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  1. Shaniqua

    Ban Request -> |AFF| Chris

    +Support This was no reason to raid as they didn't do anything. They never warned just rushed in hope this user gets banned...
  2. Shaniqua

    New Game

  3. Shaniqua

    Hobbies and Interests

    Boxing, Football And be out in the nature #BORINGASFUCK
  4. Shaniqua

    MoronPipllyd's Plea for you vote as 'Cop of the Year'

    RIP in me thanks for saving my life though xD
  5. Shaniqua

    RUST: The Paralake Village

    Aw shit i wanna join :O
  6. Shaniqua


    The name says it all just post ur rank and stuff if you want to play with anyone :P #RandomPost
  7. Shaniqua

    The sweater-vest thread

    I think we all know who this man is he killed 2 guys with a baseball bat with no problem at all but yesterday he had fallen, and a new Sweatervest will come to town one day like him #RIPSWEATERVEST
  8. Shaniqua

    Separate storage chests and car trunks in the F4 Menu....

    It can piss me off sometime when someone takes ur stuff from the trunk without permission i do support this idea!
  9. Shaniqua

    Trying to get me demoted are we?

    I'm sorry i don't really have time for the demo overall i think i will upload it tomorrow.
  10. Shaniqua

    my tv is gone

    Use the right template
  11. Shaniqua

    If you don't see me i don't see you :3

    If you don't see me i don't see you :3
  12. Shaniqua

    Not being alowed to come back at all during a raid

    I think this idea is great, i've been in many raids as a citizen when SWAT, Just dies and just comes back And it's impossible to win...
  13. Shaniqua

    La Cosa Nostra

    Great work, Robin i'm glad that i'm a member of this organization :P
  14. Shaniqua

    Sweatervest, the beginning of the evil

    We will always remember you the Almighty Sweatervest, RIP HE DIED :C
  15. Shaniqua


    Goodbye Ethan or the man that has much lags :P, I hope to see you soon! :)
  16. Shaniqua

    Trying to get me demoted are we?

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Micheal Lark His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Melanie Dutch, Jeff Jefferson His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:90107707 Jeff Jefferson, STEAM_0:1:27248409, Melanie Dutch Reason: So ok you see in the demo they're asking where the drug dealer is!, what's their bussiness with the...
  17. Shaniqua

    [Ban Request] by Sgt.James

    I do think this member should be banned, as i can't see the demo atm. i don't really know so much, well for some minutes ago that user drove on the highway violated the traffic laws he was speeding on the bridge also so he broke 4.1, then i said ''Your driving is bad'' he said he can give me a...
  18. Shaniqua

    The purpose of PLC Taxi service

    For real you're the best taxi driver your old man roleplay is great! :D
  19. Shaniqua

    My 4 bobby pins gone.

    This can be closed didn't find the right demo.
  20. Shaniqua

    My 4 bobby pins gone.

    Your in-game name: Micheal Lark Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:52018502 Reason: Okay so i was raiding then police came it was a battle i died, he came took me into the car when we arrived to the police station he was gonna search me the LT James Jefferson, Sgt James then i asked is bobby pins illegal he...
  21. Shaniqua

    Unable to crouch jump

    You're sure you weren't extremly hungry/starving or exhausted?
  22. Shaniqua

    Such a friendly, and awesome person <33 - Caroline

    Such a friendly, and awesome person <33 - Caroline
  23. Shaniqua

    3.4 by Caroline.

    Wait ethan you got banned?
  24. Shaniqua

    Obvious 3.4

    You was aiming a gun at him when i gun pointed you also?, that dosen't make any sense and you were saying ''i'm waiting here for LT?'' for me this was not 3.4 as you was gunpointing him i was gunpointing you.
  25. Shaniqua

    Drugs INC

    Org disbanded
  26. Shaniqua

    La Cosa Nostra - Applications

    Ingame name: Caroline Flower Steam Name: Caroline Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:52018502 Total playtime: 3 Weeks about 1 month soon. Are you a VIP: Yes List of all cars you own: GMC VANDURA, LAMBORGHINI GALLARDO When are you mostly online?: All days i can be online on the morning or not i'm mostly online...
  27. Shaniqua

    A little game!

    Feast feast, the apes tackled Bob and the last second bob saw...
  28. Shaniqua

    Implementation of the Sheriff Department

    I would love to see this, but i don't really think the staff should pick the persons up. Well a support for me!
  29. Shaniqua

    Goodbye, Perpheads.

    The end was sad. sad to see you go hope you come back some day! :C
  30. Shaniqua

    What'd you get?

    This is what i got: Iphone 5 S, A amazing speaker, Obey cap, some headsets for ipad/iphone, Assasin's creed unity PC, Iphone 5 S Shell, some hoodys, Boxing kit thingy xD, Perfume, a wallet That's what i got merry xmas!! :shamefullyembarrased: