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  1. jjjackier

    thanks rukako

    thanks rukako
  2. jjjackier

    thanks bro

    thanks bro
  3. jjjackier


  4. jjjackier

    ah yes, maybe i shall provide the 3 digits on the back of my card as well? nah just kidding, it's a nice concept but security is a big deal and it seems too much for such a small thing like ingame rolls i see this as somewhat a school project instead
  5. jjjackier

    Roleplay Acknowledgement

    where's my restaurant roleplay and then later have grenades thrown at and raided badge?
  6. jjjackier

    Aquaa's Reformation (HELPER)

    It's about time you joined the Bards.
  7. jjjackier

    Looking for a gaming keyboard

    if you buy a mechanical keyboard that clicks with a decibel of 105 i swear to god im blocking you and its not really worth it imo to spend on a "good" keyboard since most cheaper keyboards work just fine? screw ur friends xd edit: god damnit
  8. jjjackier

    Aquaa's Reformation (HELPER)

    got em
  9. jjjackier

    Update - 07/05/2020

    SHIT, how am I supposed to play the Bard class in raids now?
  10. jjjackier

    pOliCe MiLiTaRiSaTiOn

    the Anders Breivik attack was back in 2011 and it took 8 years for another terrorist attack to occur in Norway
  11. jjjackier

    pOliCe MiLiTaRiSaTiOn

    @Generic Twat They have guns because they feel like they have a duty to uphold their constitution from the evil . . . . government? It confuses me because they don't trust the political party that's steering the country even though they were the ones who voted for Trump????? Like . . make up...
  12. jjjackier

    pOliCe MiLiTaRiSaTiOn

    ah yes WELCOME to london mayte, here's your complementary acid thrown into your face
  13. jjjackier

    We Are The JellyBabies

    this org do be kinda hot doe
  14. jjjackier


    Imma have to agree with Fatass on this one, this is kinda petty
  15. jjjackier

    Stupidest shit you’ve ever done

    We went to Jordan for summer vacation and we decided to go swimming and all that stuff. The temperature was around 41 degrees celsius. Usually you put on sunscreen before you go out in heat like that. Well, my dumbass realized later that sunscreen and temperature has no correlation, it's...
  16. jjjackier

    Paralake in Unreal Engine

    @Aquaa you still owe me 5 dollars for that RAW game shit
  17. jjjackier

    Stupidest shit you’ve ever done

    going out in scotland is almost a death sentence* fixed that for you xddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
  18. jjjackier

    Stupidest shit you’ve ever done

    In 2015 our new school was finished and we all moved there, so the old school was being renovated. Fast forward a year, the windows were smashed and all that so it was easy to get in. A big group of my friends went in there to play hide n seek and stuff, man that was some good funny times. I...
  19. jjjackier

    Normal or Sparkling water

    Scandinavia is in top 5 of best tap water in the world. It's most likely that people are just used to their own water taste in their country.
  20. jjjackier

    I need a new mic

    Standalone mic users? GTFO bruh, anyone with bad settings will sound like ass. Doesn't help when people have those ugly ass mechanical keyboards either.
  21. jjjackier

    Normal or Sparkling water

    Would you rather drink depressed water that has accepted its fate? Or would you drink angry water that resists its inevitable demise? I rest my case.
  22. jjjackier

    Normal or Sparkling water

    I can confirm, italian water almost made me puke.
  23. jjjackier

    Dual Monitor Tools - Locking to a screen

    what the fuck is a monitor
  24. jjjackier

    Replace the monorail with Øresundståg

  25. jjjackier

    Replace the monorail with Øresundståg

    Someone explain to Mr. Delusional over here that Sweden is bottom of the barrel of the Nordic countries.
  26. jjjackier

    Starter PC Build for a friend

    RGB hoes get the fuck out
  27. jjjackier

    shake yo booty ft. @Creepis

  28. jjjackier

    Boobs or ass

    A wise man once said: It is not the size that matters, but the shape.
  29. jjjackier

    What will be considered "bad" in the future.

    being a republican in the USA lmao
  30. jjjackier

    0 was wayyyy more painful

    0 was wayyyy more painful