Search results

  1. CensoredExe

    Server Suggestion Mask's bandana's/ski masks

    Without any logs and only a video of the situation it would be extremely tedious and in some cases impossible, to fix this maybe a STEAMID is displayed instead? Or unique player ID that's generated server-side.
  2. CensoredExe

    Server Suggestion Mask's bandana's/ski masks

    Could possibly have an issue with people reporting people wearing masks, could be very hard to find their name, especially if they don’t kill anyone etc?
  3. CensoredExe

    Server Suggestion Mask's bandana's/ski masks

    The /act part sounds unnecessary, just click it in the same way the RTU vest works
  4. CensoredExe

    Server Suggestion Mask's bandana's/ski masks

    could work similar to the high-vis jacket for RTU? While this idea is unnecessary as some people have pointed out, I don’t see how this would negatively affect the community, all I can see it doing is adding to RP. Maybe you could have partial face coverings which only cover your last name too...
  5. CensoredExe


    I thought for a second this would be a support thread for people with speech impediments Sounds like a video card or driver issue imo
  6. CensoredExe

    short return montage

    cool montage but why does the music keep jumping
  7. CensoredExe

    You reminded me it’s 420 thanks, my plug is leaving his house in 5 mins

    You reminded me it’s 420 thanks, my plug is leaving his house in 5 mins
  8. CensoredExe

    My point is after a while a joke gets boring and it’s been a little more than a while

    My point is after a while a joke gets boring and it’s been a little more than a while
  9. CensoredExe

    Looking for actors for a sick drill video also need a camera man

    I don't think he'd be physically able to play perp if he talked like this IRL
  10. CensoredExe

    Aaron I know you’re tryna make a joke but it’s just annoying when you try to force the lingo...

    Aaron I know you’re tryna make a joke but it’s just annoying when you try to force the lingo, comes off as cringy and overdone when it’s basically your whole personality right now Also don’t look up to roadmen, it’s not a life you wanna live
  11. CensoredExe

    Server Suggestion Lower respawn timer and increase NLR timer

    I have no opinion on whether this is worth it or not other than that I cant see how it would hurt to try this out and see how it affects the community and what the general consensus is on it.
  12. CensoredExe

    drop ur snap b

    drop ur snap b
  13. CensoredExe

    Happy birthday sexy wys

    Happy birthday sexy wys
  14. CensoredExe

    Update Log - 17/04/2021 "Community Update"

    @Samuel Nothing in particular, I know there used to be a lot of interest from a few people in being able to view organization bank account transactions or something similar to create an automatic deposit system for something like a marketplace or casino Im not too sure on other things though...
  15. CensoredExe

    Update Log - 17/04/2021 "Community Update"

    Yes I know I used to get lots of questions from people asking about perpheads API possibilities as the only current thing we can do is get tax info on
  16. CensoredExe

    Update Log - 17/04/2021 "Community Update"

    Anything for community developers?
  17. CensoredExe

    The Fall Of The Third Reich | 1945 (This is a goodbye post)

    I do not know what to do with this information
  18. CensoredExe

    Cracking down on Metagaming

    I think there should definitely be some more clarity on this, why do some megalolis deserve 3-6 month bans just because they’re more experienced members, compared to others who get bans as little as 2 days for metagaming A lot of people think metagaming is some serious offence and deserves 3-6...
  19. CensoredExe

    Rule Changes - 15/04/2021

    @Synatec Why was the clarification made for government buildings made then when this would cover them too?
  20. CensoredExe

    Rule Changes - 15/04/2021

    This is a surprisingly good question, does this mean I could plant drugs in hungries? Pub?
  21. CensoredExe

    Selling timed glitter bombs

    Pine or oak?
  22. CensoredExe

    Server Suggestion A method of threatening the mayor

    Yeah, which is why I suggested a rule change if this would be considered a better solution, I’m not keen on it but I feel an ‘anonymous suggestion box’ is a fairly extensive solution to a very small problem (which isn’t really a problem considering you don’t need to threaten the mayor, merely...
  23. CensoredExe

    Server Suggestion A method of threatening the mayor

    This is cool but feels like it might take a while to make and slightly unnecessary imo? Feels like there’s an easier solution like anonymous adverts, changing the rules slightly etc
  24. CensoredExe

    Need help paying a bill?

    what is this post lol
  25. CensoredExe


  26. CensoredExe

    he could atleast make it higher res than it is currently i can see every individual pixel smfh

    he could atleast make it higher res than it is currently i can see every individual pixel smfh
  27. CensoredExe

    Big up Conyo for running commentary on his birthday happy birthday sexi

    Big up Conyo for running commentary on his birthday happy birthday sexi
  28. CensoredExe

    Police Suggestion Dispatch Suggestion

    They are equivalent to LT last I checked Also, when there was a senior dispatcher role, there was also a head dispatcher, that was in charge of the department, something that could be considered if this was brought back.
  29. CensoredExe

    nice game

    some crash clips i found that i thought were depressingly funny <- when the mensa casino poker game destroyed the server