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  1. Teemo

    Para-Trade | Online Trading Service

    Account name: Jarheads Item name: Salt Picture of item: Unavailable Price: 200k Quantity:100 Description: All the salt accumalated from Jarheads members varying from losing guns to creating IA’s when arrested.
  2. Teemo


    This isn’t disrespectful, just meant to toughen you up buddy. Boohoo a few 13 year old’s with a keyboard jumped on ya shop a bit and then said somethings OOC. Must be a fucking tradgedy so lets go and make a pity post to try and get a nice big org to see this and realise how much I get bullied...
  3. Teemo

    staff bias?

    My message is to prevent any bias sits by saying staff members may not contribute to the outcome of a situation beyond the point a normal user would if they were affected financially.
  4. Teemo

    staff bias?

    i am not accusing any staff? I believe there should be guidelines for staff about this and wanted public discussion. This is what General Dicussion is for :)
  5. Teemo

    staff bias?

    This is a dicussion about staff dealing with sits they were involved in. I believe that if a staff was involved in the situation, another staff(if one is online) should deal with the situation. This is mainly due to the fact that no matter how proffessional staff are, there will always be a...
  6. Teemo

    I need to talk to someone

    hmu man , roughly same age and both have ill parents so we are like 2 peas inna pod.
  7. Teemo

    Brits & Guns

    When did they start letting sex offenders join the Danish home Guard?
  8. Teemo

    I bought a Rust Server

    Big ups //phone
  9. Teemo

    Client side modding

    This seems like it could fuck up your system with aidsy police lights. Is there any way I could decrease the police lights to get increased FPS?
  10. Teemo

    I bought a Rust Server

    YOu should call it RustHeads
  11. Teemo

    Strafing / Raindancing

    It is literally compulsory to anyone who has played an FPS for more than a year. I would understand if it was something where people had time to think but if I am getting shot at I am going to use my muscle memory. It depends on the severity of rain dancing, I tap A-D like I do in other FPS's...
  12. Teemo

    good laptop games?

    Knights of the Old republic (1 is best) star wars game with a decent storyline andot can run ez
  13. Teemo

    Option to disable rain

    Ngl does anyone actually feel immersed at 5 fps with shitty rain at Bazaar.
  14. Teemo

    I Have

    I Have
  15. Teemo

    I cant dm. U

    I cant dm. U
  16. Teemo

    Post when you nearly caused damage to yourself or did.

    Atleast Moon's reply was funny phone
  17. Teemo

    check pm on forums

    check pm on forums
  18. Teemo

    Post when you nearly caused damage to yourself or did.

    Some 15 year old cunts
  19. Teemo

    Come on steam i tell u

    Come on steam i tell u
  20. Teemo

    Post when you nearly caused damage to yourself or did.

    Was on my bike after I walked my mate home and at around midnight and some dickheads jumped me and beat me. If you wanna know why PM me dunno if I can post it here.
  21. Teemo

    What's your hobby(s)

    I rimlick professionally and even make profit off of it.
  22. Teemo

    Righty, bye

    Im assuming you made this thread for funny ratings? Well that worked out almost as well as David Meade’s theory...
  23. Teemo

    You have 24 hours to live.

    Mage thought it was his last day on Earth and you saw how that turned out :)
  24. Teemo

    Battlefront 2

    Me and @Taylor have been playing the old battlefront 2 and havin a laugh. We found a download to be able to use multiplayer ( If you wanna play just reply we are doing conquests and hunts.
  25. Teemo


    Don’t you just complain in the PLPD shoutbox about how everyone is salty and makes bullshit IA’s? This is a joke no rules are broke xoxo
  26. Teemo


    Butcher aids :(...
  27. Teemo

    Why am I such a cunt?

    As cop or criminal? //phone
  28. Teemo

    Why am I such a cunt?

    I try way to hard to be mates with people, I just need to chill. I rimlick Olsen abit (link to point 1) I can be irritating by constantly speaking and trying to get conversations out of people when they just wanna base. Anything else I missed ? Staff do not warn or remove any posts.
  29. Teemo

    MrAaron's Montage

    Fair. Though everyone calls us rimlicks yet we actually base with Ols3n yet the main rim licks just follow Ols3n around even after being told to fuck off and help them kill cops. Sound familiar?
  30. Teemo

    MrAaron's Montage

    Lmao I only told you to stop following us because we were raiding and you were trying to tag along and be a minge :)