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  1. Charlie Collins

    Hello everybody

    Lets fucking do this cunnnt
  2. Charlie Collins

    The Ray's

    Mate it will just be a fuck load of swearing shouting and explosives.
  3. Charlie Collins

    The Ray's

    The Ray's Backstory The 2 ray brothers where born on an English farm far far away from any town or city. That is where they grew up. They were born and raised at a very young age not to take shit from anyone and to always fight for what they love and to defend what they loved. They were also...
  4. Charlie Collins

    Anyone able to give cash in GTA Online?

    @CodezBlack Right lad. Just got my self a mod menu, I will do you a money drop if you want. Just give me your Social club username.
  5. Charlie Collins

    AR on Charlie

    @Geordie Life If you would like to say your part of what happened then it would maybe help out with the understanding of this situation. As you were involved. Apart from that i have nothing else to add so i am just going to leave it for staff to do what they need to do. I have said my peace.
  6. Charlie Collins

    AR on Charlie

    No, i took someone's word who i trust over getting a book of law to check for my self. Which i said i understand that was wrong of me to do so but i trust Frankie a fair bit.
  7. Charlie Collins

    AR on Charlie

    Sadly i do not have any proof as i was not recording. Also, a Demo would not show anything to prove what i have said. Like i said before if you have proof then i will accept the ban or warn. As i understand that i may have taken this situation in the wrong way. As i asked Frankie for the Tax%...
  8. Charlie Collins

    Anyone able to give cash in GTA Online?

    Nice one lad. Sent you a steam friend request. My SC name is CollinsncoHD1110
  9. Charlie Collins

    AR on Charlie

    You were mayor for about 20mins bud. As you spent 9 or 10 mins in City Hall when you got mayor. Then you moved into the PD waited another 10mins. while you were in PD i put the warning saying lower the taxes. Then you came out of the PD went into the main city near bank then walked into the...
  10. Charlie Collins

    AR on Charlie

    Could have been but at the time was told that they were at 39 and that was it. I understand now from that POV that i should have asked for Frankie to tell me if the taxes were going down or higher. But as soon as i was told they were on 39% I put out the advert for them to be lowered. It only...
  11. Charlie Collins

    Anyone able to give cash in GTA Online?

    I am pretty sure if it is the same account which is linked to bove PC and PS4 then yes. But if it is 2 different accounts. Then no.
  12. Charlie Collins

    AR on Charlie

    Like i stated Frankie told me it was on 39%. That is why i started this all off. Mate if you have evidence of them being on 19% then i will be more then happy to take the blame. As i understand i should have got a book of law for my self and checked them but i didn't have one on me at the time...
  13. Charlie Collins

    Anyone able to give cash in GTA Online?

    Do us a solid and drop me some cash.
  14. Charlie Collins

    AR on Charlie

    Hello, So I and Frankie were rolling with each other and Frankie wanted me to make him some guns so i said to Frankie to check the taxes which he said they were at 39% we gave you the warning to lower them waited 10mins saw you in the parking garage and killed you. From the point when we gave...
  15. Charlie Collins

    DayZ 0.63 (Experimental)

    The best thing about the new update is that fist fights are so more dramatic. @Billy Fucking Ray will know. We played it for a few hours and just punched out a load of kids.
  16. Charlie Collins

    My Muslim friends.

    @Billy Fucking Ray Show these lot what we do to muzzies [In RP]
  17. Charlie Collins

    Happy Birthday to my guy Callum.

    Happy Birthday to my guy Callum.
  18. Charlie Collins

    Sorry bud i just want to clear it up. I don't mean no harm mate.

    Sorry bud i just want to clear it up. I don't mean no harm mate.
  19. Charlie Collins

    Billy Fucking Ray Montage #2 (As requested by many others)

    Good work Billy very well done for doing it all on your own this time. I am going to start to play a lot more now so i will help get more clips for it. As we are both homeless after all.
  20. Charlie Collins

    TFU Montage

    Tbh i think this is better @Dom_
  21. Charlie Collins

    E3 - What games are you interested in?

    I have to say Dying Light 2 looks fucking amazing and I can't wait to get my hands on it. Last of us 2 also can't wait for it. Might just need to splash some cash to get my self a PS4 to play it. Fallout 76, Looks good.
  22. Charlie Collins

    TFU Montage

    Good effort. But not really anything to good in the video to see. 3/10.
  23. Charlie Collins

    Increase FPS (Windows 10 & ANY OTHER SYSTEM)

    tbh I only have a GTX 1050 and an I3 2120 and i play perp on about 60 to 30 FPS
  24. Charlie Collins

    Goodbye everyone

    See ya later man. It's been a good run. I hope to see you make a return sooner or later. Man gonna miss getting arrested by you.
  25. Charlie Collins

    Billy Ray.

    Na i swear it is billy. Harley died hence the reason why my signature is what it is. I also +1 this as Billy is my guy. Forever beating people up with him. A1 guy.
  26. Charlie Collins

    Congrats on Enforcer mate. Very well deserved. Do me, proud lad. Lol. Best of luck.

    Congrats on Enforcer mate. Very well deserved. Do me, proud lad. Lol. Best of luck.
  27. Charlie Collins

    Congrats on getting Enforcer. I was meant to change my response to a + Support but it looks like...

    Congrats on getting Enforcer. I was meant to change my response to a + Support but it looks like you didn't need it :) Best of luck bud.
  28. Charlie Collins

    Dashcam videos - Best of them

    @The HitMan I think it just goes to show that you drive very slow. Lol. JK
  29. Charlie Collins

    Im leaving, mass item giveaway and 9 million dollars

    Billy, This was that thing that happened yesterday when you nearly got banned cos the guy try'ed to rob everyone at Regals. Remember. Cos you killed 17 people.
  30. Charlie Collins

    Billy Foking Ray little Montage xD

    10/10 Lad. You did it right. Fucking the photos at the end are the best.