Search results

  1. Puffy Sandvich

    AR on Fetusdeltus

    I'd recommend you post the un redacted screenshot, as well as some more context. Staff might not take half the picture as sufficient evidence, as you may have done just this to him as well and started it. It's always best to provide as much context and possible (and regardless of whether or not...
  2. Puffy Sandvich

    Rule 1.4 Co-operation and Evasion (Staff discretion?)

    I don't believe that this was a breach of 1.4. Instead I believe it was a stupid thing to do, but hardly something that I'd ban someone for a week for. I would dispute it again however because this is not a breach of 1.4 as defined. The rules should not need to be interpreted in complex manners...
  3. Puffy Sandvich

    Garry's Mod Perpheads: Bad Drivers/Crashes Compilation #16

  4. Puffy Sandvich

    My car gone fugly

    I've had smooth metallic paint before on a Prius, but this is awful XD
  5. Puffy Sandvich

    My car gone fugly

    Your in-game name: Puffy Sandvich Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:51937904 What do you need refunded: 160k for Smooth Metallic paint Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Just take a look at the difference here and you'll see why(It's applying the wrong sheen to the car) Will be making a bug report...
  6. Puffy Sandvich

    Uber App (Suggestion)

    If we made it so you can't mug your 'uber' driver, I wouldn't mind replacing the taxi job with that. That way you could do other things at the same time. However, it would have to pay more than the taxi currently does (Per ride) as fuel in perp is very exensive.
  7. Puffy Sandvich

    Uber App (Suggestion)

    Only problem is, this is basically the "get mugged" app because of the way pero is. Even when I was taxi people would get a ride to forest then GP you for their money back. I don't know, I love the idea, but I'm not sure it could be executed well ik perp.
  8. Puffy Sandvich


    (Posted at OP's request) Your Steam/In-game Name: His/Her Steam/In-game Name: His/Her SteamID: Why Should This Player Be Punished: Evidence (Demo Required): Tick:
  9. Puffy Sandvich

    Im leaving, mass item giveaway and 9 million dollars

    lol like you're actually giving it away anyway
  10. Puffy Sandvich

    Im leaving, mass item giveaway and 9 million dollars

    Could I have a share of it?
  11. Puffy Sandvich

    I'm an american youtube viewer. Does that count?

    I'm an american youtube viewer. Does that count?
  12. Puffy Sandvich


    While the majority of my fun comes from multi-player games, every once in a while I have a to just take some alone time and de stress with a good single player game.
  13. Puffy Sandvich

    Gmod Keeps Crashing.

    This has caused me crashes before. I definitely recommend disabling, and even removing other add-ons if you can.
  14. Puffy Sandvich

    Gmod Keeps Crashing.

    Regardless of whether it can run it, stuff can still pop up and cause problems like directx, things running in the background, etc. PAYDAY 2 doesn't always launch if you launched WATCH_DOGS without restarting your pc in between. So crash logs are important.
  15. Puffy Sandvich


    I don't pirate games :p
  16. Puffy Sandvich


    I've been thinking about buying this game lately for both standard play AND room scale VR play. Anyone else here who owns it able to tell me if it's worth it for one (or both) and whether it is worth paying full price? (random steam reviews I do not trust.)
  17. Puffy Sandvich

    Gmod Keeps Crashing.

    I'm not sure then, are there any console errors or crash logs that you can pull?
  18. Puffy Sandvich

    Gmod Keeps Crashing.

    Have you tried verifying the game cache? You could also try reinstalling the content by manually deleting it from the folder. Sometimes the content causes unusual problems.
  19. Puffy Sandvich


    @Garret_Pp Is a fantastic officer. He did a good job taking control of the situation with a stabbing at slums and yelling at an officer for shooting him. He also has been giving me feedback outside of ORs on how to improve myself. He's quite easily one of the best members of the department as he...
  20. Puffy Sandvich

    Happy birthday! PLP needs to come back so we can arrange a massive celebration for you <3

    Happy birthday! PLP needs to come back so we can arrange a massive celebration for you <3
  21. Puffy Sandvich

    I'm scared I can't tell if your funny rating was genuine or if it was ironic lol

    I'm scared I can't tell if your funny rating was genuine or if it was ironic lol
  22. Puffy Sandvich


    I don't believe I know you. I don't know anyone from Maine lol
  23. Puffy Sandvich

    I am confused, and intrigued. Please elaboratr

    I am confused, and intrigued. Please elaboratr
  24. Puffy Sandvich


    I've had bad experience with the sort of stick/clip on microphones but if you've found a good one that's great. Regardless I cannot recommend the blue snowball enough.
  25. Puffy Sandvich

    Puffy's Daily Polls: Today's topic, Banter

    OK the dumb rating was enough for me to get your message thank you.
  26. Puffy Sandvich

    Puffy's Daily Polls: Today's topic, Banter

    Banter on the Perpheads server is usually players intentionally breaking the rules In a way that only effects their friends who have agreed to the banter. Such ways may include pushing their car out of parking or stabbing them randomly etc. Banter used to be a pretty common sight in the sever...
  27. Puffy Sandvich


    I wish I'd been in Cardiff then for my years. I've had grades since I was in kindergarten lol.
  28. Puffy Sandvich


    I don't know what school you went to if you didn't have grades in 7th grade.
  29. Puffy Sandvich

    Reducing assisting wait time. [5.3]

    Police departments can call in backup from the state, or other towns if necessary. If it gets to it, even the national guard (in the US). Now I don't think defenders should be allowed back either, but cops should just because of the fact that realistically (again, at least in the US) if the...
  30. Puffy Sandvich


    Figured it was about time for an update.