MoronPipllyd Messages 1,577 Reaction score 4,393 Points 650 Location Wales Dec 29, 2014 #1 Responded to a life alert, killed and arrested 4 armed perpetrators. Like a G. Do it. btw. Murtsley died a horrible death. Last edited: Dec 29, 2014
Responded to a life alert, killed and arrested 4 armed perpetrators. Like a G. Do it. btw. Murtsley died a horrible death.
Robin Ljungberg Messages 1,066 Reaction score 2,093 Points 705 Location La Cosa Nostra Dec 29, 2014 #2 Killin like a motherfucker, Great job officer moron!
Garrett Woodfield Guest Dec 29, 2014 #3 officer moron 3: you ran jerome over, may death be upon you! :3 good job
Shaniqua Messages 166 Reaction score 130 Points 340 Location Dagobah Dec 31, 2014 #5 RIP in me thanks for saving my life though xD
Ayjay Guest Messages 2,912 Reaction score 8,253 Points 915 Location Leeds, England. Dec 31, 2014 #6 A lovely capture there, shame this didn't get the votes; you were 5 behind Luke though if that's any consolation.
A lovely capture there, shame this didn't get the votes; you were 5 behind Luke though if that's any consolation.
Death Howl Messages 1,339 Reaction score 1,296 Points 340 Location England, Norfolk Dec 31, 2014 #7 Wow next time we raid glasco as cops we should make sure officer rambo is with us
Mannerwaffel Messages 933 Reaction score 1,255 Points 340 Location Salzburg, Austria Dec 31, 2014 #8 Wales is kill.
Niko Messages 1,653 Reaction score 4,804 Points 1,085 Location Denmark Dec 31, 2014 #10 I am disappointed you didn't hold the gun sideways.