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  1. jjjackier

    A bittersweet goodbye

    I had no idea, I'm sorry to hear that. I'm glad you're getting back on your feet though. Good luck in the future.
  2. jjjackier

    Smaller phone TS

    treating perp like an e-Sport as if people tryna get drafted to a team
  3. jjjackier

    Add a new forum emoji

    also add cheems emote
  4. jjjackier

    yo wtf bro

    yo wtf bro
  5. jjjackier


  6. jjjackier

    choom choom

    choom choom
  7. jjjackier


  8. jjjackier

    New cars

    Hey, please use the correct template and read the suggestion rules: It should be stickied here
  9. jjjackier

    Where did your forum PFP(s) come from

    funny yelow dog cheems is fucking adorable, that's why
  10. jjjackier

    Lots of game freezes

    I've always had lag spikes on perp, but it's been especially worse ever since we merged the content packs into 2. Now I have continuous spikes for like 2 minutes straight before it ends.
  11. jjjackier

    Freezing while in a car

    This would be kinda nice. The amount of times that I've died driving or ran over people because of my lag spikes is countless. You could be driving 40km/h, you get a lag spike and the game still thinks you're accelerating, the game responds and suddenly you're driving 110km/h and you crash into...
  12. jjjackier

    images/videos taken seconds before disaster

    source audio warning
  13. jjjackier

    How many swedes?

  14. jjjackier

    911 Incidents

    @Samuel Well, I tried putting it on an SSD. No difference.
  15. jjjackier

    [New forum rule] twitch

    I already made this suggestion a while ago and it was controversial and kinda funny to see the heated streamer responses. The workaround for this was that twitch links were allowed, but they couldn't be embedded. I think that's a good approach.
  16. jjjackier

    jjjackier pullin' up with the shots to the back

    jjjackier pullin' up with the shots to the back
  17. jjjackier

    911 Incidents

    i5 4690k 8GB Ram 1600MhZ THESE 2 ARE PROBABLY THE CULPRIT It's not on an SSD, but I'll do that now and see how it plays.
  18. jjjackier

    911 Incidents

    My computer goes ham every time I open the computer, so I'd rather just see the 911 message in the top left.
  19. jjjackier

    Planter contents getting stuck

    This sometimes happens to me as well, except it's police lights and sirens.
  20. jjjackier


    All these criong org wars
  21. jjjackier


  22. jjjackier

    Synatec's Archive of Funny #1

    Here's a tip for vegas user who don't want that DREADFUL black bar across the sides. Right click your video clip, properties, untick MAINTAIN ASPECT RATIO and tick REDUCE INTERLACE FLICKER. Please, for the love of allah.
  23. jjjackier

    bro i knew i was a squeaker but holy shit

    bro i knew i was a squeaker but holy shit
  24. jjjackier

    Game is keep crashing

    No betas? Have you tried playing the game in 64 bit?
  25. jjjackier

    Second Languages

    English, Norwegian, Kurdish and a bit of Spanish. I wouldn't say I learned English at school, I was born tri-lingual. The bad part about it is that I forget a lot of words for the language I'm speaking, but I know it in the other languages.
  26. jjjackier

    Server Events - 23/05/2020

    where's my trophy points for winning 2 events?!?!?!?
  27. jjjackier

    New service for weebs
