[Discussion] Police Excempt from 3.5?

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What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: 3.5 New Life Rule
Your version of the rule:
When a player has died In Character, and after they have re-spawned, they must wait at least 5 minutes (a countdown is provided) before they may either return to the place where they died and/or interact with the situation. They must also treat their re-spawn as a new life. A system is in place to inform players that they are in breach of this rule, any attempt to bypass this system will not be tolerated. Joining or leaving any government job is to be treated as a new life.

When a player is given a new life they must forget/may not act upon any and all details of their previous life; this excludes properties and cars that they own, government positions that they hold and any friends or acquaintances that they have/had made.

Members of the police deprtment (Officers, Traffic officers and SWAT) do not have to wait 5 minutes and, If information about the situation in which they died is relayed once they respawned they may return to the scene.

Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited: Makes sense to me that real police forces are generally more than 12 people, and the update of this rule will also make a harder escape for criminal orgs that can easily wipe out the whole police force in seconds at the moment.
-Support cops are already a handfull when it comes to shootouts, they keep returning untill an admin puts a stop to it. If this rule is implemented, it means that cops will just come back to shootouts and die again, repeating the cycle. It would be a big deathmatch.
Makes sense to me that real police forces are generally more than 12 people,
But cities are also generally more than 75 people...

I don't comment on a lot of ideas and such but to be honest this would just be stupid in my opinion. All this will do is create an infinite wave of police officers bombarding the same property. To further this, with no worry about waiting time, police will run into raids like headless chickens knowing that if they die, it's a mere 5 minutes of waiting time.

Another big point to add is that you're suggesting that they can return to the area, but if a police officer dies to someone in a sneaky hiding spot to which the police are unaware of but this specific officer, then he's not going to return to the scene, he'll go to the sneaky sniper straight away (which would still be against the rules by your suggestion but is the inevitable that would happen).

To sum up, this would make the game balance, not balanced and too 'aids' to deal with from in-game and an administrative point of view.

Thank you :)
I do agree that some way this rule should change, if a city filled with this many people and a big war between the Police and Criminals happened I do believe that they should be allowed to go back to the position where the fight broke out, the reason for this is because of the fact that criminals at the moment do not leave the apartment where they're basing after they've been raided, there's even a rule against this (3.4) and when people get warned for it they get very and I mean very salty about it, which in some sense I can agree to it's pretty silly to have a stamp on your record for it but then again; Your own fault for violating the rules

A solution for these two concerns is that we set something up for the police where they have some kind of exception about NLR, it's just a very tough question.
Strong disagree, it will cause such a mess more than it is now. Tell me, who after their NLR waits to go and hold the perimiter? Rarely anyone, most people just run towards the scene and try to shoot the criminals, dying over and over again. It will just occur faster and with the constant waves of cops coming and the time it takes to kill them sometimes because they actually hide and use their brain makes it so more are coming and essentially your time frame to escape the scene is very small and get away. Essentially meaning you would be forced to face another big raid or constantly shooting cops while trying to run off and drive away.
Whats your plan run them out of ammo.

If cops had no NLR to follow how would suspects even have a chance to try free. Adding this in will break the mystical force on the server that we know as balance. Im sorry but if your plan is to zombie rush the suspects then clearly the flaw is your tactics not a rule that everybody has to follow.
As far is I know, this is not the eastern front in the World War 2 where Russians came in droves and used zerg tactics on the battlefield and winning just by throwing bodies at the enemy.
This is beyond a ridiculous suggestion and you are basically encouraging cops to be even more idiotic than they there are now by basically saying that their lives don't matter, because they can just respawn and go back instantly to where they were shot.
This would be pretty unfair for the criminals and could also cause a lot of people to leave the community due to this.
But cities are also generally more than 75 people...

Sums this up nicely.

Police should behave tactically and, with a good sense of personal safety, and efficacy in use of resources (such as deploying SWAT appropriately and delegating more beneficial responsibilities to regular officers, for example), the idea is that next to no officers will die at all.
There's already been an update for the police making them stronger against criminals (Not for some). Although police are now somewhat qualified( Majority), there's still the issue with it being overpowered. You can't expect criminals to take on waves and waves of the police force otherwise, there's just going to be that one officer giving information every 2 minutes on the radio. It will give criminals little time to escape and going back to the same point, it will just be overpowered.
Yeah, the "but in real life!" argument doesn't apply to this suggestion. Sure, the server aims to emulate real life to an enjoyable extent, but there are examples throughout the game mode where realism takes a backseat to something far more important; balance. Whilst I use the word "balance" here in what is probably the wrong context, at the end of the day we are playing a game. A game is meant to be enjoyable for everybody involved. We do this not only to contribute to the project that is the community but also to pass the time and have a laugh.

Suggestions like this sure do make sense in a realistic sense, just like if bandages didn't instantly cure every gunshot wound, and that vital organs were accounted for when shooting, instantly killing you if they get hit. Do any of these sound fun? No? Good, you've figured out the point of this paragraph.
I'm pretty sure this would just mean "zerg rush" an area until the suspect is dead. HUGE -SUPPORT
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