How fucked are you?

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Here's a little game for you all. Take the last two games you've played, and combine them. This will be your weapons and such when a zombie (ebola, banter) apocalypse breaks out. How fucked will you be?
My last two games are Garry's Mod and Rust so I guess I'll smack them naked with a rock and a physgun
Vindictus and Garry's Mod.. Great.
I wield the powers of noclip, building anything I want, a physgun, medieval armor and weapons, and some funky ass powers.
Honestly, I do not see how I would not survive.
My last 2 games was civ beyond earth and tf2 So i get either Big Robots with grenade launchers And Miniguns and such or i get massive aliens with grenade launchers and miniguns or i can have many tanks with grenade launchers and miniguns
CSGO, and Arma2 OA...
I suck at both of them, sounds like a fun 27 seconds, before it crashes of course...

(Arma2 crashes a lot for me...)
CS:GO and The Sims 4... I just found a glitch* there so I really wont mind naked girls with bombs. I know I'm a sick person... made a playboy mansion...
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War Thunder so I can use my bomber with the massive 4000lb bomb and Garrys mod because I made a massive battleship or just break out gbombs.
World of Warcraft and CS:GO, Riding my War elephant with an AK-47 while casting fireballs and teleporting.
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Best combo ever:
Bad Ratz (ujelcuzucantafford) and Gmod.
No, dont buy bad ratz. Seriously
Well my last 2 games: Leauge of Legends and CS:GO. I guess I throw decoys on them and wait for the cooldown reduction.
CSGO And the binding of isaac rebirth , i guess ill cry on them and shoot them with a negev...
Napoleon total war and Company of Heroes 2. I guess I'll ride my horsey into them then swap it for a King Tiger because king tigers are koooool.....