Search results

  1. Hax

    Awesome Fast sports car over 750K?!?

    Morgan Aero SS 1.200.000$ 70-75 mph, has the best handling after the Veyron
  2. Hax

    A little game!

    Crashes his lambo all the time
  3. Hax

    Account Stealing < Scammer. If you got him, delete & report ASAP.
  4. Hax

    Heavy Police Vehicle (SUV)

    Instead of just adding a SUV, there should be a additional unit that will get a SUV. That unit has to patrol in the subs/forest (similiar to the speedenforcer),
  5. Hax


    Topic: Robbery Short explanation (in notes): - More realism - Brings more action for gov officials - More RP situations Detailed description (why should it become added/...): The amount of money you get for a bank robbery is way to low. You will spend more money on ammo than you actually...
  6. Hax

    A little game!

    Sucks at driving
  7. Hax

    Strangest thing to happen to you in game?

    When Leyer just spend 3,8 mil on his brand new car. He drove 100 meters - crashed and died. 10/10 Another strange thing, Tanges made it around the map once without ending up in a accident.
  8. Hax

    Refund Request

    Your in-game name: Robin Hax Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:7885996 Reason: First paintjob cost me 200k Evidence:!88ghCYxb!mq185Y...wd-U9sZQaw8ARQ Tick: 25000 Evidence 2:!N1o0yRAR!9hwbM9...iWG7l-Kf5I4Txo Tick: 24500
  9. Hax

    Alex_D: Resignation.

    By far the biggest loss for the community and admin team, It's really really sad and a big surprise at the same time that the owners didn't do anything in that case. (I assume you spoke to them before you decided to resign) You was one of a handful people that always had a minute when I needed a...
  10. Hax

    World Cup 2014 Winner?

  11. Hax

    Add morphine injection

    -Support - Unfair for new people when they get raided - WIll support highend orgs only Would destroy the whole balance and makes some people OP
  12. Hax

    Ban request

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Robin Hax His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Unkown His/Her SteamID: Reason: RDM Evidence:!gN0TERqC!DGb3jHJzaztQFK07jZwX3baVc4bJfyvan4JJxC6yxOQ Please check the logs, around 11:20 - 11:25 - RDM by carbomb
  13. Hax

    Stephen's dev log discussion

    Alright let's do this. Will the update contain only visually car customation? Can you lower or raise your vehicle? Is it possible to paint the interior? Will it be possible to change the fov in 3rd person view?
  14. Hax

    Xquality's Dev Log

    Can we request more than just stickers? For example: Hats, watches, cloth combinations, sunglasses etc.
  15. Hax

    To: Fredy ( Abuse of powers )

    I want to see the demo
  16. Hax

    About enforcers

    To be fair, that guy got a serious point here. Unfortunately some people tend to feel kinda special as soon they got a different color in their name.
  17. Hax

    Random Trailers

    Check out that guy's profile, lots of awesome trailers form mixed movies. Example:
  18. Hax

    Killing Floor Death (Sofia Vanish). I'm leaving perpheads

    Give me your stuff before leaving!
  19. Hax

    Seriusly leaving the server

    Give me your stuff before leaving!
  20. Hax

    add a few new cars

    There are way better cars & models around.
  21. Hax

    New limosine for the mayor

    The mayor limo has to be a huge, heavy armored vehicle to protect his life, not a customized hypercar.
  22. Hax

    Yet Again.. oh Luke. Why wont you admit your mistakes.

    By demoting Strangy and Cyrus, you lost your real super Administrators IMO. As I previously often said, something is quite going wrong on here. Some admins tend to make their own RP rules, doing things that have absolutely no logic compared to a a real-life situation. As others said aswell, it...
  23. Hax

    Player Owned Economy

    Any news about this?
  24. Hax

    Hmm this looks normal....

    Please enter a message with at least 10 characters
  25. Hax

    Player Resets

    Reseting cars & money? 100% disagree.
  26. Hax

    Sell cars to players

    What? Error: Please enter a message with at least 10 characters
  27. Hax

    Sell cars to players

    Title says it all. Add this awesome feature!
  28. Hax

    New Cars <3

    I would put the Mclaren, Corvette ZR-1 and the Lexus ( for Premium users. The Nissan, Tesla for normal users. Also maybe replace the TDM Mustang with this one .. The TDM...
  29. Hax


    Zombie event!
  30. Hax

    New cars

    Those cars are already in. Regardless there are a few cars that could be added: