Idea: Whitelisted Police

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Whitelisted Police

Good evening gentlemen and gentlewomen, after having quite a debate with @StephenPuffs, we managed to gather a few ideas for the Police. Many of you may remember when former staff members @Nate Sparks and @Sgt.James had the idea of making a Police Acadamy which would make the entire Police whitelisted, obviously it was contraversial at the time, we thought we'd revive the idea and possibly come up with a way to make it work, so hear me out.

Stephen and I both agreed that making the whole Police Dept. whitelisted would be a mistake at the moment, it wouldn't be something good to suddenly spring on the players. Here's the idea we came up with. A new job would be added, Police Sergeant and there would be about 2 slots for the job, however to get the job you must be whitelisted. The way you would go about getting whitelisted would be by filling out an application on the forum where you would be considered. Once you are whitelisted, you would then have access to become a Sergeant and the Police Lieutenant.

Our main aim for this is to see if this type of system would actually work, we're expecting police roleplay to improve significantly since the LT no longer has to juggle multiple roles which can be extremely annoying when you're the LT. The Sergeants will be able to free-up the LTs time by being an extra pair of eyes for him. We're expecting the people to apply to have extensive rule and law knowledge, so they would be excellent tutors to new police officers and hopefully that will influence new players. Plus, as the people in the senior roles have applied to become this, the administration team are going to trust them a lot more, so we could possibly extend the time that someone is blacklisted for when fired from the Police.

If this idea is put forward and implemented due to support from our players, then we could possibly consider thinking of extending this whitelist to the whole force. I'd like to hear your personal opinion on this as it's something people have been interested in. But for now, how would you feel about having these supervisor slots whitelisted + the LT?

Is this you?


tl;dr: Creating a new job called Police Sergeant, the job would be whitelisted and people would have to apply on the forum. This would also apply to the Police Lieutenant, to become the LT you must be whitelisted for Sergeant. Put your opinion on this as it's something we consider adding if we get support from the players!

Many thanks,

Note: I'm due to be somewhere so I made this post quite quickly, make sure you post any questions and I'll be soon to reply to them.​
That's a really good idea! Allow police officers but then have the LT trained and chosen specifically on their ability to roleplay!
Sounds good!
@Murtsley needs to be made perma lieutenant though to be honest
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Great idea. Seriously being LT. is the most annoying thing at the moment. Everyone yells at you and makes you cry. :( So a Sgt. would really help you with handling the big mess of a police force we mostly have. Full support from me.
This looks like something that should definatly be added. Its a pain being a LT right now since everyone needs your help, and you are only 1 person so yeah i think this should be added ^^.
Idea from Arma 3 Life. Its basically the best way to lower the amount of Minges and trolls ont he server. Thing that happend to me year ago was that 2 cops just started rdmin everyone for god damn reason. I think the staff need to have opinion on you. Rofl
I don't know if you've understood that I've kinda applied for it, however if not I really do want this. I do like whitelisting the police force however at the moment it's not possible as you and @StephenPuffs both agreed too. Maybe this will join in with SWAT As I suggested a week ago ; ABOUT A WEEK AGO.

This would help the administration team a lot to be honest. And as well just asking; Will there be any interviews? I got a system already set-up for this with my suggestion.
+Support Would defidently make the police force much more professional, and i hope for it to be added to the whole force.
Wow thats a great idea Swups. Its hard to get a good LT. I really support this idea and it would be amazing if there would be a police acedemy. Just imagine. :D
Yes please... They raided us today because of suspision of hostage situation
I would love to see this on the server, im actually tired of fail SWAT/LT's just buying VIP and goes for the first and best LT spot they can get.
And they may don't know how to be a LT properly. So yeah, (Personal Opinion) this is just what i think but still a +Support from me.
This sounds like a great idea! This means less fail raids and better Rp!
This is a brilliant idea, it should really fix how the police force acts as a whole. I expect this to improve the roleplay drastically, good choice Swiper!
I think it's a good idea, as it would be like a server enforcer,as you have to apply for it.

Not to mention that I have seen many immature people abusing the job and too tired to report them lol

So overall, give it an attempt and see how it turns out. However don't make t as hard as becoming president in Africa, make it reasonable so that still good players having warnings or ban history can apply for it.

Wonderful idea. Even just yesterday I was experiencing difficulties as a LT. I was helping @Ash in regal 4 during a drug raid/check whilst having others asking me to come down to projex. Not to mention having to talk to 911 callers whilst you're talking to suspects (As I hate when people go "This line is busy use our text base 911 service") Allowing a good LT who knows when they can and can't raid, how to effectively run the police force as well as having a sergeant to help when you're busy would be great.

+Support, No more LT's who are only in it for the money and car.
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