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  1. KeiwaM

    Ban Statistics

    No. He was DMing every staff member, insulting them and telling them to make it permanent. So we made it 10 years instead to annoy him. The ban was actually extended to 10 years by A1L I believe.
  2. KeiwaM

    Ban Dispute (maia)

    You were banned for metagaming. Please join the discord so we can talk about this.
  3. KeiwaM

    Refund Request (TylerMac)

    You are elligible for a refund of the following items: 1 x Brügger & Thomet MP9 (With magazine) 1 x Brügger & Thomet MP9 stock 1 x Suppressor 9x19mm 1 x Red Dot Sight
  4. KeiwaM

    Refund Request (Na1)

    You are elligible for a refund of: 1 x HK45 CT + mag $25,600 for the repair of a Tesla Model S
  5. KeiwaM

    Ban Apology (KeiwaM)

    Your ban has been lowered to 1 month. Any further 3.4 violations within the next 6 months from your unban date will lead to a considerably longer ban.
  6. KeiwaM

    Waypo Staff (especially Brinch, Racxes and Curak)

    Yesterday, I was running low of weapons and ammunition. With no trusted Bazaar sellers capable of fulfilling a major order available, I put my eye towards Waypo and tried it out. The whole thing, from placing my order to my order being ready, took less than 10 minutes. The available Waypo staff...
  7. KeiwaM

    Ban Apology (KeiwaM)

    I am willing to lower the ban to 1 month (meaning you will be unbanned on the 10th/11th of July) if you agree to the condition that any further infractions within the next 6 months involving rule 3.4 will lead to a significantly longer ban. Do you accept these terms or do you wish to sit out...
  8. KeiwaM

    Police Suggestion Increase the usefulness of armor

    Have you been in gunfights while NOT having the armor? You die faster without armor.
  9. KeiwaM

    Police Suggestion Increase the usefulness of armor

    There is a very noticeable difference in damage reduction for cops.
  10. KeiwaM

    Ban Apology (Pug)

  11. KeiwaM

    Ban Apology (Pug)

    So you're lying in your apology, and then you get mad and just copy-paste the same apology, with the same lie in it?
  12. KeiwaM

    Ban Apology (Pug)

    It literally just got denied because you are very clearly lying in your apology.
  13. KeiwaM

    I published some PD signs I made

    I always wondered who put these up. Great work Pedro! Here is a couple of mine, free for use
  14. KeiwaM

    Communication Ban Apology (KeiwaM)

    Wait it out.
  15. KeiwaM

    Server Suggestion Give New Players a mission to get a paint job

    Suggestion changed to this!"
  16. KeiwaM

    Server Suggestion Give New Players a mission to get a paint job

    I see, 90% of people just opt not to i guess
  17. KeiwaM

    Server Suggestion Give New Players a mission to get a paint job

    Suggestion Title: Give New Players a mission to get a paint job Suggestion Description: So everyone knows the way to spot a sweatervest is from a Red Minicooper or a light blue Beetle. It gets repetitive to look at and offers little variety for new players. The initial suggestion was to give...
  18. KeiwaM

    Blacklist Apology (KeiwaM)

  19. KeiwaM

    Blacklist Apology (KeiwaM)

    IIRC, you were told several times to not cause issues in OOC - Including yesterday when Haris was nice to you and only gave you a 2 day mute, which you were unmuted from today. You clearly don't learn.
  20. KeiwaM

    Profitable Job

    In terms of NPC jobs, my guess is Medic if there are no other medics on, otherwise ranking up in the PD is very good money. If you don't mind doing stuff as a civvie, Taking large crafting orders from organisations and growing in a house while making them is very good. Bazaar shops can also be...
  21. KeiwaM

    Refund Request (sasuke0115)

  22. KeiwaM

    Ban Apology (KeimaW)

  23. KeiwaM

    Server Suggestion Give bandages and stim packs to SS

    You can already get medical supplies from the Police NPC
  24. KeiwaM

    Police Suggestion TFU Riot/Raid Shield

    All due respect, 15 AR shells is often what is dished out from the inside of a base in less than a second. At that point you might aswell just not have a shield.
  25. KeiwaM

    Police Suggestion TFU Riot/Raid Shield

    TFU is already incredibly strong. I could see it in play, but it would require further balancing, including rebalancing the rest of the TFU
  26. KeiwaM

    Refund Request (Nazeer)

    The following items are elligible for a refund: As I explained in the report, your friend must create a separate refund request. I cannot refund your friend's item to you.
  27. KeiwaM

    Event Suggestion The Annual Purge

    Can't wait to see someone set up at City Hall with an AR and just spawnkill. No
  28. KeiwaM

    Refund Request (Grophyanskiy_)

    The banned user has it, so it will have to be returned from this user once they're either unbanned or something.
  29. KeiwaM

    Ban Dispute (ellie)

    Reviewed with @SamSN It is blatantly obvious that this is a textbook case of breaking 2.5.