Free VIP for ban disputes

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Main idea: If a player makes a ban appeal and is found to have been banned from the server invalidly, give them one week of premium for free, plus refund the premium they lost.

Description: This could be seen as the way of "reimbursing" players for the false ban and would help make up for the time they lost on the server. NOTE: This is for ban DISPUTES not ban APOLOGIES

Pros: Apologizes to falsely banned players
Helps make up for lost time
Will at least "refund" the premium they lost during the false ban.

Cons: Less revenue for the server
As previously pointed out. This can be abused, by the player failing to provide crucial information.

If it's false due to the staff member making a mistake, then sure.
As previously pointed out. This can be abused, by the player failing to provide crucial information.

If it's false due to the staff member making a mistake, then sure.

Yeah I don't mean if it's withholding evidence, because at that point, it is their fault that they got banned. :p
I agree with refunding the VIP time they lost but I disagree with the "compensation".
I agree with refunding the VIP time they lost but I disagree with the "compensation".

I think if you've been falsely accused, and charged with something you didn't do. This is the least the staff can do for you.
Well whatever, personally I'm not into requesting additional stuff, an apology is enough for me. Guess it's just me though.
Well whatever, personally I'm not into requesting additional stuff, an apology is enough for me. Guess it's just me though.

I'm not really either, but I feel that for a lot of people this would help ease their minds about it, and possibly even encourage people to get VIP if they knew that as long as they didn't break the rules they'd be fine.
I think if you've been falsely accused, and charged with something you didn't do. This is the least the staff can do for you.
If you got banned in a false way we're not gonna give you more Premium days, rather just refund you the days you lost, however it would be a lot of work for Fredy which I don't think he wants.

Like seriously what you have to understand is that even though if we ban someone and the ban turns out to be false doesn't mean we can just compensate them a full week of premium, just give them the premium they lost in the first place of the ban.

That's the "least" we can do I suppose

Also; You don't need to put words in bold for people to read them xoxo
If you got banned in a false way we're not gonna give you more Premium days, rather just refund you the days you lost, however it would be a lot of work for Fredy which I don't think he wants.

Like seriously what you have to understand is that even though if we ban someone and the ban turns out to be false doesn't mean we can just compensate them a full week of premium, just give them the premium they lost in the first place of the ban.

That's the "least" we can do I suppose

Also; You don't need to put words in bold for people to read them xoxo
I do believe that there should be compensation to it. After all, if it's your mistake, the player should get a refund in either money in something other valuable for the time he's been banned due to the staff member's ability to properly deal with it.

If it's the player's fault for the false outcome, then I disagree to any compensation as it's their fault.
I do believe that there should be compensation to it. After all, if it's your mistake, the player should get a refund in either money in something other valuable for the time he's been banned due to the staff member's ability to properly deal with it.

If it's the player's fault for the false outcome, then I disagree to any compensation as it's their fault.
Ban disputes are being dealt with rather fast. Do you really want a compensation for not being able to play for like 3-4 days?
technically speaking you donate money to a server because you appreciate the work that has gone into making it. As a reward for donating you get some extra features as a thank you from the creators. So i dont agree with this, it was your choice to give your money away at the end of the day
You are given one thing which is more or less necessary to play the game (physgun). All the other stuff is bonus, but the physics gun is nearly necessary to have any kind of store due to the inability to freeze props without it. I'd argue donation is not really a donation anymore, as you are purchasing a product more or less.
I do believe that there should be compensation to it. After all, if it's your mistake, the player should get a refund in either money in something other valuable for the time he's been banned due to the staff member's ability to properly deal with it.

If it's the player's fault for the false outcome, then I disagree to any compensation as it's their fault.
So you can't see through the fact that we judge situations incorrectly sometimes and point out that we don't do our job properly if we ban someone and the dispute gets accepted?

There's been several situations where you we've had both users and staff members in need of someone else looking into the situation to consider if the situation was correctly judged or not, I mean we as staff members are also humans and we look at things differently and sometimes we also make mistakes, and don't take it in the wrong way but I have no issues with giving the person back the time they lost while they were banned if the ban was false, but I don't see why we would give them an extra week, that just means people are gonna be pushing more disputes out for useless shit, I mean some might even hold back on information just for an extra week of premium membership, I think the whole suggestion because of that is flawed.
You are given one thing which is more or less necessary to play the game (physgun). All the other stuff is bonus, but the physics gun is nearly necessary to have any kind of store due to the inability to freeze props without it. I'd argue donation is not really a donation anymore, as you are purchasing a product more or less.
You're donating for the server to stay alive, because you do that you get a premium membership of X amount of time. You don't buy it, you donate and get extra privileges
So you can't see through the fact that we judge situations incorrectly sometimes and point out that we don't do our job properly if we ban someone and the dispute gets accepted?

