Update Log - 17/04/2021
April Community Update
The updates are as follows:
Player Rewards
- Players will now be rewarded for joining the forums, steam group, and the discord server.
- Information about this can be found on PH HELP
- To claim rewards, list claimed rewards, or get more information about rewards, you can speak to the City Hall Library NPC. In-game Player Rewards are referred to as the City Lottery.

New Player Survey
- New players with more than 2 hours of playtime will be asked to participate in a survey.
- New Players participating in the survey will be asked how they found our server, how they are enjoying it this far, and more similar questions aimed to get a better understanding of how newer players feel about the server and overall community. This will allow us to make future changes, that will benefit new players but also old-timers.
New Player tag on doors and above players heads
- New Players will now have the "New Player" tag above their head until they have reached 3 days of playtime.
- New Players that still have the "New Player" tag above their heads will now also have a "New Player" tag on doors they own.
- The purpose of this is to allow more experienced players to see what properties are owned by new players and what properties are not.
- Attempts to have new players buy properties as some kind of protection against raids are not allowed. So if you plan to use a new player so you with 3 months' playtime won't get raided, think again. If this is abused we will remove it. This was added to aid new players, and only new players.
Free Premium for New Players
- Since a while back we have given completely new players free premium for x amount of days. We have now changed this, and anyone with less than 24 hours of playtime will automatically have premium. The premium will automatically be removed when they reach 24 hours of playtime.
Gun Pointing the Drug Dealer
- Gun pointing the Drug Dealer will now result in a short "ban", he will completely refuse to allow you to sell or buy for a short while.
- It's completely fine to have a gun on your back, but if you have it out while talking to him, then he won't be happy.
Confirmation when buying vehicles
- When purchasing a vehicle, a confirmation box will pop up asking you if you are sure about the purchase. This to stop anyone from accidentally buying the wrong vehicle.
New PerpHeads API
- The PerpHeads API has been re-written and will allow us to make faster changes to support future updates.
Staff Tool Changes
- Staff can now use more god stick tools on vehicles and dead bodies.
Huge Thanks To,
@Efan @Tyla Jai @TinySlayer @Fredy @roxie @thehomelessdude @thom_e @AnEmma @Jack Bushross @Bolli@Madda
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