Search results

  1. GamingPeach

    KappaPride / Alliat

  2. GamingPeach

    Action request on gamingpeach.

    Just sayin did you even search the definition of Slander "the action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person's reputation." My mark wasn't false hence why they never responded to it and their is an open action request regarding the topic, I was simply stating they have...
  3. GamingPeach

    KappaPride / Alliat

  4. GamingPeach

    KappaPride / Alliat

    After thinking about it and a good response from one of the thought offenders I came to the conclusion that nothing major happened here just the fact cops were round the corner but its understandable they weren't aware, just unlucky. Solved.
  5. GamingPeach

    Undercover Policing

    Love your idea however maybe make a little more exclusive maybe lt or at least sergeant ( this is coming from a corporal , as corporal already gains a lot of access from senior therefore I don't think this should be corporal +
  6. GamingPeach


    good luck with college and work I know how you feel however I only do 8 hours a week of work anyways see you soon!
  7. GamingPeach

    Keep Crashing?!

    That won't be it as I am cop daily and constantly pressing B however, thanks for the advice Closed fixed the issue myself seems a lot of dust had been in my PC itself and just required a good clean
  8. GamingPeach

    AR on Peach

    First off, I was genuinely trying to buy the pack at the top and had to jump on the server. Then you threatened me so I did do it once as I wasn't very happy getting threatened and then I went to get one as you chased me. You then attempted to kill me over that as I stated multiple times your...
  9. GamingPeach

    Que server

    the que server was great it was fair and didn't require any sort of stress or moaning . The people that moaned because it was like I can join the server in 5mkns by spamming console good for you but others don't want to that . Bring back the que server best way to fix the issue.
  10. GamingPeach

    Well , I guess Goodbye?..

    Really sad to see you go sorry for the super late response but hope to see you soon!
  11. GamingPeach


  12. GamingPeach

    Public Apology

    I most say this takes confidence to admit when your wrong its a great trait to have, I hope to see you on the force :) , also good luck with your personal issues!
  13. GamingPeach


    To pick just one player took time but I have decide Cole due to many factors the main one being how he always manages to answer admins sits and deals with them so calmly I really appreciate he dedication towards the welfare of this community and making it an enjoyable place to be and play. Good...
  14. GamingPeach

    Evidence bank

    Time is very important also is roleplay and by having this you would increase the roleplay
  15. GamingPeach

    Evidence bank

    It is almost that just a visual look and a more realistic version than just looking on a computer
  16. GamingPeach

    Evidence bank

    so I watched a video the other day on arma 3 life and they had a cool feature which was an evidence bank where all the evidence that had been confiscated was their and had the name of the owner and the time/date it was confiscated by the police. I thought to myself this would be a cool feature...
  17. GamingPeach

    You gotta be fucking kidding me

    Contact staff or sell them that is your issue trust me
  18. GamingPeach

    You gotta be fucking kidding me

    I had this error due to much in my storage. I had to get the owner to sell half my drugs as I couldn't even connect cause of this
  19. GamingPeach

    Perpheads Gameplay #5

    My reactions were on peak at the start :D smacked two people down with that dodge charger and it worked fine "good car"
  20. GamingPeach

    Keep Crashing?!

    This issues causes me to freeze and crash and I have attempted to re-download all of the content I even re-downloaded garrys mod itself. I have all custom server files enabled and my setting are all maxed out I was wondering I you knew a fix to this issue I have all these game contents...
  21. GamingPeach

    Hi mango

    Hi mango
  22. GamingPeach


  23. GamingPeach

    I Must Leave

    Hello Guys/Perpheads what ever i should call you but i suppose I don't need to call you anything any more. If your 15-16 your aware of the shit that's about to happen in your life that's what's happening in mine so unfortunately the same is happening in mine and perpheads is just taking revision...
  24. GamingPeach

    Thanks for the great time boys.

    Okay so fuck it, you were one of the best if not the best mods; by fair the most active bloody hell we all make mistakes (famous quote you know who u are :PP) I can't believe you were demoted for it, plus your an idiot but still you were a great mod got things done without minging were super...
  25. GamingPeach


  26. GamingPeach

    AR on Fisherman and Notra

    Okay so in my thoughts @Propane had all right to draw the fire arm at all the moments granted they could of handled to situation with the mini driving off a bit better however the guy had caused a direct threat to the officer when previously hitting the officer and when side swiping the poor...
  27. GamingPeach

    GoodBye For Some Time

    Hello perpheads I've been playing perp for just 10 months and I love it! I've had one break which was about 1 month. However if you have noticed I've been banned for 6 months I requested a ban due to my GCSE coming actually my photography has already started. So this isn't good bye forever but...
  28. GamingPeach

    Multi Recommendation

    Today I will be recommending three staff members for their efforts towards this community and how they have personal helped me. @Fredy 9/10 answer steam, easy to have a full conversation with him. He actually helped me with a snapshot error I had over a week ago allowing me to play the server...
  29. GamingPeach

    Highway Patrol

    Seems rather stupid to restrict an traffic officer to only patrol on the highway. Therefore I am going to -Support this suggestion.
  30. GamingPeach

    A New Drug Dealer System

    " Role play " By adding a drug dealer that pay's his taxes as if he worked in an office, its just unrealistic and don't take my drug moneyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!