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  1. JARRE

    Smaller phone TS

    I usually overcome this problem by metagaming in teamspeak with my friends! :)
  2. JARRE

    Smaller phone TS

    I mean we really should be able to communicate in-game through an earpiece type of system after 6+ years of requesting it but ay
  3. JARRE

    AR Mage

    i made this ar because it couldn't be bothered to wait 2 hours in game for it to get dealt with from my perspective it looked like you jumped up, saw us, then chugged the grenade, meaning you knew what you was doing, this is why I made the ar. now that i can see your perspective, i can see...
  4. JARRE

    AR Mage

    Your Steam/In-game Name: I say gg and move on / Jar Head His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Mage / ? His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:37831563 Why Should This Player Be Punished: randomly chucked a grenade at 4 people and a medic for absolutely no reason. Evidence (Demo Required): Tick: n/a
  5. JARRE

    Limit on amount of bombs used in raids.

    The amount of bombs idc just make it so bombing the apartment above or below is not allowed because that shit is really cringe
  6. JARRE

    Where did your forum PFP(s) come from

    haha xtc and speed brrrrrr
  7. JARRE

    How many swedes?

    Shut up toxic kid
  8. JARRE


    helper material if you ask me :oops:
  9. JARRE

    j a r r e d ban dispute

    Appealing for: Ban Appeal type: Dispute Which staff member banned you: nutrient - flugs Your Steam Name: j a r r e d Your In-game Name: jar head Your Steam ID: Why were you banned?: (See: ScamBans) User unrealistically climbed onto the roof of a building then killed people in this position...
  10. JARRE


  11. JARRE

    who are you and why do you look like you're 40

    who are you and why do you look like you're 40
  12. JARRE

    Add some white arrows on gas stations

    I usually gun them down if they are in my way at the gas station.
  13. JARRE

    Update Log 26/05/2020

    @KapiJam Helper when??
  14. JARRE

    Curtis Stewart received 10 votes "None of the above" received 12 votes

    Curtis Stewart received 10 votes "None of the above" received 12 votes
  15. JARRE

    [SFM Poster] Early Evening

    Footage of jellybabies minging outside the pd waiting for Amir to be unbanned
  16. JARRE

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHAY! I would've given you an m82 as present but I lost a few here and there...

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHAY! I would've given you an m82 as present but I lost a few here and there wonder how that happend!
  17. JARRE


  18. JARRE

    TFU Range Rover

    we don't need jail cells either since criminals 3.4 themselves to death anyway but ay is what it issss
  19. JARRE


  20. JARRE


    still a gem to this day @Ethan ur voice has not changed one bit
  21. JARRE

    enjoy another AR loser kid xd

    enjoy another AR loser kid xd
  22. JARRE

    I will rdm you next time i see you as cop don't worry about it

    I will rdm you next time i see you as cop don't worry about it
  23. JARRE

    Timing out

  24. JARRE


    Your in-game name: Jarred Head Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:42883693 What do you need refunded: m4 - full m4 mag - rifle compensator - m4 stock - t1 buggati Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Server froze (not demo restarting) resulting in me zooming into the highway wall full speed and dying...
  25. JARRE

    drug prices

    V1 all night slums powergrowers: Am I a joke to you?
  26. JARRE

    the no russian one

    I opened fire as soon as shots went flying around my head. I assumed it was us getting shot at. I do not know who shot the first shot. I additionally would like to point out it has always been allowed to shoot the participants that carry visible weaponry, including on their back.
  27. JARRE

    AR on Tinky

    Your Steam/In-game Name: j a r r e d - / Jarred Head His/Her Steam/In-game Name: @Tinky / Tinky (idk last name) His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:0 ?? can't get his proper steam ID Why Should This Player Be Punished: I pulled up projex to my org member saying he was in trouble and I needed to kill...
  28. JARRE

    Everyone targeting me!

    Everyone targeting me!
  29. JARRE

    I'm gonna make a never lucky montage at the end of the month

    I'm gonna make a never lucky montage at the end of the month
  30. JARRE

    Veteran forum badge

    Description of the idea: A veteran badge on the forums for those who have been here long enough to earn it. Why should this be added? (pros): As mentioned in the community meeting people apparently value working towards something (senior mod). It would be a very nice have those who have been...