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  1. jjjackier

    Israel and Palestine?

    i don't think congo wouldn't be against that idea actually
  2. jjjackier

    Israel and Palestine?

    @Inchs Shia vs Sunni stuff was solely our own fault, but to say the rest of the conflicts WASN'T because of other countries interfering is not true AT ALL. You guys interfering was the major impact.
  3. jjjackier

    Israel and Palestine?

    @Inchs Even better, remove the people who instigated the Middle East.
  4. jjjackier

    Israel and Palestine?

    @Moon The fact that you just generalized them all as "Pakis" disregards your entire argument from the start. I almost had an aneurysm reading that god-forsaken text. You're English aren't you? Either learn to write something readable, or even better, just stay out of it you inbred chimp. EDIT...
  5. jjjackier


  6. jjjackier

    Where your perp name came from

    jjjackier = jack kier seems pretty easy to me
  7. jjjackier

    phineas and fatass

    phineas and fatass
  8. jjjackier

    bro what

    bro what
  9. jjjackier

    What to do

    have you ever tried beating his ass?
  10. jjjackier


    i shall never forget the day codezblack uttered those words
  11. jjjackier

    Which toothbrush do you use

    you may now laugh
  12. jjjackier

    First thing you'll do after Lockdown

    there's a lockdown?????
  13. jjjackier

    The Perpetrators

    this is exactly how you start beef but ok
  14. jjjackier

    VR Advice

    @flugs GTX 970 user here, you should be able to play most games on medium to low settings.
  15. jjjackier

    VR Advice

    If Index is too expensive, get the Rift S. Seriously, it's the best bang for your buck. There's cameras inside the headset so you don't need to set up any base stations or that. The tracking was very goofy until they released an update last year and the tracking now is seriously amazing. I used...
  16. jjjackier

    Map Change Poll #4

    another day of no evo, another day of depressing thoughts
  17. jjjackier

    My critiques of PLPD and PLPD online.

    They weren't punished? Something tells me that me leaving the PLPD was the correct choice.
  18. jjjackier

    Update Log - 01/04/2020

    How else are they supposed to have the feeling of superiority that they wish for in real life?
  19. jjjackier

    Map Change Poll #4

    Imagine saying that Evo was bad
  20. jjjackier

    [CORONA VIRUS] what do u think?

    I was forced to cancel mine.
  21. jjjackier

    For @Sossa and the Slaughtybois

    good fucking lord who honestly gives a shit who dies and who doesn't? are your lives so hollow? do you have nothing else going on? this isn't that big of a deal
  22. jjjackier

    For @Sossa and the Slaughtybois

    ok bro and? whats the point here
  23. jjjackier

    Map Change Poll #4

    i'd like to change my vote to Morio'Cho from JoJo
  24. jjjackier

    Map Change Poll #4

    @Sossa yeah thanks i'll be sure to enjoy it in your discord server
  25. jjjackier

    Map Change Poll #4

    @Sossa ngl ur kinda sounding like a hoe it was added because way more people wanted it? simple as that
  26. jjjackier

    Map Change Poll #4

  27. jjjackier

    Map Change Poll #4

    nah you're just mad because people bully you for fishing all day
  28. jjjackier

    Map Change Poll #4

    Paralake always felt so empty and dead if there was under 50 people playing. We used to have 80/80, so Paralake was great for that, but the server hasn't hit 60/60 in over a month. Either way, with 60/60, Paralake still feels like a wasteland to me, unless you're in Bazaar. Evocity is a small...
  29. jjjackier

    Map Change Poll #4

    i've got so many clips saved from evo