Happy Halloween!

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Though I'm not sure what there's to be happy about. Humanity is on the verge of collapse, zombies are starting to infest our cities, Paralake included! Stock up on your guns, ammo, grenades, any type of firearm you can get your hands on, it's not safe out there! If you're not careful you might end up a victim to this plague yourself. If you see a zombie be sure to aim for the head. Sure some may go down easy but believe me, not all zombies are the same. We need to all band together and convince this new Police Board lead by @Jordan that firearms are a necessary tool in wiping out this zombie scourge! No one will be eating our brains today! Again word from all other cities dealing with this pandemic suggest that aiming for the head is the best bet to stop these suckers. Let's hope we don't have to deal with them for too long and this is all a bad experiment that the government cleans up soon.

On a more positive note I suppose, available only for Halloween are pumpkin seeds found in Uncle Cos' Hardwares in the city. Keep in mind these seeds will more than likely expire the next day so use them quick. Plant them in some dirt or other suitable ground to grow yourself a pumpkin! Pumpkins can be refined into some pumpkin spice for a nice addition to your coffee for an added boost of energy in the Cooking section of your mixtures menu or just use your pumpkin as decoration at your property. The choice is yours, but seeds won't last forever. (They will make it back in for an update at a later time though)
Edit: Seeds will last until 7th of November due to bugs that were found.

Keep in mind... gun pointing people, murdering, etc over pumpkins is not allowed, unless the pumpkins are an object to be handed over during a mugging. However, this should not take place because of witnessing someone growing them.


I don't know the actual times we'll be doing huge zombie waves, that's up to @Bolli / @MoronPipllyd to really decide. Ammo and such may be provided during those times, but don't count on it entirely. Anyways Happy Halloween and I hope everyone has a good time.
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I've encountered a bug with the recent pumpkin addition, When you plant your pumpkin the first one will grow fine, Whenever you try to grow the second one no matter how you do it will bug out and appear as a black shadow in the ground, The only way to fix this is to rejoin as you can only plant five maximum.

EDIT: I found a way around this, Plant only one pumpkin, after you collect the pumpkin wait for the leaves to completely disappear before you plant another one, This takes around 10 or so minutes from what I'm guessing. (Plant one at a time)

Here is a image to better represent what I'm on about. I actually got two to work this time. This is what happens why you try to plant more than one.

Really good work on your part @StephenPuffs

I'm loving the pumpkins! You're created so much more possibilities for my coffee shop!
And the animations for growing pumpkins is awesome
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Schteven, my pumpkins are invisible if I plant 3 at a time, not even a shadow. Could you be so kind to fix this else I can't plant all my 150 seeds and bakassi women won't be the main supplier of pumpkins now
Maybe selling all of my ammo in that org war was not a good idea after all.

Well on the plus side for once I have plenty of guns and mags.
Though I'm not sure what there's to be happy about. Humanity is on the verge of collapse, zombies are starting to infest our cities, Paralake included! Stock up on your guns, ammo, grenades, any type of firearm you can get your hands on, it's not safe out there! If you're not careful you might end up a victim to this plague yourself. If you see a zombie be sure to aim for the head. Sure some may go down easy but believe me, not all zombies are the same. We need to all band together and convince this new Police Board lead by @Jordan that firearms are a necessary tool in wiping out this zombie scourge! No one will be eating our brains today! Again word from all other cities dealing with this pandemic suggest that aiming for the head is the best bet to stop these suckers. Let's hope we don't have to deal with them for too long and this is all a bad experiment that the government cleans up soon.

On a more positive note I suppose, available only for Halloween are pumpkin seeds found in Uncle Cos' Hardwares in the city. Keep in mind these seeds will more than likely expire the next day so use them quick. Plant them in some dirt or other suitable ground to grow yourself a pumpkin! Pumpkins can be refined into some pumpkin spice for a nice addition to your coffee for an added boost of energy in the Cooking section of your mixtures menu or just use your pumpkin as decoration at your property. The choice is yours, but seeds won't last forever. (They will make it back in for an update at a later time though)

Keep in mind... gun pointing people, murdering, etc over pumpkins is not allowed, unless the pumpkins are an object to be handed over during a mugging. However, this should not take place because of witnessing someone growing them.


I don't know the actual times we'll be doing huge zombie waves, that's up to @Bolli / @MoronPipllyd to really decide. Ammo and such may be provided during those times, but don't count on it entirely. Anyways Happy Halloween and I hope everyone has a good time.
Hi im just very comfused sorry but is it a zombie event or not and in that case what time is it??? really dont wanna miss it if it should happend beacuse then i would be my first time on a event. Please help this comfused soul
ALDI now have pumpkin scented Stimpacks in store! So when you're being mauled or molested by hungry, hungry zombies, stop on by ALDI so you can experience being eaten alive that little bit longer.
Just so everyone is aware, in my original post I said seeds will only be around for Halloween, but due to the current problems, I will let them remain around for a week. Hopefully in the next few days I'll find a solution but thanks to Garry's Mod, it's one of those things that works in testing, but then when you try it live, something goes wrong. Anyways enjoy the seeds for the next week.
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