Search results

  1. Bird Basics-A "Book" Based on PERPHeads

    Not bad, seems you have a rather good fantasy :)
  2. An apology and a notice.

    Glad to see that you got most things sorted, might join back PH soon too. :D
  3. Idea: Whitelisted Police

    I think it's a good idea, as it would be like a server enforcer,as you have to apply for it. Not to mention that I have seen many immature people abusing the job and too tired to report them lol So overall, give it an attempt and see how it turns out. However don't make t as hard as becoming...
  4. Wont be very active...

    I you are scared of getting banned, then you are scared of your brain too. Bai @Alex Schmidt if you really wanna know why I voted 'dumb' the its because its a pathetic reason to go inactive. (Afraid of getting banned) feel free to say you hate me lol
  5. Goodbye for a tad while

    Bai have fun with dem girls
  6. I am leaving.

  7. Links containing a Virus being sent to people on steam.

    Well Some nerds sends it to me too, I just say go burn in hell kiddis. and then I close it.
  8. Single bed

    Lol -support Imagine if you invite a girl (or in multi sexual cases boys) home and then you have only a bed for the entertainment. Also just a no f it should be used a different way
  9. A riot that occurred shortly today.

    It contains something 'PIAS' which makes my country unable to watch it :/
  10. A New Senior Administrator

    Always said moron is the second* best :D Ash is the best :) I thought he resigned But let's stick to moron, congratulations :P
  11. Are this a break of any rule?

    I don't think that you can hire people as an officer to help shoot, but here in Denmark it is a law to help the police if they are having too much trouble or in danger (call 112/help laying down suspect/anything that doesn't harm any of them)
  12. Good org name?

    Um Hmm Tea drinker fighters Young spoons Freaky grannys Icy pig gangsters
  13. Special Forces Army

    Editing so @Panda can read it without rating 'Bad spelling'. Well good luck ( *it really made me laugh with the* title 'Special Forces* army' who grows drugs. I would* change the name for sure)* but* oh* well,* good* luck.* :) Btw got any idea what* special forces is irl in* real* life*?
  14. Ahah yeah. We didn't do that though. I kinda remember myself picking some dress on and walking...

    Ahah yeah. We didn't do that though. I kinda remember myself picking some dress on and walking outside the school/bedroom pretty late lol :P
  15. Goodbye.

    Sorry to see ya go, Brian... But well, things don't work out as perfect as we want, I loved Evocity too, with the penthouse, loft and espically the suburbs 3 :( Hope you will have a great time in futur :D
  16. Ban Request - Luke Person (killing over ticket)

    Luke broke 3.3 , 2.1 and killing officers over a ticket (can't find the number xD) It's not realistic to kill an officer over having a ticket in his hands writing it for someone, or telling the person he will receive a ticket... That's why I stated 3.3 and 2.1 :)
  17. contacts app in phone

    Like @Minilarro the great said... It's already suggested. Now for •••• sake use the correct template!!!!!§6₩ it makes me crazy.... Stinky, disgusting, dark, wet, pissed - support ¿
  18. camera mode must be added in the phone

    That would be completely useless. You can take screenshots You can have a badass camera with sharp light and click click click click.. Having a phone to take pictures is exactly the same as screenshots as it probably would be the same size. Use the right template, if you haven't searched...
  19. Pear's goodbye

    Sorry to see you go, it seems to be a trend for people. Anyways I'd like to thank you for putting dedication into te server and administrating it, and not last, being friendly. Good luck in future :)
  20. My Goodbye Post

    Melon I am too afraid of saying bye, so gotta say cyaaa Man you've been a great member of the community, sorry to hear your new decision, but well. Hopefully you will have fun in other games or real life, and possibly get motivated into PH again some time. :) Editing on iPod @MELONIZEEE :3...
  21. Ban request

    It seems like the user lacks knowledge of some rules, so I will go ahead and +support this request. Hopefully he won't make additional mistakes! :turtle: He shouldn't make such an action while his life is being held under gun pount, aka threatend to lose his sweet life, so that's a really weird...
  22. MrLewis - Resignation Post.

    You and Ash were my favourite staff members as you were so kind and cool :( I hope you will have a nice stay as regular member tho :asshat:
  23. Inactive, cya!

    Ey Perpheaded players! As you might have noticed, I haven't been active ingame after around 19th December. My reasoning is due to have been playing a little too much, and finally when we have Christmas, I get down on 8 fps. Now I'm not complaining over you having a way too large gamemode, I'm...
  24. What'd you get?

    I received: A Fjellräven Canada Shirt - Red (Worth 999,99 DKK) About 1,200,- DKK for a Fjellräven Mulie Vest A jar with liquirice balls containing Salmiak and chocolate outside, high quality Going to get some more I suppose, as I'm going for another christmas party 26th. What I given: A pair...
  25. Merry Christmas Everyone!

    Merry Christmas From Denmark Enjoy It Don't Be Mad If You Don't Get What You Wanted :)
  26. Ban request

    At 0:05, you turned into the front of his car, then stopped, which could look like a start of some road rage. I also see that the officer typed: Or else all of you will be arrested" which means he probably evaided an arrest, then didn't notice you as he saw you at his right before you did the...
  27. Goodbye, Perpheads.

    Sorry to see you go man. You had a great influence towards other players, you had a decent knowledge of RP and whatsoever, so indeed I, together with the rest of those who loved you, are very sad to hear this! :sorry: I wish you the very best in your future! Stay in touch :asshat:
  28. Gmod crashes,help

    Did you also attempt to 1) Remove all addons - And content? 2) Reinstall GMOD? 3) Redownload PERPHeads content pack from the forums, then join the server and wait it to install all addons?
  29. Paralake NPC's

    @Ash Nice topic, definitely will learn some newbies where to get a job as firefighter or something awesome! :) Btw do you have any clue what the femlale in the little room is doing at the front Police department gate? You cannot even speak to her, she just stares upon the wall D: