Search results

  1. brb, Azeroth is calling

    Alright, have fun playing that game, hope to see you join around sometime. :)
  2. Awesome. Voluntary or regular? I might go to a school for becoming voluntary firefighter.

    Awesome. Voluntary or regular? I might go to a school for becoming voluntary firefighter.
  3. Are you an actual firefighter? Just curious. :o

    Are you an actual firefighter? Just curious. :o
  4. Luke Person - Ban Request

    I can't really say much, until 1) We get the demo. 2) To know where you were transporting it from.
  5. A little question.

    On another server I was addicted to report anyone else I saw due to frustrating and a stress syndrome I have, I felt bad when I got over it. Here: Nothing yet : D
  6. brb

    Alright, sad to hear, hope it gets sorted out! :)
  7. Inactivity - AyJay

    Awwwh, sad to hear! Have a nice LIFE meanwhile :D
  8. Photon: Emergency & Car Lighting Engine

    No thanks. The lights and sirens we have are fine, and you dont need 6 different sirens to move along a road to an emergency.. And a little police department like our does not need 10-15 different vehicles. It's cheaper to have the same type of cars than having all sort of different ones for...
  9. The Civic Platform. | The Dark Side.

    Cool. Good luck with it!
  10. Trafic Cams

    I don't see any reasons in having traffic cams, as this is not completely like real life where you have number plates on every car etc; There are many red mini coopers that has no difference and other cars too, so you cannot tell what car it was, and you cannot really tell who was the owner. Too...
  11. Lol.

  12. Drivers License

    I personally would like the driver license to be affect on our server, as it would help quite a lot of people with driving in a Serious RP manner/way which could be when you are about to turn left lane on the highway, you learn to use the indicator light proper. However I would strongly suggest...
  13. Gary Belinsky Ban Request

    Okay thanks! Btw I kinda don't know if I mentioned that I knew their vehicle (Bolli's Escalade) as I didn't know it was the one that had the bank robbers; Green raptor and a ford victoria were suspected too, I might have met the escalade in business earlier however I had no clue if it was the...
  14. Gary Belinsky Ban Request

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Tut/Tut Jankins His/Her Steam/In-game Name: D3W/Gary Belinsky His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:61617207 Reason: Sort of RDM. I particulary had lights and siren on but not having any clue who we were chasing or pulling over until I saw the Escalade. They did not see that it was...
  15. Posted my new hand crafted Hunting knife as my signature :D (Crafted the whole thing except for...

    Posted my new hand crafted Hunting knife as my signature :D (Crafted the whole thing except for blade.)
  16. Hello EveryBody | Maor Koren | Return | 7 Days <3 |

    Welcome back! Stay loyal with the rules and you shall be great, bud.
  17. Are there any restrictions for me to write on the forums? Haven't seen rules about posting on...

    Are there any restrictions for me to write on the forums? Haven't seen rules about posting on ban disputes, curious if I can comment there.
  18. Senlin™ - introduction

    Welcome back Senlin!
  19. Server is full atm.. Been trying to get on for hours :/

    Server is full atm.. Been trying to get on for hours :/
  20. Indicators!

    It is a surprise to me however. Can't wait to come on after it crashed :)
  21. Inactivity notice

    Nice, have fun there! My brother just went on a study tour with his class too last monday and comes home today from Barcelona :)
  22. White Screens and errors

    Yeah actually when I think about it, most of the possible issues you stated might be what I need to fix, haven't really updated my drivers.. Thanks in future! Edit: A new update seems to have appeared ' nVidia - Graphics Adapter WDDM1.1, Graphics Adapter WDDM1.2, Graphics Adapter WDDM1.3 -...
  23. White Screens and errors

    Hey guys I just wanted to ask if any of you has gotten white or black-screens the past few weeks saying 'NVIDIA' errors etc.. I just got one during a police chase when I was in a blue beetle, and I heard people saying ,,You killed a lot of people," ,,Lol" etc and I therefor thought about if...
  24. Hi!

    Hello panda! Welcome to the forums and can't wait to see you ingame :) Have a great time
  25. Tut's Introduction

    Thanks! Already found you as a very nice person. :)
  26. Hi everybody

    Hello! Welcome to PerpHeads. Enjoy your stays on our very nice forum, and server! Enjoyyyyyy :)
  27. Type 90's Intro

    Welcome to the forums! Hope you'll enjoy your stay and glad to see another new guy. :)
  28. Glamorgal Inactivity Post!

    Cya! Have fun on your summer house or vacation? Take care! :)
  29. Kiss the Cook

    Welcome to PerpHeads! Enjoy your stay of the best. :)
  30. Game crashing

    I noticed that, GMOD just did another update perhaps you need to update it. I exited steam then joined steam again and an update popped up, maybe you can try that too