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  1. ind


    So today is the day that I resign. Was waiting until I have started college because I feel it is time for me to move on with my life and pursue with the things I want to do. It will soon be coming up a whole year of me being part of this community and as a staff member. Throughout my time as...
  2. ind

    Help With New PC

    Too be honest with you, you'd be better off going to an actual PC Help forum, tom hardware for example or even overclockers to receive proper support.
  3. ind

    Ban against some Belinskys

    You say the raid didn't start as you were putting the items into storage, but it obviously was about to happen after you being on the stairs shooting at the "raiders". Also please read over rule 5.1, I'll let you do that as it's pretty self-explanatory, and what you said above doesn't involve...
  4. ind

    Ban against some Belinskys

    You were clearly standing on the stairs so he thought he might try shooting the stairs in order to hit you. Simple. I'll be looking into the demos now
  5. ind

    Davis Bishop (Accepted)

    Fair play to you making a ban request then. He seemed to be driving very unsafely when there were clearly you guys and others out of a vehicle, but he drives directly at you. This ban request will be accepted, Davis Bishop will receive an official warning and will be banned for 3 days. Looked...
  6. ind

    Ban Request. (Denied)

    Footage has been watched by myself; and be strictly honest from what I've seen Bamarin did nothing wrong. As he says he saw you coming from his window (where it looked pretty obvious that a group of guys were about to raid him) with a gun ready to take action. It wasn't RDM because "Your friend"...
  7. ind

    Kimkop (Accepted)

    Right, It seems that Kimkop has broken the following rules: 3.3 - The officers and swat seemed to have had him at gun point possibly ready to shoot, but he jumps off the wall and runs off. 3.24 - Constantly talking out of character as mentioned in this BR, as well as stalling roleplay. 3.4 -...
  8. ind

    Ruby's Ice Bucket Challenge

    Yes Ruby!! :D
  9. ind

    Senlin's Resignation

    Maybe you should close it before things start to heat up even more, but honestly who cares? whether or not he resigned and left for other communities, it's up to him haha, no need for people to suddenly go against him just because of it, dear.
  10. ind

    Gin's chairs

    I've spoken to Bamarin in-game. He is telling the truth and he told me that he'll be uploading a couple of demos tomorrow. Hopefully being enough proof for this refund request to be accepted. But obviously the storage (will not show the chairs actually being gone).
  11. ind

    R.I.P Mrs. Doubtfire

    I couldn't believe this when I found out, really upset about this so R.I.P one of the best and funnies comedians ever :( xxx
  12. ind

    Senlin's Resignation

    Aw well take care Senlin and your little Sister :). You did good overall as Moderator, you were a happy and nice person. Hope to see you around again sometime.
  13. ind

    Resigning from staff

    Goodbye LilSam, take care :), it's up to you whether you want to leave or not so don't mind the others.
  14. ind

    Goodbye all!

    Goodbye mate, take care and hope to see you on the server again one day.
  15. ind

    Server uses diffrent class tables.?

    Hmm it happened to me but once I updated Garry's Mod it fixed.
  16. ind

    Admin inactivity notice

    Hi, Yesterday I had an eye operation due to an eye condition which I've been suffering with over the passed years. Just to ley you know that I haven't become innactive and hadn't suddenly just became stopped playing; my eyes are currently swollen and puffy so I can't play, or stare at computer...
  17. ind

    hello people

    Nice to see you Ryan Harrel, I'm sure you will enjoy playing here.
  18. ind

    Ban Request On [SxS]GraveDinosaur

    I was present at the time of this situation. I asked him to upload a demo but instead he created a Ban Request which is also fine. I've spoken to him again recently about it and we have solved the situation. Therefore I'll just close it.
  19. ind

    Toffelfabriken resigning

    Take care Toffel, you did well as a member of staff for Perpheads. See you again sometime.
  20. ind

    Rest in peace.

    I completely and utterly shocked as well, he was a nice and fun player to play with, I remember him truly. I cannot believe he died 3 months back, but no matter hwta no one deserves to die at such a young age for starters, rest in peace!
  21. ind

    Sad news

    Dear god, how didn't I know, he died back in March, this is really upsetting because I used to play with him quite a lot, he was nice and funny guy. :( 15 years old...not good, I honestly cannot believe it. RIP
  22. ind

    If any of you like Police games

    Hehe nice mate, yes I'm crazy for this and m up for paying any suitable price. Cry Engine 3 + Soft physics = Beauty :o
  23. ind

    If any of you like Police games

    There is a realistic police simulator in development right now, if you're like me and you've always wanted to be part of a realistic world, full of realistic police features then head over to. Some of you may have already seen it on Green Light.
  24. ind

    The Perpheads Newspaper Contest!

    Hm yes I think it would be great, as Turple said to me that he'd be interesting in creating more newspapers for the server, and for any others who may be interested. This has already has been officially brought up and running by Alex, right now
  25. ind

    Your desk!

    Nice desk. I like your desk colour, I like your carpet, I like your chair also, looking very smart.
  26. ind

    The Perpheads Newspaper Contest!

    Thanks to those who participated in this challenge, thanks for trying also, and better luck next time :) but only one of you could win, so the winner is... Turple!!!
  27. ind


    This really wasn't the place to post such a thread. As you can see, News and Announcements are only for official information only. Moved to General Information.
  28. ind

    The Perpheads Newspaper Contest!

    Entries have now been closed. Thank you to all who have sent me their awesome newspapers over the passed 2 weeks, I wish you all good luck. The winner will be announced on Monday 12th May.
  29. ind

    Xquality's Dev Log

    It is time...for
  30. ind

    The Perpheads Newspaper Contest!
