Search results

  1. Lower pocket money amount

    It is certainly also unrealistic to only have $1000 in your pockets as an adult, considering the economy compared to real life, is about 15 x amount PH than American dollars (pretty much what I've seen according to raw trouts) so it's like having less than $75 which (I don't intend to harm...
  2. Speed Enforcer Vehicle, with speed camera

    +support? It's always used in the Danish police force, and I highly hate to step out of a cruiser to take out a camera, in order to receive the targets speed. It definitely would add up a more friendly, and not too difficult way of catching a targets speed, as well as you do actually have...
  3. Napoleon is coming back as Legolas...

    Welcome back, sadly I didn't get to meet you. However I could appreciate to RP with you as cop as I use 95% of my time as cop:pompus:
  4. Commenting over phone

    Oi I have the same issue, just sort of worse. Long story Yes. I use my iPod during Sunday-6PM (first at school about 8pm) - 10:30 Friday. That is a long time I use my iPod, and if comment function doesn't won, then in forced to either reply or make a new post, and I don't fully know if I'm...
  5. Coffee-combat

    I hate it too, I tried it many times when playing as an officer. It is totally failrp as coffee irl doesn't affect in 1 second, and you are gonna get heart problems or eventually die from drinking that much if you are fleeing often. You should get a chance of receiving minor damage ehen drinking...
  6. Results of Incest Relationships

    Sad to hear about the DDOS. But the screenshot was very fun lol.
  7. Basic RP-Guide

    Hey Trande! That is an amazing job you did there, honestly. I really, really much hope that, the players of the community will get taught, how our Roleplay actually works/how easy it can be. I left for inactivity due to depression, but also a lot because there were many people who had no...
  8. Take a moment please to learn to roleplay.

    Sorry Death Howl? From my point of view from reading your post, it seems like a complain, or simply you standing up for the staff team while raging globally at those, who doesn't read the rules. So what I think you have done wrong (Now its my time to complain) •Bad offensive sentences used...
  9. How to: Performance tweak guide

    Creepis, you are my lord! I've had issues with performance since my start, and always wondered if I could change it but didn't make an attempt lol. Gonna save this guide, thanks a lot. :)
  10. LasseNord Introduction

    Hoi Lasse! Velkommen to PerpHeads gaming community, I hope you will find it comfortable here, man. By the way, I'm Danish too and guess what? We are both 16! :asshat: Enjoy your stay :smug:
  11. Welcome to the forums! :)

    Welcome to the forums! :)
  12. Gun Caskets

    Topic: Gun Caskets Short explanation - The casket works like a bag, to put people's riffles or other guns in cover. - It can be storaged in inventory and storage, both empty and full. - You can put a lock on the casket, to ensure not even thieves finds it simple to open it. Detailed...
  13. ThatGuy's Introduction (Mikey Moreno)

    Hoi Mikey, welcome to the forums/community/server, or what else I should say! Enjoy your stay, hope to still see you around when I'm back active for Christmas. ;)
  14. Welcome to the community! Enjoy your stay a lot man.

    Welcome to the community! Enjoy your stay a lot man.
  15. Hicktown Hill Billy's

    I want to shoot ducks too :c LOL anyways cool. I guess.. :rolleyes:
  16. Welcome to the forums! Enjoy your stay, hope you have a good time around. :)

    Welcome to the forums! Enjoy your stay, hope you have a good time around. :)
  17. MS-13

    This is so weird. I'm part of a SAMP community, and they made the exact same gang MS-13. Anyways good luck with it, man. :cool:
  18. Welcome to the forums! Enjoy your stay, hope you have a good time around. :)

    Welcome to the forums! Enjoy your stay, hope you have a good time around. :)
  19. Ban request

    Apparently the Garry's Mod launcher closes after I attempted watching it, so I will give it a Neutral until further notice of it being fixed.
  20. A lesson in using the /me function

    Great guide, gonna show people how to rp in a bit of better/proper manner :)
  21. Typical's Introduction

    Hey man, long time ago huh' anyways continue a nice stay :D
  22. Staying.

    Sorry to see you go matey. Things are hard espically if friends leaves your favorite server, I know the feeling. Have a good time man, and good christmas! :(
  23. Welcome to the forums! Enjoy your stay, hope you have a good time around. :)

    Welcome to the forums! Enjoy your stay, hope you have a good time around. :)
  24. Regal 3, regal 3.

    Reading newspapers ftw. Damn a big party you had though :eek:
  25. Hey Gois

    Hey! Welcome to the server and community, enjoy your stay man. :)
  26. Better Officer List

    Hey It actually sounds nice, and it could really add an advantage to the lieutenant in many situations! +Support
  27. Robber mask

    Hey I personally think this is eligible for an add, as it would allow criminals to rob places more covered.. I mean, not many criminals robs a bank while a camera is capturing their ugly face, allowing the local investigators in the police force to bust em'. Also stops meta gaming hopefully!
  28. Patrol Area

    -Support ; Can you imagine how boring it would be to patrol in a cruiser in suburbs? However... I just got an idea, that the officers could do routine patrols on foot, as cruisers in suburbs would be kind of odd, if you choose to do so for hours! So of you can select a foot patrol, it'll be a...
  29. Hello... (The Magican)

    Hi Jarred! You are similar to a friend of mine; His steam name is something like TheMagician, and we always used to play another kind of Pulsar Effect RP server! Anyways :). Enjoy your stay here, looking forward to see new people. :) Can't comment as on iPod, sadly. I played on Perp lite (not...
  30. Rip In Me.

    Benelli FTW :D Edit:I am either buying a Beretta or Benelli 12/76 or 12/89 super magnum Punpgun so haters gonna get buckshot in their head.