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  1. Hax

    What Music do You listen at right now?

    Running out of music, bump
  2. Hax

    Valentines problems

    Confess her, else I will bully you on the server. Seriously do it, there is nothing you can lose. You can win only. Either you win her heart: Or throw her out and won't waste any more thoughts on her
  3. Hax
  4. Hax

    CD's Not Just Radio Music or YouTube Music Not Just Radio Music

    You already can watch/listen to Youtube on your TV. Adding music mp3s on the server would be pain in the ass for everyone that has to download the content pack as they would have to download additional 1-xxx GB of music. The only way this could work would be a CD that contains a link to a...
  5. Hax

    Dropping items upon death

    @BlitZKrieG The easiest way to handle heavy items such as stoves, sofas, etc. would be a delivery to your home/storage. This would increase realism and cover up rule 3.9. Also the chance of picking up a heavy item would be lower. @Standish Government employees should not be able to loot bodies...
  6. Hax


  7. Hax

    Ich rasier dich junge

    Ich rasier dich junge
  8. Hax

    Hello drunkies

    The old dirty fatbag arrived, finally. Will see you on the server
  9. Hax

    Xquality's Dev Log

    New boots/pants: Gman suit
  10. Hax

    Money in Registers

    Deposit the money you made in your cash register won't break any rule, Obviously. The point is: As soon someone spotted a cash register, people will be camping at the bazaar all day long, waiting for you to go afk / distract you to steal your hard earned money (2.5 would hit in there). This...
  11. Hax

    Money in Registers

    2.5 Excessive Negativity- Generally speaking, players are not allowed to excessively negatively affect the experiences of other players while playing on the server. For example, destroying a number of valuable items in a store should only be done under certain circumstances, and more so as a...
  12. Hax

    Updating vehicles

    Ferrari 458 Spider: Spins out at higher speeds, low top speed compared to cheaper cars (Viper, Vantage etc). One of the front wheels has a strange texture bug when it gets lighten up
  13. Hax

    Remove bazzar music

    Stay at the bazzar for more than a hour (not afk), then come back on this topic again.
  14. Hax

    Remove bazzar music

    Topic: Remove bazzar music Short explanation (in notes): Remove it. Detailed description: Remove it before someone gets hurt. It's annoying and too loud to understand people. Also makes it impossible to listen to radio Optional additions:
  15. Hax

    2 cars are bugged for me

    Disable your TDM models/textures in the workshop
  16. Hax

    How To England

  17. Hax

    Heavy Police Vehicle (SUV)

    Just wait till TDM releases his new pack.
  18. Hax

    Updating vehicles

    Aston Martin Vantage V12: Loves to kiss the walls, spins out hard when you take a turn at higher speed
  19. Hax

    Forum Design Suggestion

    - Support, IMO those background pictures doesn't look professional at all. Also there is already a blue skin.
  20. Hax

    The-Devils-Son responding

    Mods these days..
  21. Hax

    Updating vehicles

    WIll this update contain handling only or also sounds (porsche 918/Carrera GT, etc) and updated models?
  22. Hax


    Such a "App" wouldn't make much sense unless you can sell cars or high-end/rare items (G36c, Sniper rifles) only. People wouldn't visit the bazzar at all anymore with this app, means less RP and realism IMO
  23. Hax

    Buying a car around the 2 million area :D

    Get the Diablo SV; no one has it yet
  24. Hax

    Ban request on Noah Kok

    + Support
  25. Hax


  26. Hax

    Post Your Own Car Thread

  27. Hax

    Daymon has problems
