Yes it's me

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I know what many of you probably are thinking "Urh wtf, what does such a disgusting FURRY have to say that we want to read?" welp.. Probably nothing, but I'm still gonna write this now.

So.. I've been on perpheads since maybe December 20th 2015 and enjoyed a lot of time on perpheads, I've had my breaks like multiple breaks because I felt I needed to. I've been very much down, and as probably everyone knows, or atleast older players knows is that I've been such a little bitch, haha right? Anyways get to the point.

I know I've done a lot of bad shit, I've been RDM'ing some times, especially Jack Richards last time I got 2 weeks ban(That wasn't why, but it was same day I did it) while he was in cuffs cause he pissed me off, with going a lot at me. At that time I shot Jack Richards, I was going through a very very tough time, I know it's not an excuse and should never be, sine I could just not decide to play, but honestly I just legitly have nothing else to do. I live in a poor family where we don't have any money for the interests I want to, so I'm isolating myself on this server, and I'm getting easily let down and sad again, I've been trying to chance and realised that's pretty hard to do. I've been lying about not being a furry, even though most people didn't believe it anyways, cause well I am a bit of a retard I'm sure we can all agree on that, either way. I love this community, and honestly dunno, I just think I should explain my behaviour.

All I wanted to say is that I'm gonna try to change, which I've done a bit, I'm not completely as cocky as I've used to ones, I'm not making as many AR's or whatever else could be done, and I'm not going around breaking rules just because I'm pissed off and being a little triggered pussy, I'm fully aware of what I've done.

My point is.. I'm so sorry to everyone I've ruined game experience for, or just thought that I'm a huge pain in the ass and should just get the fuck out of this amazing community.
No one gives a shit if you're a furry, they just find that being a keyboard warrior is hilarious by bullying people because of what you like.
if he wants to embrace it then let him, bullying him for it just makes him feel like shit
No worries buddy. I am not saying I'll stop bullying you, but everyone goes through tough times.

Stop being a furry. Please. It's cringe and it's weird and I think everyone can agree on that. Or at least stop using avatars for us to see. Idc what you do in private.
I don't even have my avatar on the server anymore, that's Family guy.
I know what many of you probably are thinking "Urh wtf, what does such a disgusting FURRY have to say that we want to read?" welp.. Probably nothing, but I'm still gonna write this now.
just get the fuck out of this amazing community.
no one could give a fuck if you're a furry and if someone is actually offended by someone on the internet who has interests in furries then you should not be on the internet IMO.

I take a bunch of anime pics and put them as my profile and people call me a weeb. i couldn't care less.

If people feel like their gaming experiences are ruined because you deem yourself as a ''furry'''then they are childish as hell.

You probably changed your avatar to prevent people on picking you but at the end of the day its the internet and people are going to make fun of whatever they can to get some good ol' positive ratings. Change your profile picture that what you like, don't change it because other people dislike it or anything.

You do you, don't focus on others.

edit: grammar
No one gives a shit, it’s the internet and people taking the piss on an RP server.

Trust me, getting bullied is nothing on the internet and you should just be who you are, no matter interests, background and attitude. If you’re happy to be around, that’s a good thing. Don’t let a few toxic people being dead serious bring you down and ruin your mood. Get over it and move on, everyone makes mistakes, and it’s always possible to come back from those mistakes.

Stay strong brother.
Stop being a furry. Please. It's cringe and it's weird and I think everyone can agree on that. Or at least stop using avatars for us to see. Idc what you do in private.

Stop being a bully. Please. It's sad and its dumb and I think everyone can agree on that. Or at least stop using the forums. Idc what you do in private.

On a serious note, if you need to bully people on the internet for your own enterainment or whatever reason then you're just sad.
Leave him the fuck alone alone.
Trust me, getting bullied is nothing on the internet


had to censor the N word before staff is gonna be mad at me
"if you can sit behind a screen and tell someone to kill themselves you are insane"
and then we hype emoted into the sunset.

And how am I supposed to do it in private. Am I supposed to go up to a mirror or something? Jesus Jonah...

In all honesty as I explained to Mango over steam. I don't care what you do in private. I do care when you get all depressed, because I genuinely used to care for @XPGamingXPDK as he used to be my commanding officer in Arma III (Well not afterwards after that American phucc took over our RP group and fucked everyone in the bum who looked at him sideways). We had lots of laughs and so on and seeing how depressed he is and all reminded me of a friend who also became a furry because of him specifically after getting interested in the art and joining the communities.

The furry community is filled with depressed people. Generally people with depression turn to those communities, but when you have a community filled with depression you get even more depression.

You can argue against this, but seeing that I know a lot of furries, even a school mate who is a furry and we don't bat an eye for him in school, except he's depressed over something we did not help him get depressed over as we don't care about his stuff. He doesn't talk about it in school and it's fine.

Genuinely I care for @XPGamingXPDK and he used to be a great friend. We shared lots of laughs together and had great banter.
I live in a poor family where we don't have any money for the interests I want to, so I'm isolating myself on this server, and I'm getting easily let down and sad again,
i know exactly how you feel, but don't let money get in the way of whatever you want to do. Are there any special programs your school/goverment/township organises? Im not sure what hobby you mean so i can't probably help you but im sure there are organisations in Denmark that can help you out too. Also, if you are able to manage it with school, you can find a side job. While sacrificing a little bit of your free time you'll still have plenty of time to enjoy your hobby. The feeling of being able to support your own hobby etc is great, tbh.

Dont know if you already have a job or not, but it helped me really good duing some sad times
It's the internet buddy. It's incredibly large... I met @Wiki on a starwarsrp server for instance. And @2LT Bart [25th ID] for instance.

No need to turn to depressed communities and drag yourself into a deeper hole. Play some games.

I know it can be tough.
Not really.
"Coming out" as a furry is generally not accepted in any other community. Generally gaming communities. Seeing how accepting people are of him, that's actually a dumb statement.

Jesus any abnormality is not accepted by society on average. But you can't expect society to adjust to you.
Boi it's 00:03 here. Way past my bedtime. Mom would be so mad right now. #Badboys