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  1. TYMON007

    Action Request (DanXLR)

    The user was banned due to another issue he caused in the process of investigating this AR. I have spoken to two other officers who were on scene, and they confirmed that there was no reason to confiscate theese weapons. After a thorough investigation, I have found out, that user @Shaquille...
  2. TYMON007

    Action Request (DanXLR)

    @RBLXFrodan I need you to upload this demo for me: perpheads_demo_2024-12-9 10-06-55 You can see how to do so here:
  3. TYMON007

    Action Request (Steven)

    As a result of this Action Request @Jamal Stone will be banned for 2 days for fleeing from uder gunpoint as visible in the 1st video. As for Jamal, I deem that in the 2nd video, he was fine to flee in the direction of the pillar, as it had in fact give him enough time and concealment to draw a...
  4. TYMON007

    Action Request (DanXLR)

    @RBLXFrodan Can you explain your actions?
  5. TYMON007

    Action Request (DanXLR)

    under investigation
  6. TYMON007

    Action Request (Steven)

    @Jamal Stone Can you explain why haven't you complied to the officers gunpoint and fled instead?
  7. TYMON007

    Action Request (Dawn)

    I have reviewed the logs from this situation, and it appears so, that @Dawn and @Charmunder Khan did in fact attempt to flee through stonehange, and were driving in another players vehicle during the time in between the attempt to flee and killing you @SomeUser. Giving that, this wasn't what I...
  8. TYMON007

    Should there be a functional parking meter in v6?

    Imagine adding the thing you despise the most to the game you enjoy playing the most
  9. TYMON007

    Action Request (Dawn)

    @Dawn @Charmunder Khan What were you doing, in the timespan between the officer killing the person mentioned in the report, and you killing the officer?
  10. TYMON007

    Police Suggestion Deployable Shotgun / Shotgun Qual

    Back in the day, shotguns were supposed to be in the cars 95% of the time, and even CPLs and SGTs could take them out situationally, for shootouts. This policy was removed, and thats for good. In perp, shotguns are powerful, especially in raids, as they are used for CQC, and can essentially 1...
  11. TYMON007

    Action Request (HHHH)

    Apart from killing you @coop (From the logs it really looks like you both did not have a negative interaction between) he also killed a medic 3 seconds later. The user will be banned for 2 weeks as a result of this AR. reviewed with @Tilin
  12. TYMON007

    Action Request (HHHH)

    I am attempting to contact the player via Steam about this situation.
  13. TYMON007

    Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday!
  14. TYMON007

    Refund Request (or2709)

    3500$ for repairing punctured tires of a McLaren F1
  15. TYMON007

    Server Suggestion Simplification of long-winded metric measurements of some attachments

    Yeah but then inconsistency... changing 5,56x45 to .223? changing 7,62x39 to .30? or .3? Nah i'd rather use the system widely appreciated by people instead of some ".number" and "number [COMPANY NAME]" nomenclature.
  16. TYMON007

    Action Request (BohnenBaron)

    I was unable to contact the user. He will be banned for 1 day as a result of this action request. 3.4, 3.24 - User failed to follow orders under direct gunpoint. Doing so failed to stay in character. Reviewed with @Hodgparjor
  17. TYMON007

    Action Request (BohnenBaron)

    I will try to contact the user about this situation.
  18. TYMON007

    Action Request (idk)

    The pov provided to me in an ingame report shows, that you were not speaking in-game. Probably thats also the reason for which your medal did not pick up your microphone.
  19. TYMON007

    Action Request (idk)

    @Blaze Gomez, why did you decide to pull out your gun under gunpoint?
  20. TYMON007

    Refund Request (Fern)

    25600$ for a T1 wrecked tesla model S
  21. TYMON007

    Refund Request (ClownBen)

    7360$ T1 wreck of BMW M60 M5
  22. TYMON007

    Refund Request (Jquan)

    1x HK45CT 1x HK45CT magazine 1x Pistol reflex sight 1x Suppressor 11.43x23mm
  23. TYMON007


    New players are called sweaters as the sweatervest is your default outfit in-game, and the term is used to describe newbies in the community.
  24. TYMON007

    Ban Apology (No idea)

  25. TYMON007

    Refund Request (Biggo)

    solved in game
  26. TYMON007

    Ban Apology (TYMON007)

    I accept the apology. You have to understand though, that you were constantly gunpointed, and it is under any circumstances not allowed to lock someone behind the door like this.
  27. TYMON007

    Ban Apology (TYMON007)

    You need to give me an anwser wheather it's this or that. If this is an apology I will consider it now, however if it's a dispute other staff members will take a look into the whole situation and analize it.
  28. TYMON007

    Ban Apology (TYMON007)

    You need to make up your mind about this appeal. Is this an apology? As then you acknowledge that you broke the rules, and you just wish to apologize for doing so. Or Is this a dispute? Then you believe that you did not break any rules, and the ban is invalid. If you believe I have failed to...
  29. TYMON007

    Action Request (ARI, HHHH)

    Rewieved with @Bnjemann live on the server
  30. TYMON007

    Action Request (ARI, HHHH)
