Search results

  1. Jonah


    Your Steam/In-game Name: Jonah / Jonah Eru His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Scotlands Finest Sean B @Ezza His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:165899023 Why Should This Player Be Punished: Player stored items while his life was in danger. We bobby pinned the front door of the shop and attempted to mug this...
  2. Jonah

    Sorry for

    hamburger yes
  3. Jonah

    GTA V Drops

    Thanks for all the drops <3
  4. Jonah

    Tyrone Bigballs

    This is the kind of stuff that could be deemed fun for both parties, but at the end will get you banned for 3.4 because the officer lost 5 minutes.
  5. Jonah

    Glacial goes SAMSUNG Mode

    credits jonah for video upload
  6. Jonah

    What would you like changed?

    I would like guns to be a bit more cheaper so there will be more criminal activities. Then I would like the TFU to be changed / nerfed (which is happening most likely already) More ways to make money legal or illegal would be fun. (let us grow tomatoes for example) oh ye, and I'd like my lag...
  7. Jonah

    PERPHeads Community Awards 2018 - Results

    Thanks for the votes and award boys <3
  8. Jonah

    Decrease tfu their movement speed when they are wearing full armor.

    Thanks for the reply, Let me just stay the following: I play criminal and Cop and have been TFU for ages. From the beginning that TFU got added I've considered TFU unbalanced. Are you saying right now that TFU is balanced or..? If no, what would be a good way to balance it out then according to...
  9. Jonah

    Decrease tfu their movement speed when they are wearing full armor.

    To the people that disagree please state why
  10. Jonah

    my roleplay rp experience is ruined and my immersion is ruined.

    that door fucking respawned in front of me
  11. Jonah

    my roleplay rp experience is ruined and my immersion is ruined.

    @Sorle @gLaCiAl @Dom_ @Super_ @Cody Garrett i feel absolutely fucking bamboozled.
  12. Jonah

    PERPHeads Community Awards 2018

    vote me most friendly yos
  13. Jonah


    You've been visited by informative gang
  14. Jonah


    we got you covered @Kenty
  15. Jonah

    CS:GO Small Giveaway

    Y E E T
  16. Jonah

    I'm back lads

    I expected that the staff team would just continue denying your apologies. Welcome back duuude <3 GOODJOB STAFF TEAM FOR ACTUALLY CHANGING UR MIND
  17. Jonah

    What car would you recommend me in Perp?

    I was thinking of the r8 plus at first but then I saw how many people have it so idk
  18. Jonah

    u have a mic i can hear u breathing in ur latest AR reeeeeeee

    u have a mic i can hear u breathing in ur latest AR reeeeeeee
  19. Jonah

    Yes it's me

    Don't feel offended by me, just the way you worded your first reply stating that ''I am not saying I'll stop bullying you" made you sound more like a dick imo. If you felt offended by it which most likely is not as it's not offensive sorry. I guess you understand where I am coming from
  20. Jonah

    Yes it's me

    had to censor the N word before staff is gonna be mad at me
  21. Jonah

    Yes it's me

    Stop being a bully. Please. It's sad and its dumb and I think everyone can agree on that. Or at least stop using the forums. Idc what you do in private. On a serious note, if you need to bully people on the internet for your own enterainment or whatever reason then you're just sad. Leave him...
  22. Jonah

    Yes it's me

    no one could give a fuck if you're a furry and if someone is actually offended by someone on the internet who has interests in furries then you should not be on the internet IMO. I take a bunch of anime pics and put them as my profile and people call me a weeb. i couldn't care less. If people...
  23. Jonah

    Excessive force or 2.5?

    look what u did reeeee
  24. Jonah

    What car would you recommend me in Perp?

    I obviously know what cars I can get when spending 3 mil so In my opinion your reply is completely useless thanks tho
  25. Jonah

    What car would you recommend me in Perp?

    Hi, Looking for a new automobile in perp and I am looking to spend at least 3 mil so I can get a fast car, No I am not getting a tesla. If you have any recommendations please list them below, and please also state why thank u :)
  26. Jonah

    IA or Staff

    Let me join I'm tfu
  27. Jonah

    Update Log - 10/12/2018

    Majority of the community is going to enjoy this fix :) thx tiny
  28. Jonah

    Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday
  29. Jonah

    Designer Clothing - More like Thrift Shop

    Fuck you :(