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  1. DRift

    Sorry Guys...

    Sorry everyone, but after a long time of thinking throughout my leave, I have decided against leaving, I will be back slowly from tonight onwards in an attempt to get back into the game mode. Hopefully it is still somewhat the same and the sweaters are less populated and mingy.
  2. DRift

    No, you're a lieutenant

    No, you're a lieutenant
  3. DRift

    Temporary leave.

    Right, as you may have seen, I have been fairly inactive for a while now, or my activity has slowly been dying (like my dreams ;) ). So, it has come to me going inactive for a little while, maybe up to Christmas max I will remain within the forums. I would just like to thank the people who I...
  4. DRift

    Oh no......

    Oh no......
  5. DRift

    You don't know the feeling fool.

    You don't know the feeling fool.
  6. DRift

    Recommendation Of Riekelt

    Even my blind nan could do that tactic...
  7. DRift


  8. DRift

    Java Coding

    If you're wanted to physically learn code, I'd recommend using they teach every type of coding from Java script to C#.
  9. DRift

    Rope, zipties and ducktape

    Number one, don't add realism to the "pros" section. Other than that, the addition of these features would be good, however, people can still DC when cuffed at the moment, with a punishment behind it, so it would be the same. I don't think this is needed in game as we can just do /me's anyway.
  10. DRift

    ta ta

    ta ta
  11. DRift


    Shit. It's only you ;). We haven't always got on. But good luck doing what you're doing and hope to see your mingey ass around.
  12. DRift

    Santa Avatars

    Santify me hoe hoe hoe
  13. DRift

    Undercover Policing

    Yes, but being a snitch isn't the thread, an undercover officer would be useful in many situations, such as catching speed racers or even being able to walk through a bazaar shop and ask about buying illegal stuff, obviously within reason without breaking any laws.
  14. DRift

    Undercover Policing

    Just a little suggestion ere'. I was thinking, so if we allowed "sweater cops" to be this, then it would go, let's say, ape shit. So, instead of that, why not allow it to be only trusted members of the PLPD, such as Corporal+. This way, other officers can be sure the person behind the wheel of...
  15. DRift


    Well there goes another great corporal, keep me updated on how you are, and gimme the IP to the Arma server, maybe I will come on with you at some point. Good luck doing what you're doing pal, hope all goes well.
  16. DRift

    /me plays the Allen is a cringe card.

    /me plays the Allen is a cringe card.
  17. DRift

    Happy day of being born you cringey faggot.

    Happy day of being born you cringey faggot.
  18. DRift

    Mic wont work.

    I had one, lost it.
  19. DRift

    Mic wont work.

    Creepis, I don't even get the headset bit, just literally the Line 1 bit
  20. DRift

    Mic wont work.

    When I use my mic on the laptop, it works fine. (has the single mic/audio combo port). However, when I plug it into my desktop (which has 2 ports sound and mic) it says "Line 2" and wont allow me to speak. Does anyone know a fix?
  21. DRift


    When I try to play, it gives me some autistic error.
  22. DRift

    smoking in public

    I agree with this, in the UK we are not allowed to smoke anywhere which is indoors, or, which isn't a designated smoking area, unless of course, you're just walking in the streets. If this law was to be put into the Paralake penal code, we would need to have signs, such as the no guns sign...
  23. DRift


    Gimme a link and I'll play ;)
  24. DRift

    Did you just assume my gender?

    Did you just assume my gender?
  25. DRift

    How dare you share the same birthday as me. Happy birthday :)

    How dare you share the same birthday as me. Happy birthday :)
  26. DRift

    Bike/Dirt Bike/Sports Bike

    I agree with the suggestion and reikelts post, at the moment we are usually in pursuits with cars, and they sometimes leg it down an alley before a cop can grab them, jf we had bikes and cop bikes, a speed enforcer could be capturing speeding vehicles and allowing the bike to stop them or...
  27. DRift

    How To: Get Ambushed by the whole Police Department and survive [Gone Sexual] [Gone Wrong]

    And at that moment, he knew. He fucked up. "GET ON THE GROUND" "TURN AROUND"
  28. DRift

    Garret Singing

    I take offense to this, I sing too you know. Where is my mention? Garret you sang that song to me, I remember when we was swat :)
  29. DRift

    You sir, are the definition of asshole.

    You sir, are the definition of asshole.
  30. DRift

    Goodbye peeps

    You wrecked me earlier, bye!