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  1. Askasta

    My final goodbye

    why not stay in staff team from what i heard they pay people who are staff ? however like everyone else i also wish you good luck to get out of that situation.
  2. Askasta

    20/06/20 - Community Updates

    bro what no way only 4 people applied for the position. I though many would apply and i just applied to see if i even get considered lmao
  3. Askasta

    Update Log - 13/06/2020

    lately the perp developers are working hella good. I can remember that once updates came kinda rarely and after a time but now it feels like there is every week a new update. Awsome ! keep up the good work bois
  4. Askasta


  5. Askasta

    why did you do this ???

    why did you do this ???
  6. Askasta

    Saving For A New PC Need Suggestions

    thread can be closed moved whatever. I finaly got a new CPU the I5-4460. We bought a whole PC from some woman who didnt know the worth of it. I tliterly got a samsung SSD 120 GB | 8 GB DDR3 Ram with 1600 fasty thingy | I5-4460 and that all with ofc motherboard PC case etc. only for 60 Euro...
  7. Askasta

    Tik Tok Page!

    you did not just do this
  8. Askasta

    TFU heavy gear has a helmet similar to the old SWAT helmet

    Hhahahahah i fully support this suggestion if this sound effect gets added when tfu get headshoted
  9. Askasta

    Nice Consept well made. Why was my comment post deleted for duplicate lmao ?
  10. Askasta

    Hopefully, goodbye for the last time

    what a SCHANDE
  11. Askasta

    Aquaa's Reformation (HELPER)

    my life is equal to a ppk. You drop that shit once you find a better gun
  12. Askasta

    Update - 07/05/2020

    oh god i cant wait to mingegrab it off someone to try out the new nade
  13. Askasta

    Aquaa's Reformation (HELPER)

    watch this man melt me down with his words once i mingegrab his gun from a shootout.
  14. Askasta

    The Perpetrators

    @Sneaky Hahahhahahahah
  15. Askasta

    The Perpetrators

    omg, when i see that amount of guns my roach instinct kicks in.
  16. Askasta

    shake yo booty ft. @Creepis

  17. Askasta

    Starter PC Build for a friend

    when creepis disagree on your post it seems fishy :picture:
  18. Askasta

    Starter PC Build for a friend

    Im not a expert in the PC building but from what i know. Isn't AMD CPU Chips better in budget cause you get same/more performance for less money ???
  19. Askasta

    Stupid fucking mistakes man

    to create their own zarp
  20. Askasta

    Stupid fucking mistakes man

  21. Askasta

    Police Suggestion Give Dispatcher more function / Rework Dispatch

    Well to be honest i dont find it annoying if there is a dispatcher on duty. They are still usefull because then officers dont have to open PD computer to assign themselves. Dispatch takes care of that also with the current camera system i was able to get people arrested who managed to kill ALL...
  22. Askasta

    Police Suggestion Give Dispatcher more function / Rework Dispatch

    there are minges who sneak into PD and leave a visit to dispatcher room to troll around with them a lil bit. Ive also witnessed them being taken hostage in a PD Raid or even being killed/shot at. It would be hella usefull to defend against minges to teach em a lesson the hard way.
  23. Askasta

    Current favourite songs [OFFICIAL]

    guys i found filip
  24. Askasta


  25. Askasta

    Forum Pagination

    @BigBenji bro calm down can you not see that im joking ??
  26. Askasta

    Forum Pagination

    @BigBenji yes that gud
  27. Askasta

    AR mega roach

    @hidewhite2 it is valid evidence and you didnt say "mug" you said "that nhggu mugged me" wich gave me enough reason to murder you. You first claim at the beginning of the AR that you didnt snitch now after the video i posted you then claim suddenly you said something in the meaning but didnt...
  28. Askasta

    AR mega roach

    Like i said i do have evidence. It appeard in my chat wich means i was in the range of hearing it. A door dosent have to be open for me to hear it. Sound still is hearable maybe much more deemed but still hearable. I reacted to your snitching wich in my opinion gives me a reason to pop you...
  29. Askasta

    AR mega roach
