Search results

  1. Wescott

    Best place to go on holiday?

    Greece is a great place, I've been to Santorini before and it's stunning, a ton of stairs though. Good food and atmosphere. Amsterdam is great if your want to get stoned or trip balls but other than that there isn't much to do there other than party and visit Anne Franks house. Germany I found...
  2. Wescott

    Hodgparjor (Orson Coffey)

    That explains yesterday XD
  3. Wescott

    Who is winning the premier league and champions league?

    Well they won’t get relegated but they’re slowly losing their title as a major club.
  4. Wescott

    Who is winning the premier league and champions league?

    Best team in the prem, just having a little rough patch but Klopp will bring it back next season. I reckon we'll still finish somewhere in the top 4.
  5. Wescott

    Action Request (MacHams)

    Let me see if someone else who was there has the clip because you can't hear my voice in my demo recordings.
  6. Wescott

    Action Request (MacHams)

    There was, the others would attest to me telling them to give the money back but at the point I was aware they actually mugged you and took your money you had ran off. I can provide video of us all running out to try and find you to give it back in addition to informing them to no mug people on...
  7. Wescott

    Action Request (MacHams)

    Okay other than telling them not to do it and find and return your stuff what else could I of done? If I was to shoot at four armed guys to defend you I wouldn’t be following 3.4, I’m not even sure I had a gun in me at the time. If I had no possible way to prevent it and took every action...
  8. Wescott

    Action Request (MacHams)

    During this whole thing I was crafting and not really paying attention, if I was involved or interacting with the guy who was zip-tied then I can understand why the shop could be burnt down. You wouldn't torch someones bazaar or business shop if you were mugged on their open property by someone...
  9. Wescott

    Map Suggestion Intersection: Protected left turns

    I would agree but changing it to not be from highway to city but the city (hospital and PD) to highway to turn either direction.
  10. Wescott

    Bug Report (2 Token Spins Not Paying Correctly)

    Type of Bug: Content Description of the Bug: 2 Token Spins Not Paying Correctly How to reproduce the Bug: 1. Go on a 5k per credit machine. 2. Select two credits per spin (10k). 3. Spin and win It only paid for one credit, I lost around a million throughout the spins. Time Stamp: 3/4pm...
  11. Wescott

    Do you enjoy 128 slots?

    I think the 128 slots work 60% of the time. Connection and lag don't seem to be the issue, though; for the last six weeks I've been playing from Singapore, 11,000 KM from where the server is hosted and I don't get above 250 ping while playing from a laptop in a hotel, I think as long as you...
  12. Wescott

    B&Q (22/04/2023)

    Funnily enough you didn't XD
  13. Wescott

    Action Request (MacHams)

    Your Steam Name: Wescott Your Roleplay Name: Oliver Wescott Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:86412001 Player's Steam Name: MacHams Player's Roleplay Name: Machams Murphy Player's SteamID: Why should this player be punished?: 2.5 -I had a large shop set up at...
  14. Wescott

    B&Q (22/04/2023)

  15. Wescott

    B&Q (22/04/2023)

    Finally open after a short delay!
  16. Wescott

    The Best Airline

    Of course, my bad forgot about this prestigious airline
  17. Wescott

    The Best Airline

    They are amazing, the flight attendants are very accommodating and friendly. I've only flown with them once last year but I'm in Singapore now for work and have my flight back is booked next Friday with them so I'm looking forward to it. I agree the pricing is definitely at a premium but you...
  18. Wescott

    The Best Airline

    I travel stupid amounts a year for work, I spend 9 to 10 month a year out of the country, it had gotten so much that I relocated to Dubai to save on the effort with the flights as it is often the midpoint between where I travel mostly (between Europe and Asia). With all my travels I've flown...
  19. Wescott

    Server Suggestion Advanced Crafting Table

    Suggestion Title: Advanced Crafting Table Suggestion Description: After grinding firearm crafting for the last week, I've realised how painful it is to ensure you've got all the materials in your inventory. If you're crafting several items, you find yourself running back and forth from your...
  20. Wescott


    I understand where you're coming from but when you die you are subject to 3.5 NLR, you can't use any information from your previous life in your new one so you seeing him and shooting him after he killed you would most definitely be classed as RDM. He had no way of knowing you had died so him...
  21. Wescott

    B&Q (22/04/2023)

    B&Q Pop Up Furniture Store Date: 22/04/2023 Time: 12:00 BST Midday Location: Hungriges Status: Open Background: I will be doing a pop up B&Q furniture store at puffer mart on Saturday the 22nd of April 2023. This comes after the sheer amount of requests for furniture and other bits and bobs...
  22. Wescott

    What do you drive?

    Mine from first to current are UK 2018 - 2020 1. Vauxhall (Opel) Adam (Sold) 2. Vauxhall (Opel) Corsa (Sold) 2020 - 2022 3. BMW 2 series Coupe 220i (Sold) 4. Vauxhall Insignia named Sheila after the car dealer I nearly ran over when picking it up (Sold) 2022-Present 5. Land Rover Range Rover...
  23. Wescott

    Hodgparjor (Orson Coffey)

    I would like to recommend or at least give some recognition to @Hodgparjor for his outstanding roleplay and friendliness to new members of the community. He has been an outstanding guide to new officers in the PLPD, he's always there to offer support and advice in addition to never turning down...
  24. Wescott

    Before and Now

    Yeah I get it. Life is too short, you’ve gotta enjoy it. I know I sound like a middle age man but it’s true XD
  25. Wescott

    Before and Now

    Ahaha it becomes second nature XD. Hopefully they sort it out soon!
  26. Wescott

    Before and Now

    Sorry to hear that but there is always light at the end of tunnel, stick with your dreams and aim high and you can only ever miss by a small amount so aim as high as you can.
  27. Wescott

    Before and Now

    I joined back in 2015 at the age of 14 and now I’m 22 and about to turn 23. Gmod was the first game I owned and PH was the first server I played. I still remember a lot of the OG members and I’ve had one main question on my mind and I feel it would be great to ask everyone. Where/what stage...
  28. Wescott

    Server Suggestion Re-Armour From Your Police Car & Revamped Armour

    To be honest I completely understand where you are coming from but I feel that if there are additional steps taken such as limiting it to SO+ in additional to policies would negate the majority of these issues. There are loads of rules people follow while on-duty, like picking up weapons in an...