Where your perp name came from

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Where did your perp name come from?

My current one came from pulp fiction.

My current forum name is because I’m benji and I’m a fucking weapon.

My old name saint wylde came from 2 sources:
- Saint came from my time on DarkRP servers where I’d start hobo revolutions
- Wylde came from Ozzy Osbornes guitarist Zakk Wylde.​
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one of the first garry's mod servers i joined, around 2013 was a jailbreak server from friendlyplayers, turns out, they had a DarkRP server too. I had no idea what darkRP was, but someone there told me i should get a realistic name. I randomly generated it, and it turned out as Dave Kearney. It died ~2015-2016 so i joined perp with the same name
Originally it was Satoshi Nakamura because big weeb and that has always been my wanna be japanophile name (No, it is not based on any anime character, it is just a regular jap name). And then I changed it to my real first name with and my second name "Satomura" is a mix of SATOshi NakaMURA.
I had several, some that stuck to me are these:

Kenneth Walker was the first during my Skinheadbande times, just mashed some shit together and it stuck to me.

Angela Walker after gender change.

Angela Coy, Coy as in "Shy", not the fish LOL.

Jill Stingray because of VA-11 Hall-A, someone actually has this name now @JillStingray

Enza Denino

then random ass names e.g. Haru Okumura from Persona 5 or Shima Rin as of now because of Comfy Camp, yeah, ban me for famous individual names I dare you.
My name came from watching a shit ton of big brody and tyrone vines long dick style @Kenty
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i literlly took anton then googeld ukraine/russian last names and they have that vic at the last common so i just took the random word "pruka" and smacked a "vic" behind it.
My first name on perp is my IRL nickname and it’s the closest to all of my social media usernames.

My last name on perp comes from my first organisation I ever made and through all the pisstake and all it’s just lasted up until now.
my name was aloo aloa then i dont know who was the admin/mod change it to leonard park after that i joined org mayfair family so i change my name to leonard mayfair
So my first name is my real first name and then Niko is from a book I used to read when I was like 8.
My surname irl is McGowan

John is just a random name I thought of

John McGowan
The default male name is John, so I added Inch lmao
My latest one I still wanted Inch in my name but I had hot gay sex with jamal and became Inch Ross