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It's not getting handled anyways... After being open for ages.
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i was in a car with aquaa who said everything was fine the rc was my friend who you decided to kill so i killed you in revenge dont mess with my mates simpe
Killing me for killing RC is breaking NLR, getting a job is a new life rule, Aquaa should know that. And I see apparently it's okay for roadcrew to randomly attack me and destroy my car 10/10
you literally killed rc then and there wtf that rc who you shoot but dont show in the clip is my friend therefore i was acting in revenge
ey sAw t all, dw i am a white ness. bring me to a s1t and i will explains everytthings that i have maybe seen on the stituation which happened today
Just saying I never approved this nor knew what was going on. It seemed like they had some reason to shoot you guys and I was on the other side so I joined in after I saw someone start shooting back at them.
I feared for my life and took pro active action neutralising a threat i demeed credible, given that the actions the RC had committed prior to his death (the ramming) resulted in him being shot. As we had done said actions as well, there was a high probability i was going to be shot to
There was literally no Chance of you getting shot in any way, we had nothing to do with you in any way, despite you blocking my car which could've been of you trying to drive. We had nothing on you, for anything that would be killable either, this is such a huge lie and a change of story.
why did you kill the RC then, for just ramming into you? You know the RC is unarmed and posed no real threat to you. Why didn't you alert the police. My actions are based of what I witnessed experienced.
Cause he rammed me intentfully with full speed, continuesly ramming me, showing me that he was gonna either kill me or destroy my car, or even both. What I do with Roadcrew has NOTHING to do with you in any way, you had no business doing what you did. Applying as a staff member, and not even knowing this is against rules.
To be really honest here. You had no reason to shoot us because he is your mate. He is a RC worker. You also saw him ramming us extremely hard. We acted upon self defence and revenge as he was trying to kill us. He was indeed already shot before this and this happend like 10 minutes after he respawned when he finally found us again. He was just targetting us for no real reason. And you guys had nothing to do with it at all tbh. But thats just my opinion. Just dont shoot people that shot a RC because he was minging. It can be really annoying. BYE :/
I see you kill someone for ramming into you, I rammed into you only minutes earlier too, you could've shot me as a witness or tried to mug me. The fact you rdm someone in such a public area shows you were incredibly hostile
You were literally the one Following me???????????

If you were so scared of this, youi could've left it's not even allowed to ASSUME stuff and then killing, I killed him for attempting to kill me and if you can't see that, sorry to say but holy fuck you would be a terrible staff member. Roadcrew isn't allowed to do that shit either, he was being a threat to me, he was following me, smashing with full speed into my car FULL SPEED WHICH YOU ONLY DO TO KILL PEOPLE OR DESTROY THINGS IN THE WAY HE DID IT.
The whole point of an AR is to bring to light possible rule infringements, and to discuss them with the parties involved. Of course you're going to have conflicting viewpoints on the matter. Nevertheless by stating 'whatever i wont respond anymore' you're willingly denying any discourse on a matter YOU rose in the first place. The only possible justification for such an action would be that you don't like the questions being asked of you, and buckle any attempt to exhume facts based upon your perspective of justifying your activities.
@Duffy No, but we can't keep making a discussion here, if he wants to continue he can make a DM to me. But this is 1. Just spamming the AR 2. I can't be arshed with arguing about the same thing constantly, which he wont understand anyways. But you're right.
No, unless Aquaa dealt with this he can close it, but otherwise I want this to continue.
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