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  1. Vylla

    Gun prices -liza

    Thanks. :)
  2. Vylla

    M24 and benelli lost, car imbound.

    Hi, i lost my m24 and my benelli in my car. I got a ticket, and got in jail so i could not pay the ticket, after some while my car got imbounded. When i came out from jail and when i looked in my trunk, then my M24 sniper and my benelli was gone.. How can i proof this. Because its not cheap to...
  3. Vylla

    Gun prices -liza

    Thanks for feedback :)
  4. Vylla

    Gun prices -liza

  5. Vylla

    Gun prices -liza

    Ups forgot to say, you need excel.
  6. Vylla

    Gun prices -liza

    Hi, many was asking how i knew the prices of the weapons, so i said its on the forums but they could not find it so here it is again. -Milhouse Van Houten made the first part- Download link:!Hto3yRYQ!J6VTF1OiNo5IoX4yOTQgOJIBL3dD-QXZNncny0dlJ-U Hope you can use it. If you...
  7. Vylla

    Towtruck/Roadcrew should be able to drive around

    +support, its very annoying that people just respawn their cars 2min after it has been towed
  8. Vylla

    Bank loan

    That is a other great idea :)
  9. Vylla

    Ban appeal

    Great rper, +support
  10. Vylla

    Bank loan

    Thats a nice idea +support
  11. Vylla

    Leaving the server -liza

    Im sorry, but as i said im leaving the server, i dont want this perp anymore.
  12. Vylla

    Leaving the server -liza

    Because of an admin/enf
  13. Vylla

    Leaving the server -liza

    No you cant, already gave to sarah-
  14. Vylla

    Leaving the server -liza

    I will leave the server forever, seeya have fun.
  15. Vylla

    Weapon prices.

    No problem mate.
  16. Vylla

    Weapon prices.

    Thanks :)
  17. Vylla

    Weapon prices.

    Maybe cause you dont sell weapons??
  18. Vylla

    Weapon prices.

    Hi, today i made a weapon calculator, because i was tierd of the long time, trying to find the prices of weapons, i dont have all the weapons because i could not find the prices. But most of them Here's the download link...
  19. Vylla


    Goodbye, :(
  20. Vylla

    I lost my sniper by selling my car.

    I've had this car for like 3-4 days
  21. Vylla

    I lost my sniper by selling my car.

    Yeah ofc i have a sniper, i have 4 berrets snipers. I lost one.
  22. Vylla

    I lost my sniper by selling my car.

    Wow those blamers. I had a bmw, then i sold it to get a other bmw its not a lie
  23. Vylla

    I lost my sniper by selling my car.

    I sold my car to get a new car, but i forgot to take out my berret sniper. So i lost it. I cant really post a demo of it cause it shows nothing.... but can you check logs or something?
  24. Vylla


    Can we remove the hostage rule, . e.g... Irl you take hostages all around the world. It would be more realistic. Comment below what you think about this :)
  25. Vylla


    +Support same as johny, there is so many that use's the tie command
  26. Vylla

    A New Gun Idea

    What is that program you use?
  27. Vylla

    I have a brilliant suggestion! Car Explosions...

    +support It would be more realistic.
  28. Vylla


    HAHHAHAHH omg i laughed so hard, Gj Alex