911 Incidents


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A while ago we released an update where we moved parts of the dispatch system into the police computer, we also added the ability for CPL+ to receive 911 calls if no dispatcher is available.

I think it’s time to look at how it has worked and make improvements if needed. So I want to hear your opinions, and suggestions for change.

Note: This post is specifically in regards to the PD Computer update, and not a post for dispatch suggestions.

Note: Make sure you read previous replies before posting, so we don’t have dupes. Any duplicates or spam posts will be removed, if you have nothing constructive to say, then you shouldn’t reply.
I think ive suggested this but ill put it here too:

Currently, paramedics get a preview of text-based 911 calls and their content, is there a way to make this the same for police, it's very hard to view 911 calls when you're on foot or driving on the highway without a place to stop and check.
I prefer having at least a part of the 911 call on the top left, instead of having to open the computer to read it.
Although it might be more realistic, personally my game freezes for around a second when I open the computer thus making it very annoying.
Other than that I think it's very nice.
My computer goes ham every time I open the computer, so I'd rather just see the 911 message in the top left.
Whenever you open the computer we run a query to the database to fetch the latest data. For some this seem to create massive lag spikes.

What are your specs? Are you running it on a SSD?
Whenever I open the computer my game is fine, I run it on an SSD
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i5 4690k
8GB Ram 1600MhZ

It's not on an SSD, but I'll do that now and see how it plays.
@jjjackier I think the best thing todo is for us to recode storage, so the client pulls data from server directly rather than having the server do a query everytime. Until then I would suggest using SSD. When I moved GMOD to my new SSD, it ran much better.
I have to agree with everyone's posts. Not being able to view the message without opening the computer up is tedious at times.

I think an improvement that could be implemented is the ability to see where units are and where their cars are.
Maybe also implement it so SGT+ can now remove unused cars via employees tab, after all, it was accepted.

In conclusion, this system is great and my only 2 concerns are the above.
Not seeing life alerts or 911 at the top of the screen sucks. The police computer lags every time it's opened which also sucks.

Assigning yourself to incidents is good, however people can too easily close incidents by accident.
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I've recently handled an IA involving an on scene police officer not being able to identify a 911 caller due to responding to a shots fired incident that the officer in question heard. At the time the officer in question was out of the car, so he was unable to realise that the situation didn't need a full dynamic guns blazing response. It's only made things miles harder for officers.

On top of this, you have to answer 911's in shootouts and the likes, which has lead to me dropping a total of 7 phones since the update was implemented.

Overall its a nice system on paper but it really doesn't fly well for the game mode. The system should be made similar to how it was before but with stackable 911's like we have now.

Or at least, Officers in the same district as the 911 message sent should see the full message.
@Samuel While it's certainly better on an SSD, i'm using an NVMe SSD and it still takes 2-3 seconds atleast to open.
Could it be made so the query is only made when you look at the tabs that requires that data?
Id really like to be able to bind an ANPR button for example, or just any way to make it so you can ANPR a vehicle without having to open f3, as it will often freeze your game for a second, which is a second too long on the highway
I don't really like the system at all as paramedics and firefighters don't get access to view the 911 reports nor do they log in console things can be easily missed when you have calls stacking up on each other
@DANIEL_ I'd like to see what settings you're running on. I always get a 3 second hang when opening the police computer. Not the case with the F1 menu but I guess that's different with how it works.

2x8GB 3200Mhz, 3700x and 5700XT, Garry's Mod 64-Bit is installed on a NVME SSD running on a 2x-4x lane with plenty of speed.
@DANIEL_ I get about a second or two of hang aswell, but when I’m trying to ANPR a vehicle on the highway, and I can’t drive while doing so, it results in about 3-4 seconds of no control of the vehicle, any way you could make an ANPR button or page that doesn’t run a query when you open it?

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