Server Suggestion Simplification of long-winded metric measurements of some attachments

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Suggestion Title: Simplification of long-winded metric measurements of guns.
Suggestion Description: Rather than having magazines and suppressors read out by their exact dimensions in Millimetres, have the caliber read out by its common name. There are certain calibers that guns are rarely referred to as, and it’d be significantly easier for players to identify which attachments belong to what gun by using more common names, It’d also make it easier to find.

Particular calibers that have this issue should be renamed to:
- 11.43x23mm = .45 ACP.
- 8.6x70mm = .338 Lapua magnum.
- 12.7x99 = .50 BMG
- 12.7x33mm = .50 AE
- 10x22 = .40S&W
- 10x25mm = 10mm Auto.
- 7.65x17mm = .32 ACP.

All of these are also easier to pronounce verbally.

The idea here is to rename certain magazines to match these common names, but don’t change the names of ammo types that are commonly referred to as how they are already listed, Like 9x17/18/19, 5.56, 7.62x39, etc.

For example, instead of being called “7.65x17mm magazine (PPK)”, it would be called “.32 ACP magazine (PPK). Instead of “ Suppressor 12.7x33mm” it would be called “.50AE Suppressor” and so on.

Why should this be added?:
- Simplification by giving calibers their common names rather than having all calibers standardised by metric measurements.
- A less cluttered up looking inventory, and searching for specific calibers would be easier.
- Easier to pronounce a magazine you’re looking for.
- Just looks so much better.

What negatives could this have?:
- Renaming items I guess.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Less reading precise metrics, And simply calling it by its actual name for the sake of simplicity.
I mentioned this literally 2 days ago, No one in real life uses these caliber terms, I would love for this simple change to be made as it's far easier to identify them, also it will make my gun nut head very happy :)
Yeah but then inconsistency...
changing 5,56x45 to .223?
changing 7,62x39 to .30? or .3?

Nah i'd rather use the system widely appreciated by people instead of some ".number" and "number [COMPANY NAME]" nomenclature.
I’m used to current one but it should be an option in settings to choose what you prefer