KappaPride / Alliat

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United Kingdom
After thinking about it and a good response from one of the thought offenders I came to the conclusion that nothing major happened here just the fact cops were round the corner but its understandable they weren't aware, just unlucky.

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You shot our friend, while raiding our buisness shop. What did you expect, that we would just let you go?
You shot our friend, while raiding our buisness shop. What did you expect, that we would just let you go?
Also when we pulled you and your friend over, your friend pulled his gun while in life danger.
So I went back to my business shop AFTHER my NLR was done. But you guys were just staying there inside my shop. Sow my character noticed a open door. So he took his distance because there were also 2 of his friends laying down on the ground. Meanwhile he called his friends for backup. Then he saw two guys that raided his shop and killed his friends walking out of the business shop. So to take revenge we Chased you down. We blocked your car and gun pointed you. (what you are not showing is that one of your friends took out his gun as soon as he left the car I call this breaking 3.4). Then we. we took revenge on you cause you killed two of our friends. We could not give a shit that it would damage our cars because you murdered two of my friends in cold blood. And we all know we pay blood with blood. And yeah, if I have to call my incurrence for that fine!
We also checked the area and we came to the conclusion that there were no cops nearby. And if your friend did not break 3.4 we would be done in 10sec. Before the cops even had a change to arrive. And they also broke rule 1.3 Slander. Afther they died they where complaining on the ooc chat. Instead of making an AR.
(What also is nice to tell is that there was no Dispatcher 10-8 so no one could check cctv.)
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