Police Suggestion Give Dispatcher more function / Rework Dispatch

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Brief description of idea: Give Dispatcher more functions, which will be discussed here.

For example, Dispatcher currently is very useless and somewhat annoying to have on-duty when you are an officer. It is not an efficient system at all and because of the new 911 call update thing it is even more useless because you literally don't need a dispatch anymore. I have Dispatch myself and I haven't gone on-duty as it for months because it is just boring and stressful as fuck.

My idea was to give Dispatchers more functions or just rework Dispatch completely.
- Give Dispatch the ability to see when someone's radio is muted.
- Give Dispatch the ability to send notifications to Units if they aren't responding / have their radio muted. This would be a very annoying noise that can't be missed.
- Give Dispatch the ability to assign vehicles to Units and the ability to revoke vehicles so there are not 5 crown vics. (Cpl+)
- Give Dispatch a weapon, even if it is melee. (Snr+)
- Assign all units button
- Delete all incident button
- Give cameras the ability to pan and zoom so they are useful ( @exrobitten 's idea )
- Dispatcher can switch radio channel Unit channels so he can talk to units privately. ( @Nasul 's idea )
- Dispatcher can add warrants if there are no officers on-duty that can. ( @Nasul 's idea ) (Maybe Snr+ but maybe not because there are so many examples of not being able to raid because no warrant)
- Dispatcher can mute a person. ( @Nasul 's idea ) (Snr+)
- Probably way more, share ideas in this thread.


What benefits would this idea have for the department:
Dispatch is actually useful

What potential negatives could this have for the department: I literally dont see any other than minging with the weapon.
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Something me and @Alyt discussed would be incident radio channels. This allows the main airwave to remain clear and the incident channel able to chat and communicate as freely as they need.

In terms of letting dispatch see when someone's radio is muted would be quite useful, along with sending them like a ping to unmute their radio, or force unmute? I don't know just an idea.

Assign all buttons and delete all incident button would be cool also!

Just got to keep in mind that it's very easy to get given dispatch now so giving new dispatchers powers to just revoke cars I can already see going wrong. Giving dispatch a melee weapon removes the point of a dispatcher, they 99% of the time have no reason to need to defend themselves.

But some of your ideas I think are good and could be extremely useful when implemented and don't for me bring up any cop/crim balancing issues.
the camera system needs to be improved for there to be any benefit to having a dispatch on duty
Completely forgot Dispatch has this because it is that useless, will add in post.
Force unmute would be too much power in my opinion, maybe a high ranked officer that is currently Dispatch could do that but I wouldn't give that power to low ranked officers.
Dispatch makes fun and is still usefull.
What Disptach need:
-Radio Channel
Dispatcher can switch radio channel to Unit.Radio Channel All Unit - Radio Channel Alpha 1 or Radio Channel Inccident #123 ...
-More or moveable Camera
-mybe Bodycam to see whats going on at raids
-Add warrant if only -SO is on duty do breach a door
-Dispatcher can mute a Person
There are so many people who just spam the radio and the dispatcher cant do much a the moment and u can not make IA to a FF or a troll medic
-Dispatch dont need weapon
That's what I'm saying, most dispatchers are new and giving them such powers like revoking vehicles and stuff will just end in carnage, it should work like SS, takes your rank into account when going on as dispatch and dependant on that it unlocks you different features as a dispatcher.
Dispatch revoking vehicles is a horrible idea. I'd like to not have my car revoked mid situation because the dispatchers sees there are too many. Supervisors should be getting permissions to do such a thing. Not sure when this will be added, it just depends on when @Samuel gets paid to do it!!
I've added multiple ideas from other users and I've added ranks in brackets to the functions I believe need a rank.
- Give Dispatch a weapon, even if it is melee. (Snr+)
Why would dispatch need a weapon. They can not be killed as they have a room that is not near PD. Another thing is, It'd be 2.5 to kill them.
a dispatcher actually needs a gun to defend themselves in a pd raid. Sometimes pd gets raided due to dispatchers on duty....
there are minges who sneak into PD and leave a visit to dispatcher room to troll around with them a lil bit.

Ive also witnessed them being taken hostage in a PD Raid or even being killed/shot at.

It would be hella usefull to defend against minges to teach em a lesson the hard way.
Well to be honest i dont find it annoying if there is a dispatcher on duty. They are still usefull because then officers dont have to open PD computer to assign themselves.

Dispatch takes care of that also with the current camera system i was able to get people arrested who managed to kill ALL OFFICERS on a scene. I just rememberd how they looked like and stalked them through the cameras. Once couple of cops was alive i told them what happend made a incident how they look like and then ezpz arrest or another shootout where all officers die and then respawn and just because of me they learn what happend after death.
Jesus if you have a smart Dispatch hes like a eagle who flys above a situation and reports everything and that eagle you cannot get rid off.

Damn to even make my job more usefull when slaughters pulled up on a building block i made PLPD broadcast warning that building of a possible raid and some even thanked me in OOC xDD. Later sadly i had to stop because a high rank cop told me to stop doing that just because i dont know what they could be doing inside the apartment maybe they doing drugs. etc. Also apartently i was only able to do it because im also traffic officer so i stopped.
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