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  1. Askasta

    AR on Josef Trapani

    Not involved but im here to counter Husky's argument. He can help cops at civ. He can GP you under the law 2.1 or 2.2 Since you commited a crime. He GPed you so cops can come and solve the situation. Being a civ dosent mean automaticly you are a criminal.
  2. Askasta

    Forum Pagination

    delete it its gay
  3. Askasta

    AR mega roach

    @hidewhite2 10-4
  4. Askasta

    AR mega roach

    @hidewhite2 i do have evidence. You wrote and i dont know the exact words "these niggas/people mugged me" so i KOSed you in org chat and went down to solve the problem myself what do you mean i dont have evidence yes i do. Yes i leave your DNA still you snitched on me for something i would...
  5. Askasta

    AR mega roach

    i dont need to tell you that not to snitch. Its a reasonable thing to kill someone for snitching to a cop wich might get me 5+ sentence or 5k+ ticket. It dosent matter if cops investigate or gonna listen to you. EDIT: Its up to the cops if they gonna investigate or not in your case they didnt...
  6. Askasta

    AR mega roach

    you peaseant dare to make a AR on the MEGA ROACH ? no jokes by side We attempted to mugg/raid you wich went OK. After a while we got raided by the master himself @Benny122 When cops came to investigate and they were done attempting to leave you told them that we mugged you. Snitches get...
  7. Askasta

    Where your perp name came from

    i literlly took anton then googeld ukraine/russian last names and they have that vic at the last common so i just took the random word "pruka" and smacked a "vic" behind it.
  8. Askasta

    So you out here making a AR on someone for doing the same shit you are doing ? Bruh.

    So you out here making a AR on someone for doing the same shit you are doing ? Bruh.
  9. Askasta

    looking for new signature

    @flugs the only people who take this way to serously is speedy he literlly screams his soul at me when he sees me at a shootout. Lmfao. But yea im not really being targetted from costra or slaughter people only people who target me are david doman and bill burton. Currently the only ones who...
  10. Askasta

    looking for new signature

    @flugs nah that wont change anything they already hate me for being in perptraitors not everyone but the OG and big people do wich is already frustraiting at this point. Also i cant really do much against it cause i lag like a spastic. Once i get my new PC i will be more active in shootouts...
  11. Askasta

    looking for new signature

    to your question "why i do this to myself". Well i really didnt go for that reputation just recenrtly couple of days ago when i made this post Aquaa called me ingame Mega roach and warned everyone ingame to spray me cause i will yoink guns. Also 1 day before that there was a big ass clusterfuck...
  12. Askasta

    looking for new signature

    @flugs Well i dont yoink at all shootouts only at these where my org is involved or friends of people i know getting raided. I then get myself a handgun watch the situation till all cops die or even shoot the last ones myself then i enter the building with a gun drawn and watch for the guns on...
  13. Askasta

    looking for new signature

    still waitint for it my dear friend
  14. Askasta

    looking for new signature

    no i am professioal mingegrabber. The only negative thing about this reputation is that they GP me once they see me even tho i didnt take anything. EDIT: Ofc when mingegrabbing i watch the rules not that you think im breaking them lul.
  15. Askasta

    What to do

    alright mate, When i'll see you i will touch you ingame
  16. Askasta

    looking for new signature

    hi perp community, Today aquaa called me a mega roach and warned users ingame to spray me with roach spray to prevent me minging the guns. From this day on i will call my self now mega roach, changed my profile picture now i just need a new signature with a roach on it and maybe a small...
  17. Askasta

    omg btw nice edit hahahahah

    omg btw nice edit hahahahah
  18. Askasta

    oh god that was such a legend situation. I only wanted to show him how to surrender and then i...

    oh god that was such a legend situation. I only wanted to show him how to surrender and then i did it myself. Then him missing the shots not being able to kill me hahahahahahah such a clusterfuck.
  19. Askasta

    Censored ive only been forced 4-3 times in my whole life. That one clusterfuck at bazaars i was...

    Censored ive only been forced 4-3 times in my whole life. That one clusterfuck at bazaars i was even allowed to keep slaughters guns and since that day they went hella mad at me for doing it hahahahah. even back in 2017 when i was new my first ban was for mingegrabbing xDD.
  20. Askasta

    yes very professional xD

    yes very professional xD
  21. Askasta

    Keep f*cking crashing

    I once started to crash once i joined the server. I unsubcribed to all my addons then i also ran menu_cleanupmap or whatever the commadn was it was shown to me once you unsub all addons and run gmod. then i looked in my addons folder and deleted those files too. After all that i subbed back to...
  22. Askasta

    you know that you call someone a "Sweater" when hes new to the game. 3 Years into a community...

    you know that you call someone a "Sweater" when hes new to the game. 3 Years into a community where 2 years of it i was inaktive. Means automaticly im not a sweater anymore. What you mean is probaly that im still a noob yes i fully agree with you on that point. Think before saying something.
  23. Askasta

    can't* | "when you are a sweater aswell"* | Im definitly not a sweater. Idk if you remember me...

    can't* | "when you are a sweater aswell"* | Im definitly not a sweater. Idk if you remember me but back in 2017 or in 2018 you threatnen to target the living shit out of me cause i made you angry for something i even forget myself
  24. Askasta


    sadly if he makes an IA. The IA gonna get accepted. Its not allowed for a cop to break traffic laws at all costs.
  25. Askasta

    ar on N0Oni

    for your info the third video shows him hitting your car with machete. However before that i belive you broke 2.5 dafuq you blocking and ramming him all the time and being a general prick ?. You really seem to have fun annoying sweaters damn
  26. Askasta


    yo can you send the link ?
  27. Askasta

    V3 Models

    im also down to help but idk who i contact or if they choose players.
  28. Askasta

    Backpack / duffel bag

    yes pls add it so i can mingegrab more guns
  29. Askasta

    Recall police equipment (cones, etc) on death/command

    omg yes, Its so cancer to go back to the death scene to pickup your cones or barricades. Cause sometimes they are not there anymore and you have to start looking for them where the fuck they went. Sometimes i find them in random shops at bazaars causre someone threw them in there lmfao.
  30. Askasta