There's been several situations where you we've had both users and staff members in need of someone else looking into the situation to consider if the situation was correctly judged or not, I mean we as staff members are also humans and we look at things differently and sometimes we also make mistakes, and don't take it in the wrong way but I have no issues with giving the person back the time they lost while they were banned if the ban was false, but I don't see why we would give them an extra week, that just means people are gonna be pushing more disputes out for useless shit, I mean some might even hold back on information just for an extra week of premium membership, I think the whole suggestion because of that is flawed.

Yeah I don't mean if it's withholding evidence, because at that point, it is their fault that they got banned. :p
We can't enforce that though, there's been several times where I've watched through situations and I've seen things that I didn't point out in the situation that led to a conclusion for the situation to be resolved.
So you can't see through the fact that we judge situations incorrectly sometimes and point out that we don't do our job properly if we ban someone and the dispute gets accepted?

There's been several situations where you we've had both users and staff members in need of someone else looking into the situation to consider if the situation was correctly judged or not, I mean we as staff members are also humans and we look at things differently and sometimes we also make mistakes, and don't take it in the wrong way but I have no issues with giving the person back the time they lost while they were banned if the ban was false, but I don't see why we would give them an extra week, that just means people are gonna be pushing more disputes out for useless shit, I mean some might even hold back on information just for an extra week of premium membership, I think the whole suggestion because of that is flawed.
I just think it's a bit ironic using the "Staff are people too" excuse. Yes, I know they are.
But so are players.... But no staff (that I heard) has ever said that.
I could go into a deep argument here. But the point is. If you wanna excuse a situation that was YOUR mistake and you banned a user and probably forbid him from playing the server for A WEEK. Do you not believe there should be some kind of compensation. At least 19k. 1/4 of the value of premium with ingame money.
Might as well pay from your own pocket since it was YOUR mistake. And that player was as human as you are. Not only would this be a punishment towards the staff member, it would also be a reminder to properly deal with those situations next time.
I just think it's a bit ironic using the "Staff are people too" excuse. Yes, I know they are.
But so are players.... But no staff (that I heard) has ever said that.
I could go into a deep argument here. But the point is. If you wanna excuse a situation that was YOUR mistake and you banned a user and probably forbid him from playing the server for A WEEK. Do you not believe there should be some kind of compensation. At least 19k. 1/4 of the value of premium with ingame money.
Might as well pay from your own pocket since it was YOUR mistake. And that player was as human as you are. Not only would this be a punishment towards the staff member, it would also be a reminder to properly deal with those situations next time.

I think making staff pay for it is excessive. However I believe it's not too far fetched to compensate for error. Yes you are human, I get that. But it's completely irrelevant. The server made a mistake, the server can compensate you for it.
I just think it's a bit ironic using the "Staff are people too" excuse. Yes, I know they are.
But so are players.... But no staff (that I heard) has ever said that.
I could go into a deep argument here. But the point is. If you wanna excuse a situation that was YOUR mistake and you banned a user and probably forbid him from playing the server for A WEEK. Do you not believe there should be some kind of compensation. At least 19k. 1/4 of the value of premium with ingame money.
Might as well pay from your own pocket since it was YOUR mistake. And that player was as human as you are. Not only would this be a punishment towards the staff member, it would also be a reminder to properly deal with those situations next time.
If I forbid him to play for a week he has the right to get his week back imo, i'm just saying if someone gets banned then unbanned cus of a dispute we should not hand them one week as compensation plus the time they were off the server. If we should make it so that we pay the players back, let's remove the refund function and make players pay out of their own cash?
If I forbid him to play for a week he has the right to get his week back imo, i'm just saying if someone gets banned then unbanned cus of a dispute we should not hand them one week as compensation plus the time they were off the server. If we should make it so that we pay the players back, let's remove the refund function and make players pay out of their own cash?
Hmm. So I guess you don't want to pay out of your own pocket. What do you say about getting banned for the same amount as the player was. Quite a good compensation.
It'll make you make sure before banning a player when you're not completely sure about the ban.

edit: By that I meant if you ban a user for 1 month, he spends a day banned and his dispute gets accepted: You get a 1 day ban.
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