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  1. Knoxy82

    AR on Jerry Cornelli - Metagame

    Irl cops can raid your apartment on the smell if they deem it’s necessary if their is a crack which their is that allows a certain part of the plant to show and he can clearly see it then he has a justifiable reason to Atleast search the property the real question is why The first guy at the...
  2. Knoxy82

    Has anyone got tattoos?

    Bruh you can’t even look at girls ankles get the fuck off this post
  3. Knoxy82

    Has anyone got tattoos?

    That’s not what @Duffy told me
  4. Knoxy82

    Has anyone got tattoos?

    Hey I’ve just started getting into the tattoo scene with practically a half sleeve. So I wanted to make this so we can share each others art pieces I don’t want no criticism on this post because there’s no bad art work just happy accidents.
  5. Knoxy82

    Close this report please

    @XPGamingXPDK this debate is going for far too long it’s a game get over it man so immature
  6. Knoxy82

    Close this report please

    After talking to aquaa he explained to me that what I did could be seen as a rule break I’m sorry but you did murder a rc in front of me for ramming you car I was scared
  7. Knoxy82

    Close this report please

    Just spout of 3.6, preserving my life
  8. Knoxy82

    Close this report please

    I see you kill someone for ramming into you, I rammed into you only minutes earlier too, you could've shot me as a witness or tried to mug me. The fact you rdm someone in such a public area shows you were incredibly hostile
  9. Knoxy82

    Close this report please

    why did you kill the RC then, for just ramming into you? You know the RC is unarmed and posed no real threat to you. Why didn't you alert the police. My actions are based of what I witnessed experienced.
  10. Knoxy82

    Close this report please

    I feared for my life and took pro active action neutralising a threat i demeed credible, given that the actions the RC had committed prior to his death (the ramming) resulted in him being shot. As we had done said actions as well, there was a high probability i was going to be shot to
  11. Knoxy82

    Close this report please

    you literally killed rc then and there wtf that rc who you shoot but dont show in the clip is my friend therefore i was acting in revenge
  12. Knoxy82

    Close this report please

    i was in a car with aquaa who said everything was fine the rc was my friend who you decided to kill so i killed you in revenge dont mess with my mates simpe
  13. Knoxy82

    yo why you exposing me i thought we had a deal

    yo why you exposing me i thought we had a deal
  14. Knoxy82

    Dont fuck with cats..

    Yeah but that’s food to you
  15. Knoxy82

    When her parents ask....

    @ShadowJoey oh fair dos
  16. Knoxy82

    When her parents ask....

    Why do people still use gay as an insult it’s 2019!
  17. Knoxy82

    When her parents ask....

    @Daigestive knows mate couple bumps of the old kezza keeps you going all night long
  18. Knoxy82

    Dont fuck with cats..

    @Duffy i like it duffy :(
  19. Knoxy82

    Dont fuck with cats..

    Too busy watching Witcher 3 mate
  20. Knoxy82


  21. Knoxy82

    when you coming back ?

    when you coming back ?
  22. Knoxy82

    What is your favourite person in the community?

    Conyo is my fave
  23. Knoxy82

    Sounds like fun

    Sounds like fun
  24. Knoxy82


    @Wiki you finished the game with -1 kill and 32 deaths I never knew someone could be that bad
  25. Knoxy82

    Ahh thanks it’s creed

    Ahh thanks it’s creed
  26. Knoxy82


    But yeah @Wiki is fucking trash literally @JJB is better then him and that’s saying something I think we should get them to play against each other
  27. Knoxy82


    @Adrish huh isn’t scarlet ringing you on discord I heard she hang up on @Madda just for you
  28. Knoxy82


  29. Knoxy82


    @Adrish you calling me shit or dai cause face it kid I ain’t the one sharing a dorm with 4 ching chongs who are bullying you into leaving
  30. Knoxy82

    my refund request

    Your in-game name: Lee Starksy Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:68788670 What do you need refunded:Sako with full mag, red dot sight and cop Why do you want your item(s) refunded: I was killed because someone thought they was spiderman Evidence: Tick: