Search results

  1. Alexander Smith

    Your Favourite Character In Fictional Movies / TV / Games

    TV: (The Nazi) // Booty call bailey Tv-Game: Movie: sergeant hartman
  2. Alexander Smith

    General Inactivity

    glad to hear that it is going good for you i am holding my thumbs for you and keep the good up, And best of luck from me :-) take care
  3. Alexander Smith

    What do you guys do as job

    Military is always open for you :-) strongly recommended or go to the police academy this is atleast my plan: senior high school- Drivers licence - Military (combat command security soldier) - Police academy.
  4. Alexander Smith

    I can't get in the server for some reason

    Try to connect via the console and type: connect
  5. Alexander Smith

    Free Photoshop

    Working flawless thanks
  6. Alexander Smith

    Headset? Both are strongly recommended
  7. Alexander Smith

    Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday
  8. Alexander Smith

    I'v done a big misstake

    So i'v got a serious problem that i can't help and i need help.. Age: 14 From: Sweden (native country) Native language: Swedish (also speek: English,German) Total spent on steam: 1063 euro steam level: 19 Steam page: Dreams to achive: get a...
  9. Alexander Smith

    Steam Summer Sale 2016: What did you get?

    (2x) (4 pack) (Refunded shit game) (refunded) (refunded) (Refunded)
  10. Alexander Smith

    It's okay just add Smoof on steam and we can contiune our lovely conversation :-)

    It's okay just add Smoof on steam and we can contiune our lovely conversation :-)
  11. Alexander Smith

    Steam 2016 Summer Sale 23rd June 2016

    I will buy: - The long Dark - Dead Rising 3 - Prison Architect - then i will buy some other games that i might find or that i might find interesting Just because i already bought: - Watch_Dogs 2 gold edition -Mafia 3 Delux edition - the new hitman full experience
  12. Alexander Smith

    Gang Beasts - Code Giveaway

    Name: Smoof Why you want the game: It's just looking like a fun time and i would love to play it with my mates and have a friendly and lovely time. Do you like Germany: - Yes i do like germany Because i went there with my best mate and had a lovely time out on the streets and in the hotel room...
  13. Alexander Smith

    Private Purge Server (OPEN)

    Steam profile link: Age: 14 Timezone: GMT +1 Do you give full consent for me to upload any footage from the server, that may include you to YouTube: YES
  14. Alexander Smith

    Introduction Johnson Runner

    willkommen mein freund
  15. Alexander Smith

    what is a game thats under £5 but still fun to play?

    Postal 2 is a really fun game (Never mind sorry it's 9,99 euro and when i bought it was 0,99 euro)
  16. Alexander Smith

    favorite crisps or "Chips"

    with some holiday dimix
  17. Alexander Smith

    Internet Speed Boasting

  18. Alexander Smith

    Recommended Games?

    The new Hitman game it awesome you should try it out and make a mass shooting neitherway Fallout 4 it's really recomented
  19. Alexander Smith

    Dream Car?

    a BMW X6 2016 or if it 2015 model
  20. Alexander Smith

    AR on Smoof + Saltguy in the Suburbs 3.

    Hello, I just wanted to explain a few things: first of all it was a quiet unrealistic pary nerly everyone had a gun and nerly everyone had been pulling their guns and saying ''drop you items, na it's just a prank bro'' 2. i was out in the garden there we sang karaoke so it was quiet hard to hear...
  21. Alexander Smith

    Favorite Drink

  22. Alexander Smith


    Hans Voight
  23. Alexander Smith

    Happy Halloween!

    Hi im just very comfused sorry but is it a zombie event or not and in that case what time is it??? really dont wanna miss it if it should happend beacuse then i would be my first time on a event. Please help this comfused soul
  24. Alexander Smith

    The Growing Power Applications [Closed]

    Steam Name/SteamID: Smoof / STEAM_0:0:78466119 IC Name: Alexander Smith IC Age: 30 Tell us about your IC persona?: I am a person that helps family members in need. I do whatever it takes to protect my family and i can handle weapons pretty well at using weapons. I got a fast car if needed in...