Update - 07/05/2020

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Update - 07/05/2020
The following changes will go live shortly.​

Bug fixes/Changes @TinySlayer, @StephenPuffs , @Madda and I have worked on include:

  • Added the M68 impact grenade
  • Fixed quickswap for grenades
  • Changes for the upcoming drug update
  • Added the help website to the F1 menu
  • Players can now freeze their pianos
  • Medics can now stop their own bleeding with the health kit
  • Car alarms now trigger emergency incidents
  • Backroom is now lockable in McUwes
  • Fixed clothing not updating properly on purchase
  • Removed the armored indicator unless the player can have armor
  • Player status indicators have a better transition
  • Added a new inventory category for weapon attachments
  • Some animations are now available when sitting down
  • Minor animation fixes
  • Location is now displayed to government employees while in their vehicle
  • Fixed issues when players could not get out of chairs

The new grenade

Found a bug? Report it at https://perpheads.com/forums/bug-reports.345/.

Big thanks to the following people,

@Samuel - Testing, Ideas, Implementations
@TinySlayer - Testing, Ideas, Implementations
@StephenPuffs - Implementations
@Madda - Implementations
@Dom_ - Testing
@Jack Bushross - Testing
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If you die holding an impact grenade, what happens, do you just explode?
Im so thankful JAMIE helped with the testing and WASNT ME!
The new drug update sounds interesting tho. AMAZING WORK
Hello fellow PERPheads user,

I am writing to inform you that I have rated your post "Dumb".

What this means:
- Your post lacks any sort of substance or real reasoning.
- Your post contains a lack of correct information, or misinformation being portrayed as factual.
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- Your post is not constructive or helpful to the discussion at hand at all, and runs the risk of derailing the thread, and / or starting an unrelated heated discussion.
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- Any and all of the above.

What to do now:
- Delete this
- Edit this
- Apologise

Things to consider:
- Taking a break from the forums for awhile
- Reading other posts and try to base your posts around those
- Keep controversial opinions to yourself

Follow the steps above, and I might retract the rating, but for now, enjoy the -1 to your reaction score, pal.

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