Senlin's Resignation

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Hello PERPHeads players,

I have decided to step down from my position of Moderator and will ask for my rank and abilities to be removed. I have loved being part of the staff team and playing PERP in general. The reason I am resigning from Moderator is mostly because of personal reasons. I will list some: I get too addicted and it takes over me, sometimes me three year-old sister gets upset bcause I ignore her etc. School is something I should focus on more, PERP is getting in the way of things and has eally messed up some of my grades. I will still come onto the TeamSpeak and server most days and I wish to stay in touch with most of you.

I've also noticed some things within the staff team which is what really annoyed me. Evil has mentioned it in his post but the staff are not working as a team, they are individuals who want promotion etc. They are meant to be a team but they don't act like one. Several people have resigned because of this, me being one of them and it needs to be fixed.

Special thanks to every single User and members of the staff team:

The owner team, for setting up the whole server and making it enjoyable for so many players;

Bolli, for being in charge of the staff team, knows what he's doing and is a great guy;

Swiper, for acceptign me for mod and being a briliant friend and senior admin;

Alex, for accepting me for enforcer and did a great job as senior admin;

All Administrators;

Lockwood, known you for a long time and you help out ith reports etc all the time, you are bound
to get a promotion soon;

Mannerwaffel, you are such a great guy and I hope we can stay in touch;

Tobi, same as Manner, great guy;

Chrissy, did a lot for me especially when I was an Enforcer;

The rest of the amazing moderators;

Ash, known you since October I hope all goes well for you, buddy;

Creepis, let me drive his BMW, overall great guy;

loejseren, I love your clothes;


Trande, we used to hate each other hope things have changed :3, great guy;

Evil, likes to kill me, nuff said;

Zetamus, one day you might get mod;

Pear, thanks for the russian.

There are other people too, so don't get offended if you weren't on the list.
Bye PERPHeads, I enjoyed my time as a Mod and part of the staff team in general, I love you all.


I have no clue where to post this so feel free to move it.

So some May or may not no that yesterday I resigned. Mostly being because of things in real life such as: need more social time, the computer is taking over my life and more time to focus on school which starts in September. I also had one problem with the server which was the staff team, they were not performing duties as a 'team' infact, it was the opposite. Several people have pointed this out but I noticed no changes, but that's not the point. The point is this: people are saying things like 'you lied to us, you left for santosrp etc.', that's not even right. People are thinking because I've made an introduction post I'm lying and I actually have no problems with real life etc. just because I've made an introduction post doesn't mean I've left this community for that one, it's just me saying hi and being friendly. The fact I'm being accused for things like this shouldn't be acceptable. I'm not here to complain I'm just here to clear some this up. I just don't understand why people are coming to me and saying 'you're lying'. This seriously needs sorting and I believe this is completely unprofessional for staff members to say things like that. Even if I was joining a different community, it shouldn't be a big deal... Someone must have joined perpheads from another community unless you're new to the game.

I just want to tell you that I'm not leaving the community and accusing me for things like this aren't really professional acts. This kind of upset me so I thought this thread is necessary. I'm not here to argue so I won't reply to useless responses.
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Sorry to see you leave Sen. You were one of my best friends at the community, from us knowing each other since October. GoodBye, you will be missed :(
The first time I met you I mugged you :( Then you raided me and I hated you so much. But then Viktor Tomonoski got us to talk to each other then you became one of my best friends on PERP. Sad to see you go and by the way no problem about the Russian, bye.
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NOOOOOOOOO! I wont accept this...... Who is gonna have a bat fight with me now :( Ill miss you on the staff team Robin. I hope things go good for you. Hope to see you soon.
Wow can't believe I'm seeing this. You're very insperational to the community. The amount of months you were staff, trying to get higher. Goodluck in the future.
RIP staff team.

Around the 6th resignation in the last couple of months.

Since I became an Enforcer with you I've watched you grow and improve and totally deserved your moderation position. It's sad you have to resign, good luck in whatever you do.
I cant. I really am just flabbergasted. this really makes me upset sen as we had a lot of fun times together :( I'll miss you.
I'm very sad right now :( I had no occasion to know you well, but i'll always remember you like the guy with my dog's name :D I hope you will come back again next summer
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Wow, didn't expect it at all. You were a outstanding Moderator, kinda sad that you leave now. But school is important. A thing my parents always say: The more time you spend for school, means more free time when you're grown up. Good luck! I hope to see you teamspeak every now and then!
Another one bites the dust, sad to see you go Senlin.
I'll always remember the many brutal ways in which I used to execute you, it was fun. I hope that one day, we'll meet again, at the end of a barrel... ;)
Sad times, only spoke to you in situations, but you was a great moderator, good luck in the future!
Unfortunate to see another good mod go.
I spoke with you a couple of times and you seemed like a nice guy, very dedicated to the server and definately deserved the pormotion from Enforcer to Moderator.

Good luck with your life Senlin!
Aw well take care Senlin and your little Sister :). You did good overall as Moderator, you were a happy and nice person. Hope to see you around again sometime.
Thank you for your hard work Senlin. Best of luck to you in future.
Its sad to see this. You were one of the best person in this community. I hope you have a good life in the future! (Im never in the lists but i really dont need to be there ).
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