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  1. Fexxe

    What Music do You listen at right now?

    Third Reich march collection #8
  2. Fexxe

    How fucked are you?

    I'm an evolved monster with a Slammer tank up my ass
  3. Fexxe

    Big cock thread - Post pictures of your big cocks here

    This is me riding a big cock (I know it's technically not a cock)
  4. Fexxe

    Server Events: 18/01/15 - Sunday 4:00PM GMT+0

    Not sure if I'll be able to join, but I hope you all have fun and let the best man / team win :)
  5. Fexxe

    A New Senior Administrator

    Congratulations man! YOU'VE EARNED IT!
  6. Fexxe

    Are this a break of any rule?

    The police is not allowed to hire private companies / organisations to help them during a raid. Herp edit
  7. Fexxe

    Good org name?

    Gotta love original organisation goals. Dirty Swingers
  8. Fexxe

    Pepper Spray

    In my opinion police should have all the nonlethal tools of incapacitating someone, to reduce the amount of times guns are drawn. I like this, and hope to see it tested out. And yes yadda yadda yadda we need rules about abuse, but to be honest abuse isn't a concern since police carry Guns after all.
  9. Fexxe

    Swat team and medic

    I'm pretty sure I was spectating this raid. From what I saw, the police negotiated with the men inside glass Co, but at some point the police and swat got ambushed from behind. This, in my opinion gives the police enough reason to believe the hostage takers called for backup resulting in a...
  10. Fexxe

    Applications for upcoming Action Series!

    Sign me up! I'm the guy with the deep mature voice, foreign accent Arnold Schwarzenegger style. I love making machinima, and have been making some of my own through the time.
  11. Fexxe

    SWAT Gets Boned

    Clear use of hax
  12. Fexxe

    Pear's goodbye

    Bye my sweet, sweet Pear. You are the one with the best voice. ps can I have your ingame money thanks
  13. Fexxe

    Ban Request - 3 swat members.

    //Closed at OPs request
  14. Fexxe

    MrLewis - Resignation Post.

    Lews :( Take care out there! ;) Still hope you'll drop by at some point in the future
  15. Fexxe

    Remove bazzar music

    I don't think its loud. But after playing on the map for a long time, I get somewhat mental from that constant beginning of the "song".
  16. Fexxe


  17. Fexxe


  18. Fexxe

    Santa Avatars

    I need a Christmas hat
  19. Fexxe

    Help us break PH

    Joining that sweet stress test
  20. Fexxe

    Building a gaming PC

    For great video advice, check out Linus:
  21. Fexxe

    Drivers License

    Take it to the next level. Say you automatically get a drivers license, same with the citizen ID (If that gets implemented), and you then break severe traffic laws. The police could then confiscate your license somehow for X amount of minutes (10-15-20 minutes and so on). But IF you then decide...
  22. Fexxe

    Daragh's Introduction

    Welcome to Perpheads Daraghs! Since you mentioned you watched some YouTube videos from Perpheads, here are my favorite ones from our server, because they include me ;)
  23. Fexxe

    Ole's Introduction

    Glad you have found the events awesome! I have seen you in-game and that's great, you're already making yourself known :) So, Wecome to Perpheads! Never hesitate to use the /help channel while on the server, if you have Any questions. Please report any rulebreakers with the /report function...
  24. Fexxe

    Garry mod problems.

    Moved from the introduction / goodbye section.
  25. Fexxe

    Equalizer's Introduction!

    Welcome to the community Equalizers :) Hope you will find servers content amazing, just like so many of us have! If you're having questions in-game, don't hesitate to use the /help channel. Once again, welcome!
  26. Fexxe

    The-Devils-Son responding

    Devil has been send to the planet Uranus for doing this. He will be missed..or maybe he'll miss Uranus
  27. Fexxe

    Hello! Community of PerpHeads!

    Welcome to Perpheads! I hope that you will find the server awesome, and get hooked like so many of us have ;) It's great to hear that you've heard positive things about Perpheads, and we on the staff team will help as much as we can to live up to that reputation! Never hesitate to ask questions...
  28. Fexxe

    K13 - Bring back fuel hoses from old PERP. (idea 44/155+)

    Gameplay wise I don't see why this shouldn't be added. +Support I do not know if having a fuel hose for each pump will affect the server lag, and thereby making this an undesired implementation.
  29. Fexxe

    Garbage Picker

    I actually like this idea. And again, everything need to be fine tuned but if it was done properly it could actually be a job that I personally wouldn't mind doing. Garbage could also auto-spawn, so the job always had stuff to do, but even more to do when people were growing / crafting as...
  30. Fexxe

    Being Able to Rob Jewelry Stores

    I wouldn't mind more places to rob, that would yield less money than the bank. It's always good to have more assignments for the police and SWAT. But still, I think we are in need of more legal activities that yield money, like some people have suggested mining or other recourse gathering.