Recall police equipment (cones, etc) on death/command

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Description of the idea: When a police officer dies, or maybe uses a command /recall it will send all items either back to inventory or delete them entirely

Why should this be added? (pros): Less shit in the middle of the road

What negatives could this have? (cons): Break some kinds of RP I suppose

*Other additions: [list here]

Make it so when you interact with the NPC Who gives you your cones and barricades to get more of said items, all spawned cones and barricades you have down despawned.
I like this suggestion, however I think the 5 minutes whilst you are black-screened is enough time for the cones to be annoying, I would still like a way to recall them during death. Might just be me having minor OCD though.
omg yes,
Its so cancer to go back to the death scene to pickup your cones or barricades.
Cause sometimes they are not there anymore and you have to start looking for them where the fuck they went. Sometimes i find them in random shops at bazaars causre someone threw them in there lmfao.
I'd say give it a 5-10 minute timer after death, i can imagine too many roadblocks/perimiters despawning while situations would still be going on.
When you go to the cone person and ask for cones it already despawns any ones you have already placed
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