "THE FUCK ARE YE' DOIN' YE' NOB!"
  21. Puffy Sandvich

    'Janice Till You're Dead'

    Can confirm
  22. Puffy Sandvich

    Right of Way

    I wish we had more rotaries here in America. They work so much better
  23. Puffy Sandvich


    Yeh, it's more the 'embarassing' thing than the 'legal' thing cuz I already knew your age lellllllll
  24. Puffy Sandvich

    uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh there go my chances of becoming an enforcer

    uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh there go my chances of becoming an enforcer
  25. Puffy Sandvich

    Right of Way

    I know this IRL ofc, I just think having it documented in the laws would be a good idea.
  26. Puffy Sandvich


    yeeeee but given the latest scandal involving me i'm gonna go die now RIPPPPP
  27. Puffy Sandvich

    Right of Way

    In america it's just explained in a really specific way. Instead of giving a general rule of thumb like @Alabin we are just explained every possible scenario.
  28. Puffy Sandvich

    'Janice Till You're Dead'

    Top quality Janice meme "Paralake Police Department" "'At's nice this is Janice McGlinchy! O'shit! Should notta said that!"
  29. Puffy Sandvich

    When punishing players.

    Agree 100%, common sense rule that'll only make the server a more transparent and better place.
  30. Puffy Sandvich

    hi im aquaa

    Haven't seen you before I don't think. You seem like a cool guy though with a good sense of humor, I can't wait to see you around. Welcome back!