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  1. JJannui
  2. JJannui


  3. JJannui

    RIP Tesla

    I am providing some extra evidence:
  4. JJannui

    Puffer Raid :)

  5. JJannui

    New squad car #hype

    New squad car #hype
  6. JJannui

    shhh lmao

    shhh lmao
  7. JJannui

    By order of the peaky fucking blinders!

    By order of the peaky fucking blinders!
  8. JJannui

    No legend that I know

    No legend that I know
  9. JJannui

    Hello...? My buisness is done with you.

    Hello...? My buisness is done with you.
  10. JJannui

    Hello friend!

    Hello friend!
  11. JJannui

    Hello friend!

    Hello friend!
  12. JJannui

    My 'resignation'

    !!!Play whilst listening!!! As you may know, I have recently resigned (;)). I decided to resign because of such reasons; - Getting too many reports done - Being too active In all seriousness though, I have resigned (;)) as I didn't feel as if I was pulling my weight within the staff team...
  13. JJannui


  14. JJannui

    [Discussion] Police Excempt from 3.5?

    But cities are also generally more than 75 people... I don't comment on a lot of ideas and such but to be honest this would just be stupid in my opinion. All this will do is create an infinite wave of police officers bombarding the same property. To further this, with no worry about waiting...
  15. JJannui


  16. JJannui

    [SOLVED] PC website not working

    Thread closed and moved.
  17. JJannui

    We're going to Sheffield and not coming back until we've been punched!

    We're going to Sheffield and not coming back until we've been punched!
  18. JJannui

    I am the captain now!

    I am the captain now!
  19. JJannui

    One day remaining. #hype

    One day remaining. #hype
  20. JJannui


  21. JJannui


  22. JJannui

    Will he though... ?

    Will he though... ?
  23. JJannui

    SORRY I FORGOT! New Year Giveaway.

    I would like it because @HolyShititsDannyD doesn't like to play games with me but I know he enjoys Rocket League and so I could possibly play with him.. please help me make friends STEAM_0:1:58837506
  24. JJannui

    Would double like if possible xddd

    Would double like if possible xddd
  25. JJannui

    First time experiences.

    The first, first time I joined the server was in evocity but I got bored and left. The first time I joined the server properly I hoped onto the team speak and asked for help because I was unable to move. This is where I met Ayjay in amongst his insults found the the general channels xd...
  26. JJannui

    Calling @HolyShititsDannyD for his PRO UTUBERS CONTACTRS

    Calling @HolyShititsDannyD for his PRO UTUBERS CONTACTRS
  27. JJannui

    Hey everyone

    Hey everyone
  28. JJannui

    Space engineers

    I played it for a bit and it was okay - but i've never played it since.
  29. JJannui

    RIP passive RP

    I hate to get involved in drama but; This thread was created 24th of November and from what it seems, so many people have been personally affected by this infamous rule '3.9' yet here we are nearing the end of December yet no rule discussion post has been made?
  30. JJannui

    how dare you mistreat that popcorn bag

    how dare you mistreat that popcorn bag