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  1. captain

    Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday!
  2. captain


  3. captain


  4. captain

    yeah, it's crazy. first joined in 2016 and it feels like yesterday

    yeah, it's crazy. first joined in 2016 and it feels like yesterday
  5. captain

    recommendation for flugs

    I can only agree with you! @flugs is a great staff member! He's always very helpful and understanding. Glad to hear this!
  6. captain

    only one year? wow. congratulations!

    only one year? wow. congratulations!
  7. captain

    Server Suggestion More consumables (Food and Drinks) / Consumables Overhaul

    I must say, I do like the idea of having a variety of new food items available. Don't get me wrong, I like the classic burger and hotdog which have been available since the beginning of PERPHeads, but it's always nice to see some new stuff every now and then! Could add some potential roleplay to...
  8. captain

    ahaha, thanks! i can only try with beach derby :)

    ahaha, thanks! i can only try with beach derby :)
  9. captain

    Congratulations! <3

    Congratulations! <3
  10. captain

    Thanks Blackdown. <3

    Thanks Blackdown. <3
  11. captain

    Thanks, Double! Congratulations to you too!

    Thanks, Double! Congratulations to you too!
  12. captain


  13. captain

    Thanks! I really appreciate it! <3

    Thanks! I really appreciate it! <3
  14. captain


  15. captain

    AR on Joe Crack | 3.4

    Your Steam/In-game Name: My steam username is captain. My in-game name is Aliyah Harper. His/Her Steam/In-game Name: His steam username is AltOp. His in-game name is Joe Crack. His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:66330411 Why Should This Player Be Punished: While on patrol with my partner Vincent...
  16. captain

    Trade In Car for same value?

    I agree with @curak here. As much as I'd like this to happen, I don't think it's very realistic. Once you purchase a new car and drive it off the dealership, it already suffers a significant price drop. Being able to come back weeks later and trade it in for a newer car of the same value is too...
  17. captain


    I totally forgot the queue server even existed. You just brought back an old memory stored somewhere in my head. I really enjoyed going on the server and messing around, waiting for my precious slot on the main server. Honestly, I think it'd be nice to have it back. But then again, if player...
  18. captain


  19. captain

    $2 Million Dollar Giveaway!

    I'd like to be added! Captain/Aliyah Harper.
  20. captain

    Good bye....

    It's always sad to see another member of PERPHeads leave. If you ever need to talk about anything or plan on coming back, we're here for you. All your friends are here supporting you, Chris! With that said, I wish you the best with your future endeavors. Happy holidays to you man!
  21. captain

    Indefinite Leave

    Even though I didn't speak to you much, best of luck with your near future, Mango! We'll miss you here!
  22. captain

    Same to you. <3

    Same to you. <3
  23. captain

    Duke Ford

    I definitely agree! Whenever I see him on-duty as cop, he's really amazing to patrol with!
  24. captain

    Garry's Mod Perpheads: Bad Drivers/Crashes Compilation #22/23

    I enjoy watching these on YouTube for some particular reason.
  25. captain

    Police Suggestion Remove rank restrictions on Properties and Vehicles

    From what I've personally seen, officers who are ranked Corporal have been very active recently. I think it would be a good idea to lower this to the rank of CPL. Giving Senior Officer such abilities may seem like too much of a drop, though. But yeah, definite support on this - could see it...
  26. captain

    Official PERPHeads Trailer 2020

    This is really nice! Good work.
  27. captain

    something we have in common i see ;)

    something we have in common i see ;)
  28. captain


  29. captain

    Thanks! <3

    Thanks! <3
  30. captain

    Happy birthday! :)

    Happy birthday! :)