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  1. PhlyTrikx

    Police Badges

    As said by Daymon, it's not even close to being a priority and let's face it: why make this when you can just act like you're showing your badge with /me? Just bind it and it'll be even quicker than with an actual badge ;)
  2. PhlyTrikx


    Hey there. Have fun and watch out for creepy people.
  3. PhlyTrikx

    Wow I r8 8/8 for profile pic good sir.

    Wow I r8 8/8 for profile pic good sir.
  4. PhlyTrikx


  5. PhlyTrikx

    Steam is racist

    That's because Steam is run by the KKK. No wonder :p But seriously though get that picture out of my face it scares me.
  6. PhlyTrikx

    The ability to put people in the boot/trunk of the car!

    I can already see this being abused. And might be complicated to put in. I'mma go +/- Neutral
  7. PhlyTrikx

    A note from your favorite Frenchman

    So I know some of you are thinking: Who the flying fuck is this guy? (pun intended) Well basically I first joined the server in Nov. 2013 bla bla bla took a break rejoined in Jan. 2014 got a week's playtime bla bla bla became Enforcer bla bla bla became inactive and got demoted because of said...
  8. PhlyTrikx

    PERPHeads Tekkit - Team Industry Battle!

    Team Name: Big Women Team Slogan: Big Money, Big Women, Big Fun Team Focus (give a rough idea of what you will be doing): We will be making big money and having big fun with big women. Team Emblem: none right now Confirmed Team Members (update as changed): -@PhlyTrikx Minecraft IGN: JumboOlive...
  9. PhlyTrikx

    It's all ogre now :P

    It's all ogre now :P
  10. PhlyTrikx

    I wouldn't say hate. We never played much eith each other IC. Mostly talked through TS3

    I wouldn't say hate. We never played much eith each other IC. Mostly talked through TS3
  11. PhlyTrikx

    Hey there Arronn

    Hey there Arronn
  12. PhlyTrikx

    After almost a year, it's time.

    Aye lad, go ride some elephants. You were a great guy for the time that I knew you.
  13. PhlyTrikx

    A little game!

    He think he cooool cause he jesus and all you know.
  14. PhlyTrikx

    Upcoming Server Update

    Makes me wish I could come back. Finally indicators :)
  15. PhlyTrikx

    Official Goodbye

    Well, it's official, I won't be coming back to the server. I won't be stating why as I've already said why in previous threads, and I can't be bothered to explain it all again. I just wanted to let you guys know that I've loved my time on the server, as a player and enforcer, and I will miss you...
  16. PhlyTrikx

    How 2 Gunpoint

    Mayun, why didn't you make this before. Would've helped alot of people. Anyways, good on you for making it now. Keep on, Trashdick.
  17. PhlyTrikx

    Black Jesus's Leave

    You will be missed Black Jebus. Have fun with the inferior programming language that is C++ (Java is the best mate). :)
  18. PhlyTrikx

    EVIL's Resignation

    I understand your resignation. Welcome to the club of former enforcers mate (although you were mod as well :) )
  19. PhlyTrikx

    Belg's inactivity notice

    See you (maybe) then. Hope you have as much as fun as is possible with your parents. ;)
  20. PhlyTrikx

    An Emperor in Holydays

    As a French man, I salute you, Emperor of the French, King and President of Italy, Protector of the Rhine Confederation and former First Consul of the French Republic. Now I shall quote thee: "Impossible is not French" -Napoleon Bonaparte (Napoleon I) And have fun buddy!
  21. PhlyTrikx

    Grats on Moderator Senlin! Will be on over the next few days :)

    Grats on Moderator Senlin! Will be on over the next few days :)
  22. PhlyTrikx

    Hey, I might get on over the next few days. Should be fun ;)

    Hey, I might get on over the next few days. Should be fun ;)
  23. PhlyTrikx

    New Forum comes with a New Website ;)

    I've just updated my bucket list and added: -Change name to Ugur You're such a cool guy tho
  24. PhlyTrikx

    Hello there!

    Welcome to the community! Hope you have fun here, I'm sure you will. :)
  25. PhlyTrikx

    Thread for documents of encounters with and the discussion of the green justice orbs.

    Are you telling me Louis XVI was never decapitated, he was just kidnapped only to be sent into the future? :o
  26. PhlyTrikx

    Thread for documents of encounters with and the discussion of the green justice orbs.

    Well for them to have been installed by the Illuminati, the Illuminati would have to actually exist, which is not the case as of the late 1700s. :)
  27. PhlyTrikx

    My gmod crashed

    Does this only happen when you try to join our server specifically?
  28. PhlyTrikx

    A little game!

    Hat trick